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Name: __________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Snurfle Meiosis
Go to Google Classroom and look for the “Snurfle – Meiosis” Assignment.
Click on the link for the website
Click on the “Meiosis Activity”
Go through the activity and follow the directions as you answer the questions below.
1. When does Interphase occur?
a. What occurs during Interphase?
2. Uncoiled stringy DNA is called _____________________________ .
3. Human cells have pieces __________________ of chromatin (chromosomes).
4. Half of your DNA comes from your _____________ and half from your _____________.
5. DNA has _____________________ that determines traits of an organism.
6. Different forms of a gene are called __________________________________.
7. What are the 2 alleles for fur color in Snurfles and which letters represent those alleles?
____________ = _________________
____________ = _________________
8. ___________________________ is the term for when DNA makes a copy of itself.
a. This occurs during ________________________________.
Draw DNA before and after Replication (choose 2 alleles ex. Bb). USE COLOR WITH PURPOSE!!
(one color per chromosome)
9. Why do cells need to undergo Meiosis?
10. _____________________ are made during Meiosis.
a. Examples of gametes are ___________________ and __________________.
11. Meiosis occurs in divisions, Meiosis _________ and Meiosis ___________.
a. List the steps of Meiosis 1
b. List the steps of Meiosis 2
12. During prophase I the chromosomes __________________ and become __________________ .
13. Chromosomes that are the same size and have the same genes are called
14. Each half of a replicated chromosome is called a ___________________________.
15. Sister chromatids of a chromosome are ____________________________.
16. Draw out the changes that happen to the structure of DNA.
Start with to chromatin, to chromosomes, to homologous chromosomes, then identify and label a
sister chromatid. USE COLOR WITH PURPOSE!! (one color per chromosome)
17. The nucleus ________________ during prophase I.
a. Why?
18. Homologous chromosomes pair up during prophase I to form a _________________.
Draw a tetrad (include the letters). USE COLOR WITH PURPOSE!! (one color per chromosome)
19. What important event happens to the tetrads during prophase 1?
We will come back to crossing over…it’s pretty important.
20. During metaphase I the tetrads line up in the _________________ of the cell.
21. The homologous chromosomes split up and move toward the opposite ends of the cell during
22. Independent cells begin to form during _____________________.
23. _____________________________ is the division of the cytoplasm to make two new cells.
24. The 2 new cells that are formed from Meiosis I are _______________ because they contain the
_______ of the number of chromosomes as the original parent cell.
25. At the start of Meiosis I you had 1 _________________ cell.
26. Meiosis II must take place because each of our new cells still has too much ______________.
27. Draw the chromosomes in Meiosis I. Label the cells as diploid or haploid. USE COLOR WITH
Prophase II, Metaphase II and Anaphase II are similar to the same steps in Meiosis 1.
28. In Telophase II, _____________ daughter cells are formed. They are called ___________________.
29. The chromosomes uncoil back into _____________________________ .
30. ____________________________ occurs at the same time at Telophase II.
31. At the end of Meiosis II you have made __________ cells called gametes (sex cells).
32. Draw a summary of Meiosis. Include the number of chromosomes in each cell and label the
daughter cells diploid or haploid. USE COLOR WITH PURPOSE!!
33. If the gametes are produced by a female, they are called _____________ or __________________.
34. If the gametes are produced by a male, they are called _____________________.
Crossing Over:
Go to Google Classroom and look for the “Snurfle – Crossing Over2” Assignment.
Click on the link for the website
Click on the “Crossing Over” activity.
Go through the activity and follow the directions as you answer the questions below.
1. In the first activity at the end of Meiosis 1 you had 4 haploid cells that were genetically
Draw the 4 haploid cells. USE COLOR WITH PURPOSE!!
2. What is true about cells that do not show “crossing over”?
3. What does this mean for the diversity of possible offspring?
4. Genes that are inherited together are called ________________ ________________.
5. Draw 2 tetrads. One BEFORE crossing over, and one AFTER crossing over. USE COLOR WITH
6. Draw a summary of Meiosis. Include the number of chromosomes in each cell and label the
daughter cells diploid or haploid. USE COLOR WITH PURPOSE!!
What is crossing over sometimes called?