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from the Ancient Greek
syn = together
taxis = arrangement
Saltpeter N Fungus
guidelines and advice for Writing 105m | M. Sorapure
Syntax is the study of how words are arranged in a sentence. One of
the major components of grammar, syntax focuses on the construction and arrangement of clauses, phrases, and sentences.
Focusing your attention on syntax or sentence structure can help improve your writing
in two ways:
draw attention to key ideas: the very structure of a sentence can indicate your
main point and your subordinate points.
achieve a pleasing style: varied syntax is easier and more enjoyable to read.
strategies for effective syntax
A coordinate structure gives equal weight to two or more
ideas in a sentence. Note that a semi-colon is an excellent piece of punctuation to use in expressing coordinate
or equally important ideas. A semi-colon allows you to
place two independent clauses in a single sentence. In
fact, any time you use a semi-colon you should be sure
that you have an indiependent clause on both sides.
Emphasize the key point of a sentence by expressing it
as the subject and verb of an independent clause; these
words receive the most attention from readers.
I am a huge fan of Lance Armstrong; he courageously battled cancer and he supports
cancer research.
Lance Armstrong courageously battled cancer and he supports cancer research; I am a
huge fan.
Lance Armstrong courageously battled cancer and supports cancer research, making me
a huge fan of his.
If two or more ideas are parallel, you can express them
in parallel grammatical form in order to draw attention to
their similarity. Use the same form throughout the parallel structure (e.g., nouns with nouns, verbs with verbs,
phrases with phrases).
Lance Armstrong courageously battled cancer, supports cancer research, and won seven
Tours de France.
colons, dashes, & parentheses
These less common punctuation marks can help you
construct complex, syntactically interesting sentences in
which you coordinate and subordinate ideas. In brief,
• a colon introduces a list
• a pair of dashes sets off parenthetical material that
deserves emphasis
• parentheses enclose supplemental, less important
I admire Lance Armstrong for these reasons:
he courageously battled cancer, supports cancer research, and won seven Tours de France
(along with a third place finish in 2009).
Lance Armstrong--besides being an excellent
athlete--has many admirable qualities.