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Scope and Sequence
Volume 1
preliminar 1
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
capítulo 1
¿Cómo te
llamas? 6
La identidad personal
• exchange addresses,
1. Greetings 8
2. Exchanging
1. Identifying people and
Opener Spanish around the world 7
A ver ■ Estrategia Viewing a
segment several times 16
A leer ■ Estrategia Identifying
cognates to aid comprehension 34
Lectura ¡Tu dirección electrónica
revela tu personalidad! 35
A escribir ■ Estrategia
Prewriting—Identifying your
target audience 36
Composición An e-mail
message 37
Repaso y preparación 40
Introducción a los
países de habla
Gustos y preferencias
Hispanos en Estados
¿Qué clases vas
a tomar? 82
¡Vivir es aprender!
Cuba, Puerto Rico y la
República Dominicana
phone numbers, and
e-mail addresses
introduce yourself and
others, greet, and say
make a phone call
tell your and others’
address friends
informally and
acquaintances politely
write a personal letter
• express likes and
capítulo 3
compare yourself to
other people and
describe personality
ask and answer
talk about leisure-time
indicate nationality
• talk about courses
and schedules and tell
• talk about present
activities and future
• talk about possessions
• ask and answer
information (phone
numbers and
addresses) 10
3. Introductions and
saying good-bye 13
objects: Nouns and
articles 18
2. Identifying and describing:
Subject pronouns and the
present indicative of the
verb ser 22
3. Expressing quantity:
Hay + nouns 25
4. Expressing possession,
obligation, and age:
Tener, tener que,
tener + años 28
1. Activities 44
2. Physical traits 48
3. Personality traits 50
1. Describing what you do
or are doing: The present
indicative of regular -ar
verbs 54
2. Saying what you and
others like to do: Gustar
+ infinitive 58
3. Describing yourself
and others: Adjective
agreement 62
1. Fields of study
and days of the
week 84–85
2. Telling time and
times of day 88–89
3. Talking about
dates 90
1. Asking questions:
Interrogative words 94
2. Talking about daily
activities: The present
indicative of regular -er
and -ir verbs 98
3. Talking about
possessions: Simple
possessive adjectives 102
4. Indicating destination
and future plans:
The verb ir 106
Scope and Sequence
• objects in the classroom
• classroom commands
¿Qué te gusta
hacer? 42
• the textbook
• numbers 0–100
capítulo 2
• the alphabet
• people
¡Fíjate! Cell phones 12
Voces de la comunidad 17
Voces del mundo hispano video
Spanish speakers in North America
¡Explora y exprésate! 30
• a brief history of the Spanish language
• some statistics about Spanish speakers
• a few comparisons between Spanish
and English
• Spanish in the professional world
Opener U.S. states with the highest
number of Spanish speakers 43
¡Fíjate! “Spanglish”: a mixture of two
languages 47
Voces de la comunidad 53
Voces del mundo hispano video
Isabel Valdés, executive and author
¡Explora y exprésate! 68
• bilingual culture in the U.S. and Canada
• some statistics about Hispanics in the U.S.
• Hispanic groups in the U.S.: A brief
overview of their history and culture
Opener Comparative facts about Cuba,
Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic 83
¡Fíjate! The 24-hour clock 87
Voces de la comunidad 93
Voces del mundo hispano video
Sonia Sotomayor, U.S. Supreme Court judge
¡Explora y exprésate! 108
• facts about Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the
Dominican Republic
• Cuba: education for all
• Puerto Rico: the bilingual education of the
• República Dominicana: the oldest
university in the New World
A ver ■ Estrategia Using questions
as an advance organizer 52
A leer ■ Estrategia Looking up
Spanish words in a bilingual
dictionary 72
Lectura ¿Cómo soy yo? 73
A escribir ■ Estrategia
Prewriting—Looking up English
words in a bilingual dictionary 76
Composición An art review 77
Repaso y preparación 80
A ver ■ Estrategia Using body
language to aid in comprehension 92
A leer ■ Estrategia Using visuals
to aid in comprehension 112
Lectura Tres escuelas interesantes
del Caribe 113
A escribir ■ Estrategia
ideas 115
Composición A descriptive diary
entry 115
Repaso y preparación 118
Scope and Sequence
capítulo 4
¿Te interesa la
tecnología? 120
Conexiones virtuales y
• talk about computers
1. Technology,
1. Expressing likes and
Opener Comparative facts about
Spain 121
2. Emotions, electronics
A ver ■ Estrategia Watching
without sound 132
A leer ■ Estrategia Using format
clues to aid comprehension 152
Lectura Sólo con invitación 153
A escribir ■ Estrategia
Prewriting—Narrowing your topic
Composición An online message
Repaso y preparación 158
and technology
identify colors
talk about likes and
describe people,
emotions, and
talk about current
say how something is
computers, and colors
3. On the Internet 128
dislikes: Gustar with
nouns and other verbs
like gustar 134
2. Describing yourself and
others and expressing
conditions and locations:
The verb estar and the
uses of ser and estar 138
3. Talking about everyday
events: Stem-changing
verbs in the present
indicative 143
4. Describing how
something is done:
Adverbs 148
Relaciones familiares
capítulo 5
El Salvador y
¿Qué tal la
familia? 160
• talk about and
describe your family
• talk about professions
• describe daily routines
• indicate ongoing
1. The family 162
2. Professions and
careers 164
3. Personal care
items 168
1. Describing daily activities:
Irregular-yo verbs in the
present indicative, saber
vs. conocer, and the
personal a 172
2. Describing daily activities:
Reflexive verbs 176
3. Describing actions in
progress: The present
progressive tense 180
¡Fíjate! Internet language 125
Voces de la comunidad 133
Voces del mundo hispano video
Thaddeus Arroyo, chief information officer
¡Explora y exprésate! 150
• facts about Spain
• the Spanish empire
• the great artists and writers of Spain
• the Arabic influence on Spanish
• Buika, a Spanish singer who blends many
musical styles
Opener Comparative facts about
Honduras and El Salvador 161
¡Fíjate! Professions with a global
impact 167
Voces de la comunidad 171
Voces del mundo hispano video
Gloria G. Rodríguez, author and founder
of Avance
¡Explora y exprésate! 184
• facts about Honduras and El Salvador
• ethnic diversity in Honduras and El
• a unique course of study in Honduras
• a financial cooperative in El Salvador
A ver ■ Estrategia Listening for
the main idea 170
A leer ■ Estrategia Skimming for
the main idea 188
Lectura La cultura garífuna 189
A escribir ■ Estrategia Writing—
Creating a topic sentence 191
Composición A description of a
profession 191
Repaso y preparación 194
Volume 2
preliminar 2
Mi identidad
• identity: personal information, greetings,
• hay with nouns
• nouns, articles, and adjectives
• the present indicative tense of regular, irregular,
• un podcast de una estudiante
Scope and Sequence
introductions, phone calls
likes and dislikes: interests, activities, personal and
physical descriptions
studies: classes, schedules, time and dates
technology: hardware, software, Internet,
electronics, emotions
family: family members, professions, daily routines,
personal care items
stem-changing and irregular-yo verbs
• gustar and verbs like gustar
• interrogative words
• simple possessive adjectives
• ser vs. estar
• adverbs
• reflexive verbs
• the present progressive
Scope and Sequence
capítulo 6
¿Adónde vas? 196
Comunidades locales
• talk about places
1. Places in the university
1. Indicating location:
Opener Comparative facts about
Mexico 197
2. Means of
2. Telling others what to do:
A ver ■ Estrategia Watching facial
expressions 204
A leer ■ Estrategia Working with
unknown grammatical
structures 222
Lectura Los jóvenes mexicanos se
divierten 223
A escribir ■ Estrategia Writing—
Adding supporting detail 225
Composición A description of a
place of personal significance 225
Repaso y preparación 228
capítulo 7
¿Qué pasatiempos
prefieres? 230
Tiempo personal
Costa Rica y Panamá
in town and the
talk about means of
transportation and
food shopping
talk about locations
and give directions
make polite requests
and commands
refer to locations of
• talk about sports and
leisure activities
talk about seasons and
the weather
say how you feel using
tener expressions
describe your recent
leisure activities
suggest activities and
plans to friends
and around town
transportation 201
3. Shopping 202
Prepositions of
location 206
Commands with usted
and ustedes 208
3. Affirming and negating:
Affirmative and negative
expressions 214
4. Indicating relative position
of objects: Demonstrative
adjectives and pronouns
1. Sports and leisure
1. Talking about what you
2. Tener expressions 236
3. Weather 238
2. Talking about what you
activities, seasons
did: The preterite tense of
regular verbs 242
did: The preterite tense of
some common irregular
verbs 245
3. Referring to something
already mentioned: Direct
object pronouns 248
4. Telling friends what to do:
Tú command forms 253
capítulo 8
¿Cómo defines tu
estilo? 268
Estilo personal
Ecuador y Perú
• talk about clothing and
Scope and Sequence
shop for various
articles of clothing
discuss prices
describe recent
purchases and
shopping trips
talk about buying
items and doing favors
for friends
make comparisons
1. Articles of clothing,
fabrics, accessories
2. Clothes shopping 274
3. Means of payment,
numbers over 100 276
1. Talking about what you
did: The preterite tense of
more irregular verbs 280
2. Talking about what you
did: The preterite tense
of -ir stem-changing
verbs 283
3. Saying who is affected or
involved: Indirect object
pronouns 285
4. Making comparisons:
Comparatives and
superlatives 289
¡Fíjate! Regional variations of Spanish
around the world 200
Voces de la comunidad 205
Voces del mundo hispano video
Joe Reyna, founder and executive director
of Viva! Hispanic supermarkets
¡Explora y exprésate! 220
• facts about Mexico
• ancient civilizations and indigenous
populations of Mexico
• the Spanish conquest and the Mexican
• el tianguis, a special kind of open-air market
Opener Comparative facts about Costa
Rica and Panamá 231
¡Fíjate! Weather on both sides of the
Equator 239
Voces de la comunidad 241
Voces del mundo hispano video
Brenda Villa, water poloist
¡Explora y exprésate! 256
• facts about Costa Rica and Panamá
• ethnic diversity in Costa Rica and Panamá
• a special boat race from the Atlantic to the
• Ecotourism in Costa Rica
Opener Comparative facts about Perú
and Ecuador 269
¡Fíjate! The ancestral tradition of weaving
in the Andes 273
Voces de la comunidad 279
Voces del mundo hispano video
Nina García, fashion designer
¡Explora y exprésate! 294
• facts about Ecuador and Perú
• ancient civilizations in Perú and Ecuador
and their present-day descendants
• organic cotton from Perú
• a colorful fair that sells traditional clothing
in Ecuador
A ver ■ Estrategia Listening for
details 240
A leer ■ Estrategia Scanning for
detail 260
Lectura Costa Rica: Aventuras en
los rápidos 261
A escribir ■ Estrategia Writing—
Freewriting 263
Composición An article for the
school newspaper 263
Repaso y preparación 266
A ver ■ Estrategia Using
background knowledge to
anticipate content 278
A leer ■ Estrategia Using
background knowledge to
anticipate content 298
Lectura El jean impone su
encanto 299
A escribir ■ Estrategia Revising—
Editing your freewriting 301
Composición A description of
the things in your closet 301
Repaso y preparación 304
Scope and Sequence
capítulo 9
• talk about food and
1. Restaurants and
1. Talking about what you
Opener Comparative facts about Bolivia
and Paraguay 307
2. Recipes and food
A ver ■ Estrategia Using visuals to
aid comprehension 316
A leer ■ Estrategia Setting a time
limit 336
Lectura Botijlaca: El pueblo se
abre al turismo gracias a la
trucha 337
A escribir ■ Estrategia Writing—
Writing a paragraph 340
Composición A personal
anecdote 341
Repaso y preparación 344
Bolivia y Paraguay
¿Qué te apetece?
shop for food
order in a restaurant
talk about what you
used to eat and cook
say what you do for
menus 308–309
preparation 312
3. Setting the table 314
used to do: The imperfect
tense 318
2. Talking about the past:
Choosing between
the preterite and the
imperfect tenses 321
3. Avoiding repetition:
Double object
pronouns 325
4. Indicating for whom
actions are done and
what is done routinely:
The uses of se 329
• talk about your
Los sitios
capítulo 10
Guatemala y
¿Dónde vives? 346
describe homes and
their furnishings
talk about household
indicate numerical
express possession
talk about the duration
of past and present
say what people want
others to do
1. Parts of the city,
the house, ordinal
numbers 348
2. Household tasks,
furniture, and
decorations 350–352
3. Household
appliances 354
1. Emphasizing ownership:
Stressed possessives 358
2. Expressing ongoing
events and duration of
time: Hace / Hacía with
time expressions 360
3. Expressing yourself
correctly: Choosing
between por and
para 363
¡Fíjate! The metric system 311
Voces de la comunidad 317
Voces del mundo hispano video
Aarón Sánchez, specialist in Pan-Latin
¡Explora y exprésate! 332
• facts about Bolivia and Paraguay
• quinua, a special food from Bolivia
• tereré, a social tea tradition from Paraguay
• some ancient and modern sites in Bolivia
and Paraguay
Opener Comparative facts about
Guatemala and Nicaragua 347
¡Fíjate! Proverbs from the
Spanish-speaking world 355
Voces de la comunidad 357
Voces del mundo hispano video
César and Rafael Pelli, architects
¡Explora y exprésate! 366
• facts about Guatemala and Nicaragua
• Ethnic diversity in Guatemala and
• Some ancient and modern sites in
Guatemala and Nicaragua
• A unique recycling program in Guatemala
• Alter Eco: “green” furniture and
decorations for your home
A ver ■ Estrategia Listening to
tone of voice 356
A leer ■ Estrategia Understanding
poetry 370
Lectura Poems by Nicaraguan
poets José Coronel Urtecho and
Rubén Darío 371
A escribir ■ Estrategia Writing—
Adding transitions between
paragraphs 372
Composición Description of a
favorite place 373
Repaso y preparación 376
Reference Materials
Appendix A: KWL Chart
Appendix B: Repaso y preparación Answer Keys
Appendix C: Spanish Verbs
Appendix D: Maps
Appendix E: Grammar Review
Spanish-English Glossary
English-Spanish Glossary
Scope and Sequence
Scope and Sequence