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Social Studies Assignment Sheet:
World War I: 1914-1919
HW #21-1 Read pp. 706-711 The Road to War
Key IDs: • propaganda • blockade • u-boat • Lusitania • Zimmermann Telegram • tsar
1. How did President Woodrow Wilson initially react to the war in Europe?
2. How did American citizens initially react to the war in Europe? Whom did they support?
3. How did the British naval blockade of Germany affect American trade?
4. How did Germany’s strategy of submarine warfare affect U.S. attitudes about entering the war?
5. Why did the Zimmermann Telegram anger Americans and make them want to enter the war?
6. Describe the revolution in Russia in early 1917 (NOT the Russian Revolution in late 1917. –
Yes, there were two Russian Revolutions that year!)
7. How did the Russian Revolution in early 1917 draw America closer to joining the Allied Powers?
HW #21-2
Read pp. 712-715 Supporting the War Effort
Key IDs: • mobilize • Selective Service Act • W.E.B. DuBois • Harlem Hell Fighters
1. How did the selective service act help mobilize the United States for war?
2. In what ways did women contribute to the war effort?
3. How did segregated, black soldiers contribute to the war effort?
4. In what ways did the war industries board exercise great power during the war?
5. Do you support the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 or do you support the
rights of Eugene V. Debbs who was jailed for urging workers not to support the war effort?
Explain your reasoning. Was the U.S. justified in passing these laws? Were they constitutional?
6. How did prejudice affect German Americans during World War I?
HW #21-3
Read pp. 718-722 Americans at War
Key IDs: • Vladimir I. Lenin • Bolsheviks • communism • Karl Marx • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
• German “Peace Offensive” • armistice • “Fourteen Points” • abdicate • epidemic
1. Why did Woodrow Wilson want US troops to fight in separate units under American command?
2. Why did Russia drop out of the war?
3. Why was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk a setback for the Allies during World War I?
4. How did American troops help the Allies win the war?
5. Why do you think that France and Britain wanted such a harsh armistice even though Woodrow
Wilson did not?
6. How did World War I end? When did World War I end?
7. How destructive and deadly was World War I?
HW #21-4
Read pp. 723-727 Shaping the Peace
Key IDs: • Fourteen Points • self-determination • Big Four • “Peace without victory.”
• Treaty of Versailles • reparations • League of Nations
1. Explain three major concepts of Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace.
2. Why did the European members of the “Big Four” object to Wilson’s ideas? Were they
justified? Explain your reasoning.
3. Explain three ways in which the Treaty of Versailles punished Germany. What was Germany’s
reaction to this treaty?
4. Why did the United States Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles?
5. Do you agree with the decision of the United States Senate? Why or why not?
6. How did the death toll from flu epidemic of 1918 to 1919 compare to the death toll of WW I?
7. Why did Americans fear a Communist revolution immediately after World War I? Had there
been a communist revolution anywhere else in the world to support their fears?
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