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NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
Introductory Physics, High School
Learning Standards for a Full First-Year Course
1. Motion and Forces
Central Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
1.1 Compare and contrast vector quantities (e.g., displacement, velocity, acceleration force,
linear momentum) and scalar quantities (e.g., distance, speed, energy, mass, work).
1.2 Distinguish between displacement, distance, velocity, speed, and acceleration. Solve
problems involving displacement, distance, velocity, speed, and constant acceleration.
1.3 Create and interpret graphs of 1-dimensional motion, such as position vs. time, distance
vs. time, speed vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time where acceleration
is constant.
1.4 Interpret and apply Newton’s three laws of motion.
1.5 Use a free-body force diagram to show forces acting on a system consisting of a pair of
interacting objects. For a diagram with only co-linear forces, determine the net force
acting on a system and between the objects.
1.6 Distinguish qualitatively between static and kinetic friction, and describe their effects on
the motion of objects.
1.7 Describe Newton’s law of universal gravitation in terms of the attraction between two
objects, their masses, and the distance between them.
1.8 Describe conceptually the forces involved in circular motion.
2. Conservation of Energy and Momentum
Central Concept: The laws of conservation of energy and momentum provide alternate
approaches to predict and describe the movement of objects.
2.1 Interpret and provide examples that illustrate the law of conservation of energy.
2.2 Interpret and provide examples of how energy can be converted from gravitational
potential energy to kinetic energy and vice versa.
2.3 Describe both qualitatively and quantitatively how work can be expressed as a change in
mechanical energy.
2.4 Describe both qualitatively and quantitatively the concept of power as work done per unit
2.5 Provide and interpret examples showing that linear momentum is the product of mass and
velocity, and is always conserved (law of conservation of momentum). Calculate the
momentum of an object.
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
1.) John runs one complete lap of the track,
2.) Jill drives from Newton to Boston. Her
returning to the starting line. Which one of the ending point is 5 miles due East of her starting
following is true:
point but she had to drive 7 miles total since
A. John experienced a displacement of 400m.
roads don’t go due East. Which of the
B. John ran a distance of 0m.
following best describes the displacement Jill
C. John experienced a displacement of 0m.
D. Not enough information was provided.
A. Jill was displaced 7miles.
B. Jill was displaced 5 miles.
C. Jill was displaced 7 miles East.
D. Jill was displaced 5 miles East.
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
C. Displacement is the difference in
position between your starting point and
ending point. Since John ended at his
starting point the difference between
his ending point and his starting point is
0m. (Note he ran a distance of 400m.)
D. Displacement includes a direction so
it must include East. And displacement
is the straight line distance between
your starting point and your ending point
(5 miles), NOT the measurement of your
actual path traveled. (7 miles)
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of most objects.
3.) Which of the following must be included
with magnitude to represent a vector?
A. mass
B. direction
C. acceleration
D. volume
My Answer and Explanation:
4.) Which of the following is NOT a vector
A. displacement
B. speed
C. velocity
D. force
My Answer and Explanation:
B. By definition, a vector must include
magnitude (size) and direction.
B. Speed is not a vector. It does not
require a direction. The other three all
require direction.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of most objects.
5.) The diagram below shows the path of a jet
from Washington, D.C. to Dallas, TX.
The trip takes approximately 2 hours and
covers approximately 1900 km. Which of the
following best describes the speed and
direction of the jet’s flight?
A. 475 km/h southwest
B. 950 km/h southwest
C. 1900 km/h southwest
D. 3800 km/h southwest
My Answer and Explanation:
6.) The illustration below shows a car slowing
The car was initially traveling at 15 m/s.
The car slows with a negative acceleration of
4.5 m/s2. How long does it take the car to slow
to a final velocity of 4.0 m/s?
A. 0.89 s
B. 2.4 s
C. 11 s
D. 60 s
My Answer and Explanation:
B. Speed is equal to distance divided by B.
v  vi
time. 1900km/2 hours is equal to
a f
4.0m /s 15m /s
4.0m /s 15m /s
4.5m /s2
t  2.4s
4.5m /s2 
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
7.) The graph below illustrates the position and 8.)The graph below shows a beetle’s
time for a dog that runs to catch a stick and
movement along a plant stem.
then returns with it.
The dog caught the stick after 2 s. What was
the dog’s average speed as he returned with the
A. His average return speed was 0.7 m/s.
B. His average return speed was 0.9 m/s.
C. His average return speed was 2 m/s.
D. His average return speed was 4 m/s.
My Answer and Explanation:
During which span of time was the beetle not
A. from 0 to 4 minutes
B. from 4 to 6 minutes
C. from 6 to 14 minutes
D. from 14 to 16 minutes
My Answer and Explanation:
B. The dog ran back 7 m in 8 s (the
time from 2 s to 10 s). Speed = d / t
= 7 m / 8 s = ~0.9 m/s
C. A horizontal line on a distance versus
time graph represents “not moving”
since it is a slope of zero. The position is
not changing and the beetle has a speed
of 0m/s.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
Position (m)
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
9.) The position-time graph below shows the
10.) Which of the following cars is NOT
motion of three people. Which person is
A. A car that is slowing down to a stop at a red
Position versus Time for Three People
B. A car that is traveling at a constant speed
around a sharp curve.
C. A car that is speeding up as it passes another
car on the highway.
D. None of the above. All of the cars described
are accelerating.
Time (s)
A. Person A is accelerating.
B. Person B is accelerating.
C. Person C is accelerating.
D. None of the people are accelerating.
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
C. A curved line on a position-time
graph shows someone who is
accelerating. The curved line has a
changing slope and thus a changing
speed. (Note: In this case person C is
speeding up since the slope is getting
steeper and steeper.)
D. All of the cars are accelerating. Car
A has a changing speed. Car B has a
changing direction and Car C has a
changing speed. Acceleration can be a
change in speed, a change in direction,
or a change in both.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
11.) Which of the following is certain to
12.) A bicycle rider is traveling at 7 m/s.
change as a ball accelerates?
During an 8 s period, the bicycle rider then
A. mass of the ball
slows down with a constant acceleration to a
B. inertia of the ball
speed of 3 m/s.
C. velocity of the ball
How far does the bicycle rider travel during the
D. force acting on the ball
8 s?
A. 19 m
B. 32 m
C. 40 m
D. 80 m
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
C. By definition, an acceleration is a
changing velocity.
C. While slowing down, the average
speed of the rider is 5 m/s. Distance =
average speed * time = 5 m/s * 8 s =
40 m
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
13.) When you see a measurement with the
14.) Which of the following units is used to
units m/s2, you know that the measurement is
measured displacement?
A. m/s
A. acceleration
B. m/s/s
B. velocity
C. s
C. speed
D. m
D. time
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
A. Acceleration is measured in meters
per second per second which is written
as m/s2.
D. Displacement is measured in meters.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
15.) You are driving along at a constant 20
16.) What do you have to do to get a boulder
miles per hour. Then you slam on the brakes.
that is at rest to start moving?
What happens to your books that are on the
A. Nothing. It will eventually start moving.
passenger side seat?
B. Apply a force that balanced the force of
A. The books stay on the seat.
B. The books continue moving forward and
C. Apply an unbalanced force to the boulder.
fall on the floor.
D. It is impossible to get the boulder moving
C. The books fly up in the air and end up in the because an object at rest stays at rest forever.
back seat.
D. The books slide to outside of the car.
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
B. Newton’s First Law of Motion says
that an object in motion will continue in
motion until an outside, unbalanced
force is exerted. The books were moving
forward so they continue to move
forward even though the car has
stopped. The friction between the seat
and the books isn’t enough to hold them
in place.
C. To get a boulder that is at rest to
start moving, you are accelerating the
boulder. (A change from rest to motion
is acceleration.) An unbalanced force is
necessary for acceleration.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
17.) The tendency of a stationary object to
18.) Which of the following objects has the
resist being put into motion is known as
most inertia?
A. acceleration.
A. a 1 kg hamster
B. inertia.
B. a 2 kg rock
C. weight.
C. a 4kg box of books
D. velocity.
D. a 5kg balloon in the Macy’s parade.
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
B. This is the definition of inertia.
D. Mass is a direct measure of inertia
so the object with the most mass has
the most inertia.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
19.) The illustration below shows a 2-ton
20.) A 1500 kg car increases its speed by 2 m/s
elephant balancing on a tree stump.
for each second of travel. What is the net force
acting on the car?
A. 750 N
B. 1500 N
C. 3000 N
D. 6000 N
Which of the following statements must be
A. The weight of the tree stump is greater than
2 tons.
B. A 4-ton force on the ground spreads out in
all directions.
C. The tree stump is exerting a 2-ton force
upward on the elephant.
D. The downward force on the ground under
the tree stump is 4 tons.
My Answer and Explanation:
C. The elephant is at rest. The forces on
the elephant must be balanced since he
isn’t accelerating. The upward force
must balance the elephant’s weight.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
C. “Increases its speed by 2m/s for
each second” means that the car
has an acceleration of 2m/s/s.
Newton’s Second Law says that
the net force acting on the car is
equal to its mass (1500 kg)
multiplied by it acceleration
(2m/s/s) so 1500*2 = 3000 N.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
21.) The forces acting on a skateboarder
22.) Two forces act on the 2 kg box shown
moving at a constant velocity along a sidewalk below.
are shown in the figure below.
Which of the following is the net force on the
A. 0 N
B. 70 N
C. 670 N
D. 1270 N
A 4 N force acts to the right and a 6 N force
acts to the left. What is the net force acting on
the box?
A. 10 N to the right
B. 10 N to the left
C. 2 N to the right
D. 2 N to the left
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
A. All of the force on the skateboarder
are balanced. The 35N right balances
the 35N left and the 600N up balances
the 600N down.
D. To find the net force you must
subtract since the two forces are acting
in opposite directions. 6N-4N = 2N. 6N
(the bigger force) is to the left so the
net force is to the left.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
23.) You place a block on a slide at the park.
24.) An object that you are pushing with a
The block stays at rest on the slide. What force force of 10 Newtons is sliding at a constant
keeps the block in place?
velocity. What do you know about the friction
A. weight
acting on the object?
B. static friction
A. 10 N of kinetic friction are acting on the
C. kinetic friction
D. normal force
B. 10N of static friction are acting on the
C. Less than 10N of static friction are acting.
D. Less than 10N of kinetic friction are acting.
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
B. Normal force and weight are acting
whether the block is at rest or moving.
So it must be friction which keeps the
block in place. It is specifically static
friction since the block is stationary.
Kinetic friction applied to objects that
are sliding.
A. The object is moving at a constant
velocity so the forces on the object
must be balanced. 10N of friction must
be balancing your 10N of pushing. And
since the box is sliding it is kinetic
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
25.) A mosquito flies into the oncoming
26.) You punch a wall. Afterwards your hand
windshield of a large truck. The truck exerts a
hurts so you know that the wall must have
force of 10 Newtons on the mosquito. What
exerted a force on your hand. The wall didn’t
can we say about the force that the mosquito
move or react. Did you exert a force on the
exerts on the truck?
A. The mosquito exerts a force much less than A. Yes, I exerted a force on the wall. Forces
10N on the truck.
always occur in pairs. The force that I exerted
B. The mosquito exerts a force exactly equal to is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction
10N on the truck.
to the force that the wall exerted on me.
C. The mosquito exerts a force much greater
B. Yes, I exerted a force on the wall. Forces
than 10N on the truck.
always occur in pairs. The force that I exerted
D. Not enough information is provided.
on the wall is much smaller than the force that
the wall exerted on me which is why the wall
doesn’t move.
C. No, I didn’t exert a force on the wall. If I
had exerted a force on the wall, the wall would
have moved.
D. No, I didn’t exert a force on the wall. You
can’t exert forces on solid objects like walls.
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
B. Newton’s third law says that the
force one object exerts on a second
object is equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction to the force that
the second object exerts on the first
object. The force that the mosquito
exerts on the truck is exactly equal in
magnitude to the force that the truck
exerts on the mosquito.
A. Newton’s Third Law.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
27.) How would the measurable properties of a 28.) What is another name for weight?
golf ball change if it were moved from Earth to A. Force of Gravity
the Moon?
B. Mass
A. It would have the same mass, but a different C. Inertia
D. Volume
B. It would have the same weight, but a
different mass.
C. It would have the same density, but a
different mass.
D. It would have the same mass, but a different
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
A. Mass is the same everywhere.
Weight changes since it is the
gravitational force that a nearby planet
exerts on an object. The moon exerts a
smaller gravitational force thus the golf
ball weighs less on the moon.
A. Weight is the gravitational force
that a planet exerts on a nearby object.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
29.) On Earth, Johanna weighs 100 lbs. She
30.) How much does a 50kg student weigh?
calculated what her weight would be at several A. 5 Newtons
other locations in the solar system. The results B. 50 pounds
are shown in the table below.
C. 50 Newtons
D. 500 Newtons
Which of the following statements is best
supported by the information in the table?
A. Venus has more gravitational force than
B. Mars has less gravitational force than the
C. Earth has four times the gravitational force
of Mars.
D. Jupiter has more than twice the gravitational
force of Earth.
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
D. Her weight on Jupiter (260lbs) is
more than twice her weight on Earth
(100lbs.) Thus Jupiter exerts more than
twice the gravitational force.
D. To find weight on Earth, you
multiply mass in kg by 10N/kg so
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
31.) One 7.0 kg bowling ball is lifted to a
32.) Tides, such as those along the coast of
storage shelf 1.0 m above the floor. A second
Massachusetts, are caused by gravitational
7.0 kg ball is lifted to a storage shelf 2.0 m
attractions acting on Earth. Why is the
above the floor.
gravitational attraction of the Moon a greater
Which of the following best explains why the
factor in determining tides than the
measured force of gravity on each ball is nearly gravitational attraction of the much larger Sun?
A. Earth is much closer to the Moon than to the
A. The final potential energy of each ball
B. The Sun’s gravity is a factor only during the
B. The amount of work required to lift each
ball is identical.
C. The Moon’s core has a much greater density
C. The distance of each ball from Earth’s
than the Sun’s core.
center of mass is almost identical.
D. The Sun’s mass is smaller than the mass of
D. The gravitational force of each ball on the
the Moon.
other cancels out the force of Earth’s gravity.
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
C. Measured force of gravity depends
on the distance between the centers of
the two objects. Since the radius of the
Earth is far, far greater than 1m, it is
much more important than the 1m
difference in height. Statement A is
true but does not answer the question
A. The distance between the centers of
the two planetary objects is an
important factor in tides.
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
1. Motion and Forces
Broad Concept: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion of
most objects.
33.) Which one of the following CAN NOT be 34.) Which one of the following are units for
measured using the units of Newtons?
A. Weight
A. Joules
B. Friction
B. Newtons
C. Tension
C. kilograms
D. Mass
D. Watts
My Answer and Explanation:
My Answer and Explanation:
D. Mass is measured in kilograms. It is
not a force. Only forces are measured in
Newtons. The other three are forces.
C. By definition, mass is measured in
Correct Answer and Explanation:
Correct Answer and Explanation:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
Practice: Open-response question #1
Show all your work (diagrams, tables, or computations)
If you do the work in your head, explain in writing how you did the work.
An elastic cord made for bungee jumping is being tested. A block weighing 800 N is attached to
one end of the bungee cord. Then the block is released from a tall tower and it moves downward.
When the elastic cord is fully extended, it exerts an opposing force of 900 N on the block.
a. Draw and label a force diagram for this situation.
b. Calculate the net force on the block. Show your calculations and include units in your answer.
c. Explain what would happen if the elastic cord exerted a maximum force of only 700 N on the
A.) This force diagram shows the forces at the moment the cord is fully
Ftension=900 N
Fgravity=800 N
B.) I am calculating the net force on the block at the moment the cord is
fully extended.
Fnet = Fup – Fdown = 900 N – 800 N = 100 N
C.) If the cord exerted a maximum force of only 700 N, it would never pull
up with enough force to cancel out the weight of the block. The net
force would always be downward. The block would continually accelerate
downward until it hits the ground.
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
D.) Practice: Open-response Question #2
Show all your work (diagrams, tables, or computations)
If you do the work in your head, explain in writing how you did the work.
The figure below is a graph of net force vs. the acceleration of an object.
a. Use the graph to determine the mass of the object. Show your calculations and include units in
your answer.
b. What acceleration will the object have if the net force is 50 N and the trend shown by the
graph continues? Show your calculations and include units in your answer.
c. On the grid in your Student Answer Booklet, draw a graph of force vs. acceleration if the mass
of the object is halved and the object is subjected to the same net forces. Label the axes on your
graph and be sure to include units. Label this graph “c.”
d. On the same axes that you used in part (c), draw a graph of force vs. acceleration if the mass
of the object is doubled and the object is subjected to the same net forces. Label this graph “d.”
Mass is
a.) m=F/a
Force (N)
Mass is
Acceleration m/s/s
b.) a=F/m
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
Practice: Open-response Question #3
Show all your work (diagrams, tables, or computations)
If you do the work in your head, explain in writing how you did the work.
The chart below shows the position of a car moving in a straight line.
Position of a Car
Time (s)
a. Use the data in the chart to draw and correctly label a position versus time graph.
b. Based on the data in the chart, what is the average speed of the car from 0 s to 40 s?
c. Based on the graph that you have drawn, describe the acceleration of the car.
Position of a Car
Position (m)
Position (m)
Time (s)
b.) The average speed from 0s to 40 seconds is:
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
speed 
275m  75m
=5m/s= The slope of this line is 5m/s.
c.) The graph has a constant slope so the velocity is constant. The car is not
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
Practice: Open-response Question #4
Show all your work (diagrams, tables, or computations)
If you do the work in your head, explain in writing how you did the work.
The graph below relates distance to time for a jogger on a morning run.
Distance vs. Time
Distance (m)
Time (minutes)
Juan is on a morning jog. His speed is represented in the graph.
a. At what rate of speed is Juan running between 4 min and 6 min?
b. According to this graph, what can you tell about Juan’s motion between 8 min and 16 min?
c. If Juan had maintained the same speed as in the first 8 min, how long would it have taken him
to run 4000 m? Explain your answer.
a.) speed = change in position/time
speed = (1200m-800m)/2 min = 200m/min
b.) Juan isn’t moving between 8min and 16min. The graph is a horizontal line: his
position is not changing. The slope is 0 so he is not moving.
c.) In the first 8 minutes his speed is 200m/min.
NNHS Introductory Physics: MCAS Review
Packet #1
speed 
200m / min 
t  20 min