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Wolfgang Sachs, Wuppertal Institute, Berlin
Planet Dialectics: Explorations in Environment & Development
Stop trying to grow the economy and green up energy consumption! Try, instead,
to figure out how best to live. Sajay Samuel’s new collection of essays by Ivan
Illich inspires us all to hope for and work on radically discovering the kinds of
lives that we have forgotten that we know how to live.
William Ray Arney, Evergreen State College
Educating for Freedom
Even if written in the 1970s, these essays of Ivan Illich have lost none of
their pertinence or newness. They help us sidestep the heedless rush towards
catastrophe brought on by an out-of-control techno-economic mega-machine.
Serge Latouche, Emeritus, University Paris-Sud
Farewell to Growth
IVAN ILLICH (1926 – 2002) became a parish priest in New York in 1951. He was
appointed vice-rector of the Catholic University in Puerto Rico in 1956. In 1961
he founded CIDOC (Centro Intercultural de Documentación) at Cuernavaca in
Mexico where he developed many of the ideas in his books. He is the author
of Limits to Medicine, Celebration of Awareness, Tools for Conviviality, The Right
to Useful Unemployment, Energy and Equity, Shadow Work, Gender, H2O and the
Waters of Forgetfulness, ABC: The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind, Disabling
Professions, Deschooling Society and In the Mirror of the Past.
Beyond Economics and Ecology: The Radical Thought of Ivan Illich
How fresh they are! These essays of Ivan Illich date back to the 1970s, an epoch
of early disenchantment with industrialism and economic growth. Forty years
later, it is striking how entrenched in our minds the myths of modernity still are.
Ivan Illich brilliantly exposed them, offering a surprising diagnosis with a level
of ethical reflection rarely heard of again.
£12.95 UK / $17.95 US / $21.50 CAN
£12.95 UK / $17.95 US / $21.50 CAN
Marion Boyars Publishers
26 Parke Road, London SW13 9NG
The Radical Thought
of Ivan Illich
Preface by Jerry Brown, Governor of California
Edited by Sajay Samuel