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Questions for Review
International Politics in the Postwar World
1. In your judgment, what are the 3 most important issues for the US? Explain
2. Leave this box blank – we will add notes regarding the Communist revolution in Greece?
3. Why was Russia only allowing communist parties to be eligible for election in Poland?
(from a previous reading)
4. How was French feeling toward their communist party?
5. What is notable about the dominance of Communism in Czechoslovaka? Do you
remember, from previous work (one of your timelines), what “charter” signed by FDR
and Churchill that we are violating by withholding aid to hinder this communist
6. How is the UK economy doing?
7. The US stopped loans (and denied requests to continue) to Russia (i.e. Lend Lease Aid).
How did Russia feel about this, and why?
8. What do early voting patterns in the United Nations indicate?
9. How is the Communist Party doing in several Western European countries? Explain
10. Which statistics (from chart) most clearly stand out to you?