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Blundell’s Classics
Recommended ‘Classically Themed’ Reading for year 10 and 11
Description: Historical Fiction
Margaret Atwood
The Penelopiad
A literary novel about the experiences of Odysseus' wife, Penelope, while he was away fighting
the Trojan War and voyaging home.
Elizabeth Cook
A literary novel about Achilles, the heroic Greek warrior who fought in the Trojan War
Margaret George
Helen of Troy
Historical Fiction about the woman at the centre of the Trojan War.
The Song of Troy
Historical fiction
Valerio Massimo
The Talisman of Troy
About a survivor of the Trojan War who journeys to Italy with a mother-goddess figure; based on
legends about the Trojan War.Car
The Night Raid
A novella based on Virgil Aeneid IX – Nisus and Euryalus story
William Golding
The Double Tongue (2005)
Valerio Massimo
Greek Epic/Trojan War
Ancient Greek History
About a woman who becomes a Delphic oracle
The Spartan
About two brothers, one raised in the Spartan warrior tradition, the other in a family of Helot
Child of a Dream
About Alexander the Great
Sands of Ammon
Ends of the Earth
The Lost Army
Tides of War
Steven Pressfield
Gates of Fire
The Virtues of War
The Afghan Campaign
About Xenophon's mistress, who accompanied his army of ten thousand Greek mercenaries in
410 B.C. in their effort to take the throne of Persia for Cyrus the Younger.
A novel of warfare about the Athenian general Alcibiades.
A novel of warfare about the Spartan defence at Thermopylae.
Novels of warfare about Alexander the Great
C.S. Lewis
Till We Have Faces
A literary retelling of the Cupid and Psyche myth, set in a fictional kingdom.
Steven Pressfield
Last of the Amazons
A novel of warfare based on the legend of Theseus and the Amazons from Greek mythology.
Greek Mythology Novels
Jesse Browner
The Uncertain Hour
about the last banquet of a Roman aristocrat who, having offended Emperor Nero, is planning
his suicide and takes the opportunity to enjoy his friends and reflect on his career
Paul Doherty
A sympathetic novel about Agrippina the Younger, the wife of Emperor Claudius and mother
Roman Political/Historical Novels
of Nero.
Robert Graves
I Claudius
A novel of ancient Rome about Emperor Claudius; the television mini-series of the same name
was based on this novel.
Claudius the God
the sequel to I, Claudius
Robert Harris
about Cicero's rise to political power in ancient Rome
Robert Harris
about Cicero's year as consul in 63 B.C., as Julius Caesar plots to gain power and Cicero
wonders whether he can justify using illegal methods in order to save the Roman Republic
Tom Holt
A Song for Nero
a thriller exploring the possibility that Nero survived beyond the date he was believed to have
Conn Iggulden
The Gates of Rome
about Julius Caesar as a youth, when he chooses the losing side in the struggle between
Marius and Sulla to control Rome
The Death of Kings
about the dangers Caesar faced during his rise to power, including capture by Mediterranean
pirates and the slave rebellion of Spartacus
The Field of Swords
about the friendship and rivalry between Caesar and Brutus as Caesar moves toward the
fateful decision to cross the Rubicon and make war in Rome
The Gods of War
about Caesar and the civil war he pursued in order to unseat Pompey as dictator of Rome
about the first emperor of Rome
about Augustus' successor as emperor of Rome
about the rise of Julius Caesar; #3 in the author's Imperial series
about Mark Antony, one of the assassins of Julius Caesar, and his struggle with Octavian for
leadership in Rome after Caesar's death
A sympathetic portrayal of one of the most emotionally disturbed Roman emperors.
Nero’s Heirs
about the "year of the three emperors" after the death of Nero
Allan Massie.
Steven Saylor
First Man in Rome
, a novel of ancient history, about the Roman consul Gaius Marius
The Grass Crown
a novel of ancient history, about the Roman dictator Sulla
Fortune’s Favourites
a novel of ancient history, about the later years of Sulla
Caesar’s Women
novel of ancient history, about the rise of Julius Caesar
a novel of ancient history, about the mature Julius Caesar
The October Horse
a novel of ancient history, about Caesar and Cleopatra
Antony and Cleopatra
a novel of ancient history, about Antony and Cleopatra
Roma: The Novel of Ancient
a sweep-of-history novel about ancient Rome from its earliest founding as a settlement on the
banks of the Tiber into the time of Caesar Augustus
Empire: The Novel of
Imperial Rome
a sweep-of-history novel about ancient Rome from 14 A.D., the end of Caesar Augustus's
reign to the death of Hadrian in 141 A.D.
Arthur Koestler
The Gladiators
Ross Leckie
About Hannibal, the Carthaginian general who invaded Rome
A novel of ancient history, about the life of the Roman general who defeated Hannibal
About the destruction of Carthage in the Third Punic War
Roman Cultural/Historical Novels
About the slave revolt led by Spartacus
Carthaginian Historical novels