Download Introduction to Sociology APPLYING THEORY Directions: Answer all

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Introduction to Sociology
Directions: Answer all questions on the front side of your Scan Tron.
Questions 1-30 are worth 3 points each
Questions 31-36 are worth 1.66 points each
Match the definition of the Theoretical Approach:
a) A framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work
together to promote solidarity and stability
b) A framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates
conflict and change
A framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions
of individuals
1. Social-Conflict Approach
2. Structural-Functional Approach
3. Symbolic- Interaction Approach
Match the core questions to the appropriate Theoretical Approach:
a) How is society held together; What are the major parts of society; How are these parts
linked; What does each part do to help society work?
b) How do people experience society; What are the major parts of society; How is society held
c) How do people experience society; How do people shape the reality they experience; How
do behavior and meaning change from person to person and from one situation to another?
d) How does society divide a population; How do advantaged people protect their privileges;
How do disadvantaged people challenge the system seeking change?
4. Social-Conflict Approach
5. Symbolic-Interaction Approach
6. Structural –Functional Approach
Match the level of analysis to the appropriate Theoretical Approach: (Use one of the answers twice)
a) Macro-level
b) Micro-level
7. Social-Conflict Approach
8. Symbolic –Interaction Approach
9. Structural – Functional Approach
Match the Image of society to the appropriate Theoretical Approach:
a) Society is a system of social inequalities based on class (Marx), gender (feminism and genderconflict approach), and race (race-conflict approach). Social inequality causes conflict that leads
to social change. Society operates to benefit some categories of people and harm others.
b) Society is a system of interrelated parts that is relatively stable. Each part works to keep society
in an orderly way. Members generally agree about what is morally right and morally wrong.
c) Society is an ongoing process. People interact in countless settings using symbolic
communications. The reality people experience is variable and changing.
10. Structural-Functional Approach
11. Symbolic-Interaction Approach
12. Social-Conflict Approach
Match each question to the appropriate Research Orientations in Society: What is Reality
a) Society is an orderly system; There s an objective reality “out there”
b) Society is pattern of inequality; Reality is that some categories of people dominate others
c) Society is ongoing interaction; People construct reality as they attach meanings to their
13. Critical Sociology
14. Interpretive Sociology
15. Positivist Sociology
Match the appropriate Corresponding Theoretical Approach to the Research Orientation in Sociology:
a) Positivist Sociology
b) Critical Sociology
c) Interpretive Sociology
16. Social-Conflict Approach
17. Symbolic-Interaction Approach
18. Structural-Functional Approach
Match the questions to the appropriate Theoretical Approach:
a) Culture is a system of behavior by which members of societies cooperate to meet their
b) Culture is a system of behavior that is partly shaped by human biology
c) Culture is a system that benefits some people and disadvantages others.
19. According to the Sociolobiology Approach, culture is defined as___________.
20. According to Structural-Functional Approach, culture is defined as ________.
21. According to Social-Conflict Approach culture is defined as ______.
Match what each Theoretical Approach says about Deviance:
a) Deviance is political; People with little power are at high risk of being labeled deviant.
b) Deviance is universal; It exists in all societies.
c) Deviance is variable; Any act of person may or may not be labeled deviant.
22. Social- Conflict Approach
23. Symbolic- Interaction Approach
24. Structural-Functional Approach
Match the Appropriate definition of Deviance to the correct Theoretical Approach:
a) Deviance is a basic part of social organization; by defining deviance society sets its moral
b) Deviance results for social inequalities; Norms including laws reflect the interest of
powerful members of society.
c) Deviance is a part of socially constructed reality that emerges in interaction; deviance
becomes into being as individuals label something deviant.
25. Symbolic-Interaction Approach
26. Structural-Functional Approach
27. Social-Conflict Approach
Match the Appropriate definition of Social Stratification to the correct Theoretical Approach:
a) Stratification is a system of unequal rewards that benefits society as a whole.
b) Stratification is a division of society’s resources that benefits some and harm’s others.
c) Stratification is a factor that guides people’s interactions in everyday life.
28. Symbolic-Interaction Approach
29. Structural-Functional Approach
30. Social-Conflict Approach
Answer the following questions below concerning Research Methods: Chapter 1
31. American Sociological Association has established formal guidelines for conduction research
which states:
a) Sociologists must be skillful and fair-minded in their work; Disclose all research findings
b) Must include all sources of financial support; must have an institutional review board
c) Make results available to other sociologists; Get informed consent
d )Ensure that subjects are not harmed
e) all of the above
32. What does the acronym IRB stand for
a) Institutional reading board
b) Institutional Review Board
c) Institutional Regulatory Board
d) Initial Review Board
33. Testing a Hypothesis: The Experiment, Asking Questions: Survey Research, In the Field:
Participant Observation, and Using Available Data: Existing sources are all Research Methods.
a) True
b) False
34. Out of the four choices listed below which one is not a methods of sociological investigation
a) Experiments
b) Surveys
c) Participant observation
d)Existing sources
e) Data Collecting
35. A research method in which subjects respond to a series of statements or questions in a
questionnaire or an interview is:
a) Survey
b) Experiment
c) Participant observation
d) None of the above
36. A statement of how two or more variables are related and or An educated guess about how
variables are linked – usually an if-then statement is :
a) Survey
b) Experiment
c) Participant observation
d) None of the above
e) hypothesis