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Study Guide: Chapter 10
Bacteria & Viruses
1. Define:
• Antibiotic – medicine used to treat
many bacterial diseases
• Antiviral – a type of medicine that
keeps viruses from reproducing
• Archaebacteria – prokaryotes that
live in harsh environments, often
where nothing else can live
• Bioremediation – use of bacteria to
change harmful chemicals to
harmless ones
1. Define:
• Conjugation - exchange of genetic
material in bacteria
• Cyanobacteria - bacteria that contain
the green pigment chlorophyll and
make their own food
• Decomposer - organism that breaks
down dead organisms
• Endospore - a thick-walled case in
which bacteria store genetic material
during harsh conditions
1. Define:
• Eubacteria - the most common kind
of bacteria
• Genetic engineering - changes in the
genes of bacteria or other living
• Host - a living thing that a virus or
parasite lives on or in
1. Define:
Lysogenic cycle - a cycle in which a
virus’s genes live in a host but are
• Lytic cycle - a cycle in which a virus
attacks a host and causes it to make
• Nitrogen fixation - the process in which
bacteria change nitrogen in the air into
a form that plants can use
1. Define:
• Pathogenic bacteria - bacteria that
cause disease
• Prokaryote - a single-celled organism
with no nucleus
1. Define:
• Protein coat - the substance that
protects a virus’s genetic material and
helps it get inside a cell
• Vaccination - a way to prevent viral
• Virus - a particle that invades a cell
and uses it to create copies
What happens when bacteria
reproduce by binary fission?
The DNA is copied, then one cell splits into
two cells, and each new cell gets a copy of
the DNA
What organism can live where
nothing else lives?
How many cells do bacteria have?
How do bacteria help the
• Bioremediation
• Decomposing
• Nitrogen Fixation
How do viruses reproduce?
Lytic cycle
(more viruses are made)
Lysogenic cycle
(DNA is copied and spread)
List and describe the shapes of
• Bacilli – rod-like
• Cocci – spherical
• Spirilla – spiral shaped
List and describe the shapes of viruses.
How are viruses like and unlike
living things?
Viruses reproduce
with the help of a host
Viruses have DNA
or RNA
Viruses use energy but it is not their own
Viruses don’t have cells
Viruses don’t sense and respond to
Viruses don’t grow and develop
Antibiotics can be used to kill
many pathogenic bacteria, but they
are useless against
Colds and flu are caused by