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Extreme Flooding Events
Assessment Using Remote
Sensing and GIS.
MS Thesis
Remote Sensing and GIS
Presented By
Syed Hammad Shabbir
Supervisor: Dr Aqeel Ahmed Kidwai
COMSATS Institute Of Information
Technology Islamabad
Sequence of Presentation
 Introduction
 Methodology
 Result
 Conclusion
 Recommendations
To provide an assessment of extreme flood events in
Pakistan under predicted climate change scenarios
The severe flooding and its impact on social and economic
conditions of people living around the vulnerable areas
around Indus Basin.
To examine different flood events and their potential
impact on the floodplains
Defining Indus Basin and its catchment area, sub basins
within the boundaries of Pakistan
Floodplain mapping and inundation maps
Study Area Indus River
Historically known as Sindhu,
Sindhi also called Mehran in
Sanskrit and Tibetan language.
One of the longest river of the
It is ranked as the twelfth
largest river basin on Earth
Passing through the Himalayan,
Karakorum and Hindu Kush
ranges it has total length of 3200
The drainage area is about
1,165,000 sq km.
The 453,000 square km area of
basin is in the Himalayas Ranges,
the Hindu Kush, and
the Karakoram Range
The other part is in the plains
of Pakistan
Indus River (Study Area)
The annual flow of the river is around
243 cubic km
Geological history shows that 50 to 45
million years ago Indus River Delta
emerged as a delta and the river in fifty
million years has twice changed its
course and direction.
Upper Indus Basin (UIB) has
approximately 220,000 square kilometer
(km2) surface area.
Major tributaries of Indus Basin are
Chenab, Jhelum, Ravi, Sutlej and Kabul
Glaciers runoff contributes
approximately 19.6 million acre-feet
(MAF) to the total annual flow of the UIB.
14.1 MAF from the Karakorum, 2.3 MAF
from western Himalayas and 3.2 from the
Hindu Kush.
18 percent of the total flow of 110
million acre-feet (MAF) from the
mountain headwaters of Indus River and
the 82 percent is from melt water from
winter snow.
Climate change and the Indus River
AFP/ Getty Images
The most vulnerable people
affected with climate change will
be the poorest people of
developing countries.
Indus River have been affected by
frequent and high intensity floods
in recent years.
Historical patterns and trends in
temperature and precipitation
indicate increasing hydro climatic
risks in Pakistan over the coming
By the 2020s the temperature is
expected to rise by about 2°C in
northern Pakistan, 1.5°C in the
central parts of the country, and
1°C in the coastal areas.
Have negative affect over the
glaciers of UIB which will increase
the rate of snow melting,
increased frequency and intensity
of floods.
Sequence and Damages from flood
events in Pakistan
Damages from July 2010 flood event
AFP/ Getty Images
In 2010 Pakistan experienced
catastrophic monsoon and
extraordinary rainfall in midJuly to September 2010
resulting in unprecedented
floods affecting the entire
This was the second worst
event in terms of devastation
since 1929.
Rains and floods affected over
20 million people, destroying
the properties, housing,
infrastructure and crops. The
estimated cost was 10 billion
US$ for reconstruction.
Defining the catchment area of Indus Basin with watershed delineation
Hydraulics modeling using geometric input data for modeling.
Historical extreme flood events modelling.
Flood modeling of 22 July 1958 for Dera Ghazi Khan Division
Flood modeling of 02 August 2010 for Dera Ghazi Khan Division
Flood modeling of 15 August 1976 for Sukkur, Larkana and Nasirabad Divisions
Flood modeling of 08 August 2010 Sukkur, Larkana and Nasirabad Divisions
Defining Indus Basin
By using the Arc Hydro tools define the catchment area of Indus River, its floodplains and
streams network.
The points used for the delineation are of major barrages of Pakistan.
Watershed delineation analysis for
Tarbella Dam
Mangla Dam
Chashma Barrage
Taunsa Barrage
Trimmu Jehlum Link
Trimmu Chenab Link
Panjnad Barrage
Guddu Barrage
Kotri Barrage
Indus Basin Drainage Analysis
To perform drainage analysis digital elevation model (DEM) of Global Multiresolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010) 15 arc-seconds is used.
For the hydrologic modeling the break line layers were used; the breakline
emphasis products are recommended layers for hydrology projects.
The images were mosaicked in Erdas Imagine 2011, Pakistan was extracted
from the mosaic image using ArcMap spatial analyst tool.
Project to projected coordinate system UTM using project tool in ArcMap.
Arc Hydro tools are useful in hydrologic modeling
Steps in Drainage Analysis
Fill Sinks
Flow Direction
Flow Accumulation
Batch Watershed Delineation
Stream Definition
Drainage Area Centroid
Stream Segmentation
Longest Flow Path
Catchment Grid Delineation
Construct 3D Line
Catchment Polygon Processing
Drainage Line Processing
Smooth 3D Line
Adjoint Catchment Processing
Hydro Network Generation
Drainage Point Processing
Node/Link Schema Generation
Longest Flow Path for Catchments
Compute Local Parameters
Longest Flow Path for Adjoint
Generate Report
Watershed Maps
Hydraulic Analysis
Define the floodplains of the Indus Basin and to create flood inundation maps.
Areas are selected for the hydraulic analysis
Dera Ghazi Khan Division
Sukkur Division
Larkana Division
Nasirabad Division
Rahim Yar Khan, Muzaffargarh, D.G.Khan and Rajanpur are classified in the
high deprived category.
Kashmore, Jaccobabad, Jamshoro, Tando Muhammad Khan, Umer Kot, Badin,
Thatta and Tharparkar for the Sindh province are high level of deprivations
magnitude of overall Index of multiple deprivations according to the Districts’
Indices of Multiple Deprivations
A research study conducted by Plan International suggested based on fourteen
different parameters that Dera Ghazi Khan Division, Sukkur Division and
Larkana Divisions are amongst the most vulnerable and insecure regions for
the flooding (Neighboring Risk 2010).
Hydraulic Modeling and Floodplain Mapping
with HEC-GeoRAS and HEC-RAS
HEC-GeoRAS is software developed by US Army Corps of Engineers Institute for
Water Resources as an extension for ArcGIS. The tools are used to build
geometric data for river analysis. The geometric files are exported to HEC –
RAS and then imported back for Inundation maps.
HEC – RAS is software developed by US Army Corps of Engineers Institute for
Water Resources.
The Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) is
developed to perform one-dimensional steady flow analysis it also perform
unsteady flow analysis, sediment transport computations, and water
temperature modeling. (USACE, 2002 b).
Process flow diagram of HEC-RAS
Start an ArcGIS Project
Stream Center Line
Prepare Geometric Data
Bank Lines
Flowpath Lines
Start RAS Project
Import Geometric Data
Extract Elevation Data
Export RAS Data
Cross Section Review
Enter Flow Data
ArcGIS Project
Create Profiles for Steady Flow
Import RAS Results
Create Flood profile
Inundation Maps
Export GIS File
Spatial Data preparation
DEM Dera Ghazi Khan Division and TIN Dera Ghazi Khan Division
Spatial Data preparation
DEM Nasirabad – Larkana - Sukkur Division & TIN Nasirabad – Larkana - Sukkur
Importing Geometry data into HEC-RAS
The geometric file created in HEC-Geo RAS is now imported into HEC – RAS as
GIS import file
HEC-RAS can perform steady and unsteady flow water surface profile
calculations, sediment transport computations, and water temperature
analysis (USACE, 2002 b).
Modeling in HEC-RAS
Subcritical analysis was used to perform floodplain and inundation mapping.
Flow Data and boundary conditions.
The historical flow data of past extreme flood events were collected from the
Federal Flood Commission Report 2010.
The flow data used to perform this analysis was from Tanusa Barrage data
i.e. 7,88,646 for 22 July 1958 and 9,59,991 cusecs for 02 August 2010 was
considered for Dera Ghazi Khan Division and Guddu Barrage i.e. 11,99,672
cusecs for 15 August 1976 and 11,31,000 cusecs for 08 August 2010 for the
Sukkur, Larkana and Nasirabad Divisions.
Normal depth was used for the boundary condition.
Modeling in HEC-RAS
Two plans of flow data entered for the Dera Ghazi Khan Division first was
historical flow data of 22 July 1958 i.e. 7,88,646 cusecs and 9,59,991 cusecs
for 02 August 2010 for Tanusa Barrage.
For the second analysis the historical flow data of 15 August 1976 i.e.
11,99,672 cusecs and 11,31,000 cusecs for 09 August 2010 for the Guddu
The cusecs were converted into cubic meter/second as a requirement of the
SI units.
Steady Flow Analysis
Subcritical flow regime was selected for this analysis.
The RAS file was exported as GIS data with all the computed profiles to be
used for flood inundation mapping.
Flood inundation mapping
The areas severely affect by these results are Layyah,
Kot Addu, Muzaffargarh and Jampur. Rajanpur was
not included in the final result because the analysis
was done up till the divisional boundaries of the
Results in Tabular format and
Graphical Profiles
Flood 22 July 1958 Profile 1 Output Table, RAS Modeling
Flood 22 July 1958 Profile 1 X-Y-Z Perspective RAS Modeling
Results in Tabular format and
Graphical Profiles
Flood 22 July 1958 Profile 2 Output Table, RAS Modeling
Flood 2010Profile 2 X-Y-Z Perspective RAS Modeling
Flood inundation mapping
Flood 22 July 1958 Floodplain Map RAS Modeling
Flood 22 July 1958 Depth Map RAS Modeling
Flood inundation mapping
Flood 02 August 2010 RAS Modeling
Flood 02 August 2010 Depth Map RAS Modeling
Flood inundation mapping
Flood 08 August 2010 RAS Modeling
Flood 15 August 1976 RAS Modeling
Results comparison
Dera Ghazi Khan Flood 02 August 2010
Landsat Image 12 August 2010
Flood 2010 UNDP Shapefile
Results comparison
Floodplain extent 2010 RAS Modeling
Rivers and Canals System Sukkur, Nasirabad and Larkana Divisions
The most vulnerable districts to be affected by the floods every year are the most
poorest districts of Pakistan.
The social and economic conditions in these districts are at lowest level.
The Human development Index of these districts are among the lowest.
The chances to recover from floods for these districts are very low without external
Catchments, sub catchments with drainage lines of stream network with delineation
points helps to work on specific floodplain.
The final results can be used for the hazard mapping and mitigation purpose.
The velocity, power, shear and depth of the flood is calculated in the final results.
ArcGIS and River Analysis Systematic Tools provided the prospect to complete this
study by using historical data of the floods.
Model historical extreme or predicted flood event by using these tools.
Meteorological data can be added to create time series floodplain mapping
Cross section data
TIN data
Bridges and Culverts data
Ineffective flow areas
Boundary Conditions
Levees and embankment data
Comparison Maps
Geo-referenced surveyed data for the cross section can improve the quality and
accuracy of the final results.
LiDAR data for the TIN creation is recommended for the analysis as LiDAR data is
more accurate and detailed than the Digital Elevation Models.
Bridges data with their heights and width as input for geometric data
preprocessing can improve the results.
Obstructions and other blocked areas including lakes and canal data can also
impact the final results of the analysis.
Similarly the embankments on the river sides can also impact the results the
height and width of these embankments can affect the results.
Flow change locations and factors like time series data, precipitation data at the
time of flood in particular catchment area can also improve the final results of
floodplain mapping.
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