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Career Technical Education
Computer Applications and Graphics
The Computer Applications and Graphics programs prepare students for entry-level jobs
in graphics and Web design occupations as well as entry-level office and marketing support
Students learn through a series of guided lessons and then display their skills in unique
projects at the end of their courses. This builds the important portfolios needed for job
hunting in graphic and Web positions.
This series of programs prepares students who are creative and want jobs that demand design
skills as well as students who wish to become skilled office workers.
All students learn to use the basic Microsoft Office features appropriate for their programs.
During their time at VACE, they also learn or improve keyboarding skills.
Graphics students learn the Adobe suite of products that are important to their fields of
study as well as HTML and CSS programming skills.
Ventura Adult and Continuing Education
5200 Valentine Road • Ventura, California 93003 • (805) 289-1744 • TDD (805) 676-7365
39 Career Technical EducationComputer Applications and Graphics Programs
CBEDS Code 4198 Other Marketing, Sales and Services
Computerized Marketing Support Technician
• Business English
• Computer Operating System Fundamentals
• Computer Database 1
• Computer Spreadsheet/Graphics 1
• Computer Spreadsheet/Graphics 2
• Desktop Publishing Applications
• HTML/XHTML/CSS Fundamentals
• Internet Fundamentals
• Keyboarding 1
• Marketing/Sales Project Design
• Presentation Graphics
• Word Processing 1
• Word Processing 2
Financial Aid Available
to those who qualify
26 weeks (910 hours)
Course Information:
Marketing efforts drive every business. Learn to
support the marketing staff by creating spreadsheets for
tracking statistical and other data, preparing flyers and
literature for marketing products, creating databases for
keeping customer and product information, creating
mass mailings to clients, and preparing electronic sales
presentations. Become familiar with basic Web design
and desktop publishing functions.
Employment Opportunities:
Customer Service Support
Marketing Assistant
Office Assistant
Sales Assistant
Sales Coordinator
Sales Support
Optional Course Enhancements:
• Communications Skills
• Web Page Design Fundamentals
Software: Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access,
Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet Explorer,
InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
For Gainful Employment Disclosure Information, visit:
CBEDS Code 4614 Word Processing Occupations
Computerized Office Professional
• Computer Applications Projects 1
• Computer Database 1
• Computer Operating System Fundamentals
• Computer Spreadsheet/Graphics 1
• Computer Spreadsheet/Graphics 2
• Internet Fundamentals
• Keyboarding 1
• Presentation Graphics
• Word Processing 1
• Word Processing 2
Optional Course Enhancements:
• Business English
Software: Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and
Microsoft PowerPoint
16 weeks (560 hours)
Course Information:
Learn to use the versatile functions in Microsoft
Office. Use Microsoft Word creating documents,
designing brochures, newsletters, and forms. Prepare
mass mailings using the Mail Merge feature. Create
spreadsheets and charts for tracking and presenting
numeric data with Microsoft Excel. Design slide shows
for business presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint
software. Become familiar with the Microsoft Access
database features for managing data.
Employment Opportunities:
Clerical Assistant
Office Assistant
Ventura Adult and Continuing Education
5200 Valentine Road • Ventura, California 93003 • (805) 289-1744 • TDD (805) 676-7365
Career Technical EducationComputer Applications and Graphics Programs
CBEDS Code 5757 Desktop Publishing
Graphic Design-Fast Track
16 weeks (560 hours)
Course Information:
• Windows
• Keyboarding
• Word processing familiarity
Experienced computer users and graphic artists will
discover how to create well-designed layouts using
dynamic graphics and informative text. Learn the
Adobe Creative Suite software, including Illustrator,
InDesign, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver as well as
HTML and CSS coding. The course emphasizes
the use of good design as well as using computers.
Students are encouraged to prepare individual projects
that can be used in portfolios.
• Desktop Publishing 1
• Desktop Publishing 2
• Office Graphics 1
• Web Page Design 1
• Web Project Applications Fundamentals
Employment Opportunities:
Optional Course Enhancements:
Graphic Artist
Graphic/Web Designer
Web Designer
Graphics Intern
Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Assistantr
• Business English
• Computer Spreadsheet/Graphics 1 and 2
• Presentation Graphics
• Word Processing 1 and 2
Software: Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop,
CBEDS Code 5712 Internet Publishing
Graphics Designer for Web
20 weeks (700 hours)
Financial Aid Available
to those who qualify
• Computer Operating System Fundamentals
• Desktop Publishing 2
• Elements of Design
• Internet Fundamentals
• Keyboarding 1
• Office Graphics 1
• Presentation Graphics Fundamentals
• Web Page Design 1
• Web Project Applications Fundamentals
• Word Processing 1
Optional Course Enhancements:
• Business English
• Computer Spreadsheet/Graphics
• Flash Fundamentals
• Desktop Publishing 1
Software: Illustrator, Internet Explorer, Microsoft
Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft
PowerPoint, Dreamweaver, Photoshop
Course Information:
Discover how the features of Adobe Creative Suite
Illustrator and Photoshop help students design
graphics for web pages. Students will use a variety of
web editors, including basic HTML coding, CSS, and
Dreamweaver, and learn to optimize graphics for the
web and to create simple animations that brighten
websites and make them visually interesting. Students
will also become familiar with Microsoft Word and
Employment Opportunities:
Graphic Designer
Graphic Artist
Web Designer
For Gainful Employment Disclosure Information, visit:
Ventura Adult and Continuing Education
5200 Valentine Road • Ventura, California 93003 • (805) 289-1744 • TDD (805) 676-7365
41 Career Technical EducationComputer Applications and Graphics Programs
CBEDS Code 4614 Word Processing Occupations
Microsoft Office Basics
• Computer Database Fundamentals
• Computer Operating System Fundamentals
• Computer Spreadsheet/Graphics 1
• Keyboarding 1
• Presentation Graphics
• Word Processing 1
Optional Course Enhancements:
• Computer Applications 1
• Computer Spreadsheet/Graphics 2
• Internet Basics
• Word Processing 2
Software: Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and
Microsoft Access
Employment Opportunities:
Office Clerk
Office Assistant
10 weeks (350 hours)
Course Information:
The Microsoft Office Basics program trains students
to use the basic functions in the Microsoft Office
Suite. This course is popular with workers who need
to develop computer literacy for entry-level office jobs
and experienced workers who need to upgrade their
computer expertise. It is important to note that the
Microsoft Office Basics program is the foundation for
many of VACE’s CTE programs.
Students learn to use Microsoft Word for word processing
to type documents and reports, prepare mass mailings
using mail merge, and perform functions common to most
offices. They learn to create spreadsheets and charts for
tracking and presenting numeric data with Microsoft
Excel. Students design simple slide shows for business
presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint software.
Learners will become familiar with the basic Microsoft
Access database features for managing data. They also
learn or improve keyboarding skills.
CBEDS Code 5757 Desktop Publishing
Web Business Graphics/Desktop Publishing
Financial Aid Available
30 weeks (1050 hours)
Course Information:
to those who qualify
• Business English
• Computer Operating System Fundamentals
• Computer Spreadsheet/Graphics 1
• Desktop Publishing 1
• Desktop Publishing 2
• Elements of Design
• Internet Fundamentals
• Keyboarding 1
• Office Graphics 1
• Presentation Graphics
• Print Production Concepts/Print Portfolio
• Web Page Design 1
• Web Project Applications
• Word Processing 1
Optional Course Enhancements:
• E-Commerce Fundamentals
• WordPress Fundamentals
• Word Processing 2
Software: Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, Microsoft
Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint,
Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Dreamweaver
Become proficient in the software and skills required
for entry-level positions in the Web design and graphic
fields. Create well-designed layouts using dynamic
graphics and informative text. The course emphasizes
the use of good design elements and accuracy in
grammar and spelling as well as using computers.
Create individual projects to build portfolios. Students
will learn Adobe Creative Suite software, including
Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, and Dreamweaver
software applications.
Employment Opportunities:
Graphic Designer
Graphic Artist
Desktop Publisher
Graphic Designer/Production
Web Designer
For Gainful Employment Disclosure Information, visit:
Ventura Adult and Continuing Education
5200 Valentine Road • Ventura, California 93003 • (805) 289-1744 • TDD (805) 676-7365