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Propaganda Project
Objective: Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of propaganda by creating
one of the following options utilizing a minimum of two different propaganda techniques.
 Choose one of the squares to complete
 All students are required to complete the middle square
 Students may work with a partner for the posters and song. A maximum of four
students may work together on the PSA. The same grade will be given to all partners
and group members.
Due Dates:
 Friday, December 4 – Project selection, roles assigned, start pre-planning questionnaire
 Monday, December 7 – any materials needed for assignment (poster board, props, etc);
pre-planning questionnaire
 Tuesday, December 8 – Concept/idea approved by teacher
 Wednesday, December 9 – rough drafts of scripts and poster copy due
 Friday, December 11 – Projects due!
List Assigned Roles of Group Members Here:
Assigned Role
Propaganda Poster
Political Campaign Poster
Create a poster to persuade people to buy an
original product or to support a cause:
Use a minimum of two types of propaganda to
persuade people to buy your product or
support a cause;
Create an appropriate slogan or use persuasive
language that will persuade the reader;
Use headings with different sizes and styles of
writing to make the poster look interesting;
Include all the relevant facts in a logical and
clear way;
Use of a mix of visuals and words in the poster
to make it attention grabbing
Poster must be free of grammatical and
spelling errors; should look professional
Choose a subject for your poster, either a
political referendum or a candidate running for
public office and the office represented (should
be a made up person, referendum or office).
Include the following in your poster:
 A large boldface headline, centered across the
top of the page (ex: “Elect John Doe for
 A graphic image of the candidate or symbol
relating to the candidate or referendum being
 A slogan to capture the essence of your
campaign poster’s message.
 Information (a bulleted list or brief summary)
that provides highlights about the candidate or
the political cause.
 A call to action message that encourages
readers to act on the message being delivered
in the poster. (when voting will happen)
 Poster must be free of grammatical and
spelling errors; should look professional.
All students must complete the pre-planning questionnaire
Public Service Announcement (PSA)
Create a persuasive and powerful public
service announcement
Issues must be stated in short, memorable
A call for action must be included;
Research and include information to support
your claims;
PSA and credits must demonstrate fair use for
all music and sound effects (permission
granted and copyright laws followed)
Include a tag line (a single thought or phrase at
the end of the PSA that summarizes the entire
PSA is no more than two minutes in length
Written script is required
A minimum of two propaganda techniques
Actors in PSA must be clearly audible and
familiar with the script
Should look professional (script, visuals, and
Song or Rap
Write a song or rap to convince people to:
Believe what you think
That your opinion is correct/the best
Buy the product
Vote for/support a person
 Lyrics must be appropriate
 Use a minimum of two types of propaganda
 Topic and targeted audience must be clearly
 Must consist of a minimum of three stanzas (5
lines each)
 Must be recorded
 Must be clear and audible
 Credits must demonstrate fair use for all music
and sound effects (permission granted and
copyright laws followed)
Name:___________________________________________________ Period:_______
Pre-planning Questionnaire
This sheet must be submitted with your final product. As always, answer in complete
sentences. Use language that is precise and grammatically correct.
Which project will you be completing?
List any partners or group members:
1. Target Audience: Who do I want to reach with my message?
2. Message: What is my message?
3. Message: What do I want the audience to understand?
4. Action Step: What is the call to action? (What do I want the audience to do or think?)
5. Action Step:
6. Techniques: Which propaganda techniques will you use?
Technique 1: ____________________________________________________________
Technique 2: ____________________________________________________________
7. Techniques: Why is your choice of propaganda technique the most effective method for
your product?