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Chapter 7B Key Terms
Duke William of Normandy, William the Conqueror, Domesday Book
King John, Magna Carta, Great Council of Nobles and Clergy
Hugh Capet, Philip II, Estates General
Lay investiture, Concordate of Worms, Inquisition
Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, Vernacular, Scholasticism, Theology
Romanesque architecture, Gothic architecture, Flying Buttresses
Black Death, Causes and Results, impact on Feudalism, anti-Semitism
Babylonian Captivity, Jan Hus, John Wycliffe
Hundred Years War, Longbow, Cannon, Joan of Arc, Impact on Feudalism
Russian Geography, the steppe
Russia’s ties to the Byzantine Empire, Cyril and Methodius, Cyrillic Alphabet
Prince Vladimir, Golden Age of Kiev
Russia under Mongol rule, Boyar, Tsar
Ivan the Great, “Third Rome”, Ivan the Terrible