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Keep this handout in your notebook as a quick reference guide to help you with this unit.
 Participles
A participle is the form of a verb, but it is not a verb. It can be an adjective
which means it modifies a noun or pronoun. It most often ends in “ing” or
There are two types of participles: Past Participles and Present Participles.
Present Participles end in “ing”:
The crying baby had a wet diaper.
The burning log fell off the fire.
Past Participles usually end in “ed”.
The spilled oil spread over the floor.
The elected chairperson must work hard.
 Participial phrases
A participial phrase includes a participle and all the other words that
complete its meaning. It is used as an adjective, and may come before or
after the word it modifies. Used at the beginning of a sentence, it must be
set off by commas.
Removing his coat, Jack rushed to the river.
Ashley noticed her cousin walking along the shoreline.
 Gerunds
A gerund is a verb form that ends in “ing” and is used as a noun. It can be
the subject of a sentence, the direct object, or the object of a preposition.
Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences. (subject)
They do not appreciate my singing. (direct object)
Birds can escape from dangers by flying. (object of the preposition)
 gerund phrases
A gerund phrase is a group of words that includes a gerund and other
words that complete its meaning.
Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier than what we are trying to do.
 Infinitives
An infinitive is another verb form that may function as a noun. It can also
function as an adjective or an adverb. An infinitive is formed from the word
to followed by the simple base form of a verb.
We must study to learn.
Everyone wanted to go.
His ambition is to fly.
 Infinitive phrases
An infinitive phrase is a group of words that includes an infinitive and other
words that complete its meaning.
I have a paper to write before class. (adjective modifying paper)
Corey agreed to give me a ride. (direct object of the verb agreed)
Everyone wanted Rachel to be the captain of the team. (direct object of wanted)