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In This Lesson:
Unit 3
(Lesson 1 of 2)
Today is Monday,
May 8th, 2017
Think of a planet you know (not Earth).
What are its features? What’s it like there?
The surface of Mars from rover Curiosity
Today’s Agenda
• An overview of the planets.
– Ice geysers.
– Storms.
– Mountains higher than Everest.
• History of the solar system.
• Exoplanets.
• Where is this in my book?
– Pages 199-201, 215-321 (lots of photos).
By the end of this lesson…
• You should be able to identify some of the
major distinguishing features of planets within
our solar system.
• You should be able to determine the
composition and density of the local planets.
• You should be able to narrate the birth of the
solar system.
• You should be able to determine the
properties of a possible exoplanet using
observational data.
The Family Portrait
• Taken on Valentine’s Day in 1990 by Voyager 1, this
is a composite “family picture” of the planets and
the only such image we have (Mercury and Mars
are in the glare of the Sun).
The Scale of the Solar System
• Our solar system is home…in this one neat little
corner of the universe known as the Milky Way.
• We’ve grown up knowing about the other 7/8
planets, but we only really have a partial grasp of
our own planet’s scale.
– Roughly.
• Let’s first look at how big these other
components of the solar system really are.
• First: If the Moon Were Replaced by Planets
The Scale of the Solar System
• Let’s also get a better sense of just how spaced
out the solar system is, along with the relative
sizes of the planets (as compared with that
– To Scale – The Solar System
• Or! I took a graduate course on the Solar System
and a very early assignment was to make a scale
model of the solar system.
• I chose to use EPCOT’s Spaceship Earth ride as the
size/scale of the Sun. What would the other
planets be like, and where would they be?
The Sun
• 1980 inches in diameter (EPCOT geodesic dome)
• 6.92 inches in diameter (7 inch cake pan)
• 17.22 inches in diameter (thin water heater)
• 18.13 inches in diameter (tire)
• 9.62 inches in diameter (cake dome)
• 203.40 inches in diameter (200-inch Hale
Telescope mirror)
• 165.63 inches in diameter (above-ground pool)
• 66.77 inches in diameter (monster truck tire)
• 64.63 inches in diameter (big-screen TV)
• 3.23 inches in diameter (coffee cup)
And where would they all be?
 Pluto
 Neptune
 Uranus
 Saturn
 Jupiter
 Inner Planets and Sun
Planets and Atmospheres
The Inferior Planets (feat. Pluto)
Outer and Inner Planets
Inner Planets
• Check off and place letters:
– P (one of two places)
The Sun
Other Stars
Still Other Stars…
The Largest Known Star
VY Canis Majoris – a Red Hypergiant Star in the Canis Major Constellation
Exploring the Solar System
• I hope to someday update this slide, but for now
humans have been to exactly one planet.
– This one. Earf.
• We have, however, landed probes on each of our
closest two neighbors:
– Venus – Our Sister Planet*: Venera and Vega Probes.
– Mars – The Red Planet: A whole bunch.
– We’ve also probed Jupiter’s atmosphere (intentional crash
landing), Titan, and a couple asteroids and comets.
• And the Moon. For reals.
*Not really. Venus is our sister like a paper clip is a quarter’s sister. Same size-ish; very different.
Aside: Venus and Mars Orbiters
• Venus:
– Mariners 2, 5, 10 (1962-1973)
• Mariner 10 also did a flyby of Mercury and is still
orbiting the Sun.
– Magellan (1989-1994)
Aside: Venus and Mars Orbiters
• Mars:
– Mariners 4, 6, 7, 9 (1962-1971) [U.S.]
• Mariners 1, 3, and 8 all failed.
– Mars Global Surveyor (1996-2007) [U.S.]
• Battery failure after mission completion.
– Mars Odyssey (2001 – ) [U.S.]
– Mars Express (2003 – ) [E.S.A.]
– Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (2005 – ) [U.S.]
– Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission
(MAVEN) (2013 – ) [U.S.]
– Mars Orbiter Mission (2014 – ) [I.R.S.O.]
The Venera Missions
• After a few failed launches, Venera 3 in
1966 became the first landing of a
manmade object on another planet.
– Unsurprisingly, it was a crash landing.
– By the way, Venera is the Russian name for
• Venera 4 became the first man-made object
to transmit data between two planets when
it sent information from Venus’s
atmosphere in 1967.
• In 1978, Venera 12 may have recorded
The Venera Missions
• In 1982, Venera 13 sent back the first color
photograph from Venus:
– There had been black-and-white photos before.
The Venera Missions
• Venera 14 sent high-res images:
The Vega Crafts
• Two USSR-launched Vega crafts
dispatched probes to Venus in 1985
and did flybys of Halley’s Comet in
• One of the two probes failed and did
not return data.
• The other probe lasted 56 minutes
and indicated pressure of 91 atm and
temperature of 736 K.
– That’s 865 °F, and the highest pressures
on Earth barely get above 1 atm.
– Fun fact: The probes also detected
sulfuric, hydrochloric, and hydrofluoric
acids in the atmosphere.
The Venera Missions
• So why don’t we have more pictures? How come
they sent so many probes?
– There are several answers.
• Some Venera missions outright failed.
– A few exploded and many failed to get out of Earth’s
• Escape velocity, anyone?
– One even crash landed in Kecksburg, PA (near
Pittsburgh), and made people think a UFO had
• Like, serious Cold War-era panic.
The Venera Missions
• Some failed to operate.
– Notably, Venera 12 dropped its probe
arm right onto…its lens cap.
• Oops.
• Most notable for us, however:
– Venus’s atmosphere is 94x thicker than
Earth’s, and the temperature averages
864 °F.
• The probes pretty much got crushed.
• UniverseToday: What is the Hottest
Planet in the Solar System?
• UniverseToday: Why is Venus so
Venera 13
which is identical to
Venera 12
Average Planetary
• This should make it fairly clear
why Mars is most deserving
of attention when it comes to
possible life elsewhere.
– Note that these are averages,
so as we’ll soon note, Mars gets
quite comfortable during
summer days.
Venus is a Hot Mess
• Turns out that whole atmosphere thing is a
theme throughout the solar system.
• Venus also has some other quirks too:
– Its axis has only a 2° axial tilt, virtually eliminating the
possibility of seasons.
– It rotates clockwise once every 243 Earth days
(synodic day) or once every 117 Earth days (sidereal).
That’s a really long day, and it’s retrograde rotation.
The Sun rises in the West and sets in the East.
There is no magnetic field due to the slow rotation.
For comparison, a Venusian sidereal year is only 224.7 days.
In terms of solar days, Mercury has a longer day than year.
Martians and Venusians
• Venus represents a very different
world from our second nearest
neighbor, Mars.
– FYI, we’re closer to Venus than to Mars:
• Venus averages 0.28 AU away.
• Mars averages 0.52 AU away.
• Venus is about our planet’s size, but
Mars, despite being only half the
diameter of Earth, has many similar
properties to us.
• We’ve sent a few probes and
rovers to Mars:
– Viking 1 and 2 (1976-1982)
• Orbiters/Landers
– Mars Pathfinder and Sojourner (1997)
• Lander/Rover
Mars as seen from
Viking 2 in 1976.
– Spirit (2004-2010) and Opportunity
(2004 – )
• Rovers
– Phoenix (2008)
• Lander
– Curiosity (2012 – )
• Rover
Mars Surface Features
• So what have we learned from
all those spacecraft?
• For one, Mars has a rather
large gouge near its equator
much like the Grand Canyon.
– It’s named Valles Marineris after
the Mariner spacecraft.
– Earth’s Grand Canyon:
• 500 miles long, 1 mile deep.
– Mars’ Valles Marineris:
• 2500 miles long, 4 miles deep.
The Martian Climate
• A big part of the interest surrounding Mars is that
it’s been shown to have water on its surface.
– Near Mars’ equator, the temperature can reach as high
as 50 °F and there are features that look like riverbeds.
– Even so, most water on Mars has been lost to space.
• Atmosphere becomes an important theme of the
solar system in general, so this is where we leave
our closest planetary friends behind and begin to
explore the rest of the neighborhood.
– UniverseToday: Why is Mars Red?
Evidence for Martian Water?
And speaking of liquid water…
• …liquid water on Mars!
• NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water
Flows on Mars Today article
Aside: Martian Canals?
• This is Percival Lowell, a rather stately
• Lowell learned of linear markings on Mars
observed by other astronomers.
• Because he had an active imagination, he
put forth the idea that there were cities on
Mars and the canals (as he called the lines)
were used to transport water as the
resource began to become exhausted.
• Then he claimed the same thing on Venus,
despite the thick atmosphere obscuring the
Percival Lowell
– No one else could confirm what he saw, even
after telescopes got better.
– What was going on?
Aside: Martian Canals?
• In 2002, an optometrist studying Lowell’s telescopic
“setup” noticed that his equipment looked strikingly
like the equipment the optometrist used to view
the interior of patients’ eyes.
• Turns out, Lowell was looking at his own retina:
The Habitable Zone
• Around every star is a region known as the
habitable zone.
– A habitable zone is like porridge to Goldilocks – it
has to be not too hot and not too cold.
– Water needs to be *able to be* a liquid.
• The habitable zone is tuned to life as we know
it on Earth and it’s very much an estimate.
– For an example of the debate surrounding the
dimensions of the habitable zone: Earth is only
just within the Sun's habitable zone article
• Recall that Earth’s gravity is sufficiently great
enough to maintain an atmosphere around the
– That’s a good thing for us. An atmosphere acts as a
safety net for collisions with space debris like, you
know, meteoroids.
• As a result, planets with thick atmospheres (like
Earth and Venus) have relatively young surfaces
unscathed by too many craters.
• Not all planets, however, maintain such atmospheres,
and the ones that do don’t have the same molecules.
• Mercury has none, and Mars has almost none. And
none for dear forgotten Pluto.
– So places like Mercury and the Moon are heavily cratered
and their surfaces are old.
– Mars would have more craters, but it had water and is
volcanically active.
• Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have rather
massive atmospheres.
The Martian Atmosphere
• In May 2015, Curiosity sent back images of the
Martian sunset, tinted blue from the dust in the air:
Outer and Inner Planets
Inner Planets
• Check off and place letters:
E (twice)
G (twice)
H (just once – make the most logical choice)
P (two of two)
T (twice)
Gas Giants
• Because of their enormous sizes and thick/dense
atmospheres, the outer four planets are known
as the gas giants:
Uranus (technically an ice giant)
Neptune (technically an ice giant)
• We’ll start with the most imposing of the planets
as we take a tour of defining features throughout
the solar system.
Outer and Inner Planets
Outer Planets
• Check what planets apply for lines:
– 13
– 15
– 16
– 17
– 18
– 19
Titius-Bode Law
• The Titius-Bode Law
oddly seems to predict
the spacing of the
– That each planet is twice
as far from the Sun as its
– It’s a weird mathematical
quirk with no explanation.
Jovian versus Terrestrial
• The gas giants have very little in terms of surface.
– A lot of atmosphere and sometimes liquid metal, but not
really rock.
– Because Jupiter is a great example of that, we call the gas
giants the Jovian Planets (Jovian = Jupiter-like).
• All of them have lower densities than the inner planets.
– Among the gas giants Saturn is the least dense (~31% less
dense than even water).
• So, first a video:
– UniverseToday – Interesting Facts About Saturn
• And then an activity:
– Density and Composition of the Planets
Jovian versus Terrestrial
• The inner planets (Mercury through Mars) are
known as terrestrial planets.
– Cause they’re, you know, rocky and stuff, with a
fair amount of iron.
• Earth is the densest planet in the solar system,
so it packs a lot of gravity into a relatively
smaller frame.
– “I’m not massive, I’m just big-gravitied.”
Jupiter: Atmosphere
• Jupiter is by far the largest planet, able to fit all the
other planets inside it, combined.
• It has no surface that is solid the way Earth’s is.
– Instead, Jupiter has a lot of atmosphere made mostly of
hydrogen and helium (much like that of a star – no surprise).
– Pressures build to 40,000x that of Earth and temperatures
reach over 63,000 °F.
• The most famous feature of Jupiter’s atmosphere is the
Great Red Spot – a hurricane more than 3x the size of
Earth that has been brewing since its discovery 400
years ago.
Jupiter: Great Red Spot
Neptune: Great Dark Spot
• Neptune has its own
version of the Great Red
Spot – appropriately
called the Great Dark
– It’s also a storm but is a
bit more tornado-like.
– It was first observed in
1989 but disappeared by
1994, replaced by a spot
in a different location.
Planetary Atmospheres
• Mercury is too small to have an atmosphere.
• Venus has a mixture of acids and a lot of carbon dioxide.
– You know Earth.
• Mars barely has an atmosphere.
• Jupiter and Saturn have atmospheres of mainly hydrogen and
helium with just traces of methane.
• Uranus and Neptune have hydrogen and helium atmospheres
too, but get their bluish colors from methane.
• Pluto is weird.
– Its atmosphere only exists when it gets relatively close to the Sun
and the heat sublimes ices into gases like N2, CH4, and CO.
– When it’s at aphelion, its atmosphere freezes and falls back to the
• For our purposes, this doesn’t count as an atmosphere.
Jupiter: Magnetic Field
• The only thing that can be considered surface-y
on Jupiter is metallic hydrogen.
– Yes, metallic hydrogen. Freaky.
– UniverseToday: What’s Inside Jupiter?
• Jupiter also happens to have a ridiculously strong
magnetic field, which probably emanates from
that metallic hydrogen “core,” which rotates quite
– All the planets have magnetic fields except Venus and
Mars, but Mercury’s is rather weak.
A word about resilience…
• On April 20th, 1967, the Surveyor 3 probe
sent by NASA landed on the Moon.
• In November of 1969, Pete Conrad from
Apollo 12 visits the probe on the Moon
and retrieves the camera.
• NASA later finds that a colony of
Streptococcus mitus [from Earth]
survived in the vacuum of space in the
lens without nutrients!
• As a result, NASA is now very careful to
not contaminate other planets/moons
with bacteria.
– The Galileo space probe was deliberately
crashed into Jupiter to avoid accidentally
landing on Europa, one of its moons, which
is suspected to have water.
Not so fast!
• Turns out that further research concluded in 2011
uncovered that the camera was contaminated
after it was opened after its return.
– Members of the camera team were wearing shortsleeved shirts and didn’t have proper-length scrubs.
• Still, it is a lesson in how easily contamination can
occur, whether on launch or return.
• For more on resilience:
– There are diseases hidden in ice and they are waking
up article
• Here on Earth, the magnetosphere protects us
from a constant flow of solar radiation known
as the solar wind.
• Earth’s magnetic field also guides those
charged solar particles into the upper parts of
the atmosphere, generating the aurora
borealis (Northern Lights).
• Video: Solar Wind
Aside: Magnetic Dogs?
• You know what else magnetic fields influence?
– Dogs are sensitive to small variations of the
Earth's magnetic field article
Aside: Southern Lights?
• The aurora borealis is named for the North wind.
• The Southern Lights go by a different name:
– The aurora australis.
• Furthermore, colors indicate something:
– Green is collisions with oxygen up to 150 miles up.
– Red is collisions with oxygen above 150 miles.
– Blue is collisions with nitrogen up to 60 miles.
– Purple is collisions with nitrogen above 60 miles.
• Videos: Aurora Borealis and ISS Earth Time-Lapse
Aurora Borealis
• Here on Earth, the hydrosphere is the watercontaining part of the planet.
– So it’s the oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, and
clouds/rain, and groundwater.
• Because of its essential role in supporting life,
water has been sought out across the solar
• Here’s what we know about water in our neck
of the galaxy…
• Planets with water besides Earth:
– Mercury (ice in dark craters)
– Mars (evidence at the surface, may be underground)
• Moons with water:
– Earth (orbiters have found ice crystals and a water cycle)
– Saturn (Enceladus, Mimas, Titan)
• Titan also has its own atmosphere.
– Jupiter (Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede)
– Neptune (Triton?)
• Other Stuff: (more on this next lesson)
– Ceres (dwarf planet in the Asteroid Belt)
– Comets
– Pluto?
Ring Systems
• Also containing water are
the ring systems of the gas
• Each one is made of small
bits of debris and ice
fragments orbiting the
– Remember that Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
all have ring systems.
Saturn’s Rings Up Close
Saturn’s Rings Up Close
"Saturn's rings dark side mosaic" by NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute - Licensed under
Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Ring Systems
• As a heads-up for you, ring systems usually are
divided into individual rings and identified by
letters (Saturn), Greek letters (Uranus), or
position/names (Jupiter/Neptune).
– UniverseToday: Which Planets Have Rings?
– UniverseToday: Where Did Saturn’s Rings Come
• Speaking of Mars, the Red
Planet also holds the record
for highest mountain in the
solar system.
– It happens to be a volcano –
no surprise…
• Olympus Mons is an active
volcano that is three times
the height of Mount
Olympus Mons
Olympus Mons
• Notice how the mountain appears to
be stuck to the surface of Mars,
rather than be rising out of Mars’
– That’s because there is no tectonic
activity on the planet.
– Mount Everest was lifted up by the
Indian tectonic plate slamming into the
Asian plate.
• Olympus Mons erupts and makes
itself bigger every time, since the
land underneath doesn’t shift like on
– Better climb it now before it gets
Volcanic Activity in the Solar System
• Obviously Earth and Mars have
• We also can find magma
volcanoes on Venus.
• But the most volcanically active
place in the solar system is Io, a
moon of Jupiter.
– That’s because nearby Jupiter’s
gravity causes distortions inside
the core of Io, thus heating it.
– It’s also on your textbook’s cover.
Voyager 1’s view of two
volcanic eruptions on Io.
Io in Color
The eruption of
volcano Prometheus
as seen by the Galileo
Water Volcanoes?
• Turns out there’s even a weird
combination of volcanoes and
water: ice geysers.
– Better known as cryovolcanoes.
• These weirdo water-volcanoes
provide a means to get water up
to the surface from
– Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, and
Triton, a moon of Neptune, have
prominent cryovolcanoes.
• Uranus and Neptune are thus
sometimes called ice giants.
Ice geysers on
Enceladus, feeding
Saturn’s ring system.
Enceladus Close-up
• This view of Enceladus (from Cassini-Huygens,
as usual) shows a geyser field.
On Another Note: Years*
*Sidereal Years
• Ever wonder how many years it takes other
planets to revolve around the Sun once?
– Mercury: 88 days (0.241 Earth-years)
– Venus: 224.7 days (0.616 Earth-years)
– Mars: 687 days (1.882 Earth-years)
– Jupiter: 4,331 days (11.866 Earth-years)
– Saturn: 10,747 days (29.444 Earth-years)
– Uranus: 30,589 days (83.805 Earth-years)
– Neptune: 59,800 days (163.836 Earth-years)
– Pluto: 90,588 (248.186 Earth-years)
• All these planets and features beg a logical
– I’ll give you a hint – it’s kinda like a question you
may have asked your parents when you were
younger, but this one’s much less uncomfortable.
• Where’d they come from?
• Better yet, where’d the whole solar system
come from?
It begins with a cloud…
• …4.6 billion years ago.
• It turns out that clouds between stars –
interstellar clouds – are common in the
– They’re made of gas and tiny dust particles called
interstellar grains.
• Remember, even though these things are
small, they still have gravity.
– That’s important.
Grains and Gases
• Eventually, the mixing and spinning grains and
dust collapsed inward, powered by their
mutual gravitational attraction.
– “Eventually,” meaning “over a few million years.”
Grains and Gases
• This collapse formed our Sun as a bulge in the
middle and the planets as a disk spinning around
it – the solar system.
• We call this concept the solar nebula theory (or
the nebular hypothesis) and we’ve seen it
elsewhere in the universe, too.
Other Terminology
• That spinning disk = protoplanetary disk.
• That early star = protosun.
• The process of little particles sticking together to form
large particles = accretion.
• Small, planet-like accretions of particles =
• Finally, how did we get two “kinds” of planets?
– The planetesimals closest to the Sun took on rocky/iron
forms (terrestrial planets) because they were hotter and
iron/rocky stuff could condense.
– The planetesimals farthest from the Sun also incorporated
ice and took on icy/rocky/iron forms (gas and ice giants),
because lighter substances could condense in the cold.
Continued Accretion
• For the outer planetesimals, there is more ice
around than the particulate matter nearer to the
• As they grow ever larger, the outer planets can
attract more and more of an atmosphere of their
– That helps explain why they became “giants” that
bear some similarity to the Sun’s composition.
– In fact, many astronomers feel that Jupiter was on its
way to becoming a star, but it never quite got enough
Pause for heat.
• Jupiter’s got just short of the amount of hydrogen
needed to be a star.
• It’s got a ton of mass, though it’s short in that
department, too.
• What else?
– It (and the other gas giants) gives off heat.
• Unlike Earth and the terrestrial planets, all the Jovian
planets give off more heat than they absorb.
– Cool.
• Er, warm, I guess.
Back to Planet Formation:
Further Stages
• Runaway accretion occurs as planetesimals gain
– More accreted particles = more mass = more gravity =
more accreted particles = more mass…
• Oligarch accretion follows, in which the biggest
planetesimals (oligarchs) begin absorbing smaller
• The last phase is the merger phase, in which oligarchs
disturb each others’ orbits and collide.
• Key: All of these collisions increase heat within the
planetesimals, melting their cores.
– They are now known as protoplanets.
Solar Nebula Theory
Summary Slide
• Spinning gas and dust particles coalesce and begin
accreting into a protoplanetary disk.
• At the center of the disk is a protosun, a center of
the collapse.
• Accretion rates increase until small planet-like
bodies become apparent (planetesimals).
• Planetesimals grow into protoplanets after
collisions melt their cores.
– Runaway accretion followed by oligarch accretion
followed by the merger phase.
Solar Nebula Theory
• Or, in one image:
Competing Theories
• An alternative explanation, and one that is not so
generally-accepted, is catastrophe theory.
– Here, stars collide and fragments formed the planets.
– That’s kind of a rare event, so it’s unlikely to have formed
the many solar systems we’ve found.
• Catastrophe theory does kinda explain the
formation of our Moon, however.
• Let’s take a look at Cosmos’s view of both the solar
nebula theory and catastrophe theory in action.
– Cosmos – Solar Nebula Theory and Catastrophe Theory
Formation of the Moon
• The Moon is likely to have formed from a collision
of a Mars-sized planetary body with Earth when
the Earth was still early in development.
– Ouch. That’ll leave a mark.
• The body that hit the Moon is known as Theia.
• Another view of the Moon’s formation, sans
– The Birth of the Moon
• Article: How the Moon Formed – Violent Cosmic
Crash Theory Gets Double Boost
A Tour of the Moon
• How the Moon Evolved – Video Guided Tour
• Ever wonder how many moons there are for
each of the planets/dwarf planets?
• Here’s your answer, with major moon
names in (parentheses).
Mercury and Venus: 0.
Earth: 1.
Mars: 2 (Phobos and Deimos).
Jupiter: 67 (Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto).
Saturn: 62 (Mimas, Enceladus, Titan, Iapetus).
Uranus: 27 (Oberon, Titania, Ariel, Umbriel).
Neptune: 14 (Triton – retrograde orbit!, Nereid).
Pluto: 5 (Charon, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos, Styx).
(Pluto’s largest
“The Planet Moon…”
• Despite what Isaac Mizrahi would tell you, moons
aren’t planets.
• That said, they can get rather large, like Ganymede, a
moon of Jupiter, which is the biggest, or Titan, a moon
of Saturn, both of which are bigger than Mercury.
“The Planet Moon…”
• In the other direction, the largest moon relative to
its host planet is the, you guessed it, Pluto’s moon
Hi-Res View of Charon
via New Horizons, 2015
How to Pronounce “Charon”
• Sometimes it’s pronounced like “Karen,”
sometimes it’s pronounced like “Sharon.”
• Which one is correct?
– Both!
• Really, Here’s How You Pronounce Charon – Probably article
• A bump in the night article
• Charon (“Karen” or “Gheghron”) is the
mythological ferryman of the newly dead across
the rivers Styx and Acheron.
• Charlene is the name of Charon’s discover Jim
Christy’s wife, so he made a fun choice.
• Or maybe not…here’s a depiction of Charon:
Outer and Inner Planets
Inner Planets
• Check off and place letters:
Outer and Inner Planets
Outer Planets
• Check what planets
apply for lines:
– 10
– 11
– 12
– 14
– 20
– 21
– 22
End-Stage Planetary Formation
• Think of the formation of the solar system like
a season of professional ice hockey.
– There may be a little violence here or there
throughout the early stages of the season
– However, the real action happens when you get
rid of all the lesser teams (smaller planetesimals)
and it becomes a competition of only the best
(biggest) teams (planets).
End-Stage Planetary Formation
• What I mean by this is that if you look at the timeline
of solar system formation, you see lots of tiny
collisions early on…
• …followed by the buildup of large bodies…
• …followed by massive collisions later on as the
gravity of large protoplanets bring them together.
The formation of many moons.
The tilt of Uranus.
The relative lack of crust on Mercury.
The buildup of asteroids and comets (see next lesson).
Planets Beyond Our Solar System
• Are we the only system of planets orbiting a star?
– For a long time, the answer had to be yes.
• Starting in the 1990s, however, astronomers started
discovering all kinds of extrasolar planets, also
known as exoplanets.
– New exoplanet in our neighborhood article
– Journey to a Star video
– These are typically planets orbiting a star other than our
Sun, but may refer to planets not orbiting a star.
• Discovering them, as you may remember a grunting,
tennis-playing astronomer told you, requires a bit of
indirect detection.
Exoplanet Detection Methods
Good to Know
• Astrometric Detection
– Spotting a “wobble” in the star being orbited due
to gravity.
• Radial Velocity (most common means)
– Spotting a change in light wavelength coming from
a star due to the movement of the star being
orbited – a visual Doppler Effect.
– Extrasolar Planets Interactive
– Doppler Shift Interactive
Exoplanet Detection Methods
Good to Know
• Transit (least common means)
– Seeing the light from a star being orbited dim
periodically with the passing of a planet in front of
• Microlensing
– The visual of a star is warped by the gravity of an
object in its way.
• A little like how the corner of a fish tank distorts the
image of 1 fish into 2.
– Gravitational Lensing Interactive
Planets That Are Detected
• As you might guess, these detection methods
are a bit biased toward large planets.
• In this context, you’ll often hear the term,
“Jupiters,” which is a generic term for large
planets (not necessarily with the properties of
Jupiter, though).
• In some cases, you’ll also hear of “hot
Jupiters,” which are Jupiters close to their
parent stars, thus, hot.
– Our Jupiter? Not that hot. Saturn can do better.
Problems with Hot Jupiters
• Turns out, hot Jupiters are quite unexpected.
• In other words, there shouldn’t be big planets
that close.
– It’s a product of the physics of the nebular
hypothesis – remember that?
• According to the solar nebula theory, massive
planets should be very far from their stars.
• The Detection of Exoplanets:
– Extrasolar Planets worksheet
– Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds activity
The Elephant in the Room
• At some point we need to discuss Pluto.
– Might as well get it over with.
• “Pluto, why don’t you have a seat? We need to talk.”
• Pluto has a lot of odd characteristics for being a
member of our solar system.
– Its orbit is tilted.
– Its moons are big enough that it wobbles noticeably.
– There’s a lot of junk in its tru– I mean, neighborhood.
• UniverseToday – Why Pluto is Not a Planet
Pluto’s Neighborhood is Crowded
Dwarf Planets
• Since 2006, we’ve classified Pluto as a dwarf planet.
• Other dwarf planets in our solar system include Ceres,
Eris, Haumea, and Makemake.
– And Sleepy, Bashful, Dopey…
• Ceres is by far the closest to us, located between Mars
and Jupiter.
– The rest are out past Neptune.
• Eris is the only one bigger than Pluto and it also has a
moon (Dysnomia).
– Fun fact: Eris takes 557 years to make a trip around the Sun.
• Endless summer, anyone?
What’s a planet, anyway?
• After all of this, you may have noticed I never
defined what a planet is in the first place.
• A planet:
– Orbits the Sun (that eliminates moons).
– Is round in shape (that eliminates asteroids and
– Has cleared its neighborhood of smaller objects (again
eliminating asteroids, comets, …and Pluto).
• A plutoid is a dwarf planet outside Neptune’s
orbit (so not Ceres).
• That Pluto Mess:
– Beyond Pluto reading
– A Moon For the 10th Planet reading
• Videos:
– Is Pluto a Planet?
– Late Night with Seth Meyers – Planet Pluto
• And now we start to move into the nonplanetary components of our solar system…but
Closure Part One
• Inner and Outer Planets
– Outer Planets #23
– Anyone know the answer?
• Turns out, we’ve visited – at least as close as a
flyby – every planet.
– You can even count Pluto as of 2015 and the New
Horizons flyby.