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14,  2017
14. Fill in the blank with appropriate Non-finite
verb. I would rather .… than suffer so.
1. died 2. Dying 3. Todie
4. die
15. To find fault iseasy. Here the under lined part
is used as a/an…
1. Noun
2. Adjective
3. Object
4. Verb
16. He likes to play cards. Here the underlined
part is used as a/an…
1. Noun 2. Adjective 3. Object
4. Verb
17. The boys are anxious.... Fill in the blanks with
appropriate verbs.
1. tolearn
2. Learn
3. Learning
4. Learnt
18. Identify the sentence that does not have an
1. There was nothing for it to fight
2. Letuspray
3. He is going to market
4. I heard her sing
A lost opportunity never returns
Verbs can be divided into two categories:
1. Finite Verbs
2. Non-finite Verbs
a Finite verbs are the verbs that are governed
by the person and number of the subject.
Ramya is eating a napple.
I eat an apple.
He eats an apple.
She ate an apple yesterday.
a In the above sentences, the verb ‘eat’ is
governed by the person and number of the
subjects, ‘Ramya’, ‘I’, ‘he’ and ‘she’
respectively. So they are called Finite Verbs.
Non-finite verbs are the verbs that do not
change their form even when the person
and the number of the subject changes.
I want to eat an apple.
Swath has to eat apples every day.
They want to eat an apple.
a In the above sentences, the verb ‘eat’
does not change eventhough the person and
number of the subject change. So they are
called Non-finite Verbs.
Kinds of Non-Finite Verbs
There are three kinds of non-finite verbs:
1. Infinitives
2. Participles
3. Gerunds
1. Infinitives
a The infinitive is the base form of a verb,
often followed by to.
a The Infinitive is a kind of noun with certa
in features of the verb, especially that of
taking an object and adverbial qualifiers.
a In short, the Infinitive is a Verb-Noun.
a There are two kinds of infinitives
To Infinitive (to+V1)
Bare Infinitive (without to)
Examples: He likes to visit hill stations.
You need not shout. (bare infinitive)
I prefer to drink a cup of green tea instead
of milk after dinner. (to infinitive)
Let her enjoy the music. (bare infinitive)
She has to work very hard. (to infinitive)
You can make do the work. (bare infinitive)
Raman’s pastime is to play the piano.
I will not let you go. (bareinfinitive)
People like to gossip. (to infinitive)
You had better ask permission.
(bare infinitive)
Note:The word ‘to’ is frequently used with the
In finitive, but is not an essential part of it.
a After certain verbs (bid, let, make, need, dare,
see, hear, had better, had rather, would rather,
sooner than, rather than), we use the Infinitive
without to; as,
Bid him go there
I bade him go
Let him sit here
Make him stand
I made him run
We need not go to-day
You need not do it
You dare not do it
In all the above sentences ‘abareinfinitive’ is used.
Uses of the Infinitive
a Infinitiveshavethefollowinguses:
1. As the Subject of a Verb
To live honourably is not so easy.
To earn is not so difficult as to spend.
To get a job is my dream.
2. As the Object of a Verb
He loves to read novels.
I want to go.
She desires to settle down here.
3. As the Object of a Preposition
He has no choice but to go.
The show is about to start.
The enemy is about to surrender.
4. As the Complement of a Verb; as,
My only ambition is to become a doctor.
Her greatest pleasure is to sing.
His custom is to ride daily.
5. As an Objective Complement; as,
I saw him dance.
I will have you accept your fault.
I bid you go.
2. Participles
a A participle is that form of the Verb which
partakes of the nature both of aVerb and of
an Adjective. [Or] A participle is a word which
is partly a Verb and partly an adjective. It
is there fore also called Verbal Adjectives.
A rolling stonegathersnomoss.
His tattered coatneedsmending.
a In the above two examples, the present participle (rolling) and the participle (tattered)
are modifying Nouns and acting like Adjectives. So they are called Participles.
There are three kinds of participles
1. Present Participle (eg. running, walking,
hearing, swimming, migrating, etc.)
2. Past Participle (eg. injured, wounded, tired, etc)
3. Perfect Participle (having takes, having
completed etc.)
He jumped of a running train.
The wounded soldiers were taken to the camp.
Migrating birds fly long distances.
The tired horse could run no farther.
The sun having set could notseen.
Uses of Participles:
Since Participles perform the function of an
Adjectives, they can be used in three ways:
1) Attributively
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
His tattered coat needs mending.
A lost opportunity never returns.
2) Predicatively
He felt completely exhausted.
The man seems worried.
He kept me waiting.
3) Absolute Use (with a noun or pronoun
going before)
The weather being fine, I went out.
Many having arrived, we were freed from
Weat her permitting, there will be a garden
party at Government House tomorrow.
God willing, we shall have another good
Ch. Srinivas
SA in English ZPHS,
Elabaka, Veenavanka
3. Gerund
A Gerund is that form of the verb which ends
in-ing, and has the force of a Noun and a
verb. So it is also called a Verbal Noun.
Teaching is easy.
Seeing is believing.
Walking is good for health.
Fishing is popular in coastal areas.
In all the above examples, the V1 (ing) form of
the verb is performing the role of a Noun,
so it is called a Gerund or Verbal Noun.
Uses of a Gerund
1. As the subject of a Verb
Smoking is injurious to health.
Swimming is good for health.
Reading is a good habit.
2. As the Object of a Verb
I hate telling lies.
She loves singing.
He likes sitting idle.
3. As the Object of a Preposition
He is fond of reading books.
I was tired of waiting.
I believe in working hard.
4. As the complement of a Verb
What I hate is telling lies.
His habit was reading till late in the night.
His weakness is drinking.
5. As an Apposition
It is no use running after shadows.
It is useless talking to him.
It was so sweet of her trusting me.
Practice Bits
1. Which of the following sentence has a
participle in it?
1. He saw the sunshine and threw open
the window.
2. He is seeing the sunshine through the
3. As he saw the sunshine, he threw open
the window.
4. Seeing the sunshine, he threw open
the window.
2. I want to pursue my education. The
underlined part is…
1. bare infinitive
2. Infinitive
3. Participle
4. Gerund
3. Fill in the blank with suitable gerund.
We are prevented from ..... the prisoner.
1. being seen
2. Having seen
3. Having been
4. seing
4. Fill in the blank with suitable participle.
It was a very…….meeting
1. Tiring
2. Tiresome
3. Tired
4. Tideous
5. Combine to gether the following pairs of
sentences by using the Infinitive.
He did not have even a rupee with him.
He could not buy a loaf of bread.
1. He did not have even a rupee with him
for buying a loaf of bread.
2. He did not have even a rupee with him
buy a loaf of bread.
3. He did not have even a rupee with him
to buy a loaf of bread.
4. Not having money, he did not buy a loaf
of bread.
6. Choose the appropriate option to complete
the sentence ….. is easy; practicing is
1. having preached
2. Have been preaching
3. preaching
4. On preaching
7. Identify the sentence that does not have
a gerund.
1. Reading is my favorite pastime.
2. They are playing cards.
3. I like reading poetry.
3. He is fond of hoarding money.
8. Read the following two sentences.
A. To give is better than to receive.
B. Giving is better than receiving.
Choose the correct option.
1. Sentence A is correct, B is incorrect
2. Sentence B is correct, A is incorrect
3. Both A and B are incorrect
4. Both A and B are correct.
9. Fill in the blank with suitable participle.
…. the noise, I woke up.
1. Having heard
2. Hearing
3. to hear
4. Heard
10. Find the incorrect sentence.
1. Make him stand.
2. I made him to run.
3. We need not go to-day.
4. I heard him cry.
11. Identify the sentence in which Infinitive
is NOT used.
1. Birds love to sing.
2. Many men went to the battlefield.
3. To respect our parents is our duty.
4. He refused to obey the orders.
12. Fill in the blank with appropriate Nonfinite verb. You had better .… permission.
1. toask
2. Ask
3. Asking
4. Having asked
13. Fill in the blank with appropriate Nonfinite verb. I had rather…… than work.
1. play
2. Toplay
3. Playing
4. Played
5-3, 6-3,
11-2, 12-2,
17-1, 18-3