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Test 5: Chapter 9 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes - Study Guide
1. Most earthquakes occur along ______________ boundaries.
2. Most volcanoes erupt along ________________ plate boundaries.
3. Volcanoes form when _______________ flows through the crust.
4. Magma that is rich in gases will form a volcano that __________________ explosively.
5. Volcanoes with gentle slopes made from basalt are ___________________ volcanoes
6. Large, steep-sided volcanoes made of lava and ash are ________________ volcanoes
7. Small, steep-sided volcanoes made of basalt are ________________________ volcanoes
8. __________________ travel faster S-waves and Surface waves.
9. The Richter scale measures earthquake _________________, or energy it releases. The Modified
Mercalli scale measures earthquake intensity, or the amount of ___________________ it does.
10. Two factors that determine a volcano’s eruption style are the amount of dissolved ___________
in the magma and the _________________ of the magma, especially silica content.
11. Earthquakes are ___________ likely to occur in western South America.
12. Readings need to be taken from at least ___________ seismometer stations to determine the
origin of an earthquake.
13. When Earth's plates _________ they collide, pull apart, or slide against each other
14. The ________________________________ scale measures an earthquake's level of destruction
15. After magma reaches Earth’s surface it is called ____________.
16. Volcanoes and earthquakes often are found in areas on Earth where plates _________________.
17. A ______________________ is used to measure seismic waves
18. Of the three types of volcanoes, _____________ Volcanoes are the least explosive.
19. ______________________ is the term that refers to the ability of a substance to flow.
20. The place where an earthquake originates is called the _____________________.
21. A ___________________ flow is hot volcanic ash and debris that rushes down the side of a
22. Seismologists evaluate earthquake _________________ by studying the geology around a fault,
past earthquake activity, and population density
23. Today, people are still _________________ and affected by volcanic eruptions.
24. Volcanoes can form on the ____________ floor.
25. There are relationships between plate tectonics, earthquakes, and _____________________.
26. Gas trapped in magma under ____________ pressure can cause explosive eruptions.
27. Cinder cone volcanoes produce moderate or violent _______________________________.
28. _________________________ are the vibrations in the ground that movement along breaks in
Earth’s lithosphere.
29. Breaks in the Earth’s lithosphere are called ______________________.
30. The forces that move tectonic plates also move ___________ along the fault.
31. The larger the force applied to a fault, the ______________ the chance of a large earthquake.
32. Most earthquakes occur in the oceans or on ___________________ of continents.
33. In a strike-slip fault, two blocks of rock slide ____________________ pass each other.
34. Secondary seismic waves cause rocks to vibrate _________________________ to the direction
that waves travel.
35. The _________________ Scale uses the amount of ground motion at a given distance from an
earth to determine magnitude.