Download Plate Tectonics Webquest - Ms. Murray`s Class Website

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Plate Tectonics Webquest
Go to webquest links on the class website to find links:
Go to:
The four main features of plate tectonics are:
Go to the following link and answer the questions:
How long ago did the Earths crust solidify?_______________________
Is the crust a solid shell? No Yes
Why or why not?
What are the plates made of?_____________________
How thick are the plates?____________________________
What factors cause the map of the Earth to change?
What does “plate tectonics” mean? ________________ ___________________
When was the theory developed?__________________
What does it explain?
What other phenomena does it explain?
How fast are the plates moving? _____________________
Where does most of the Earth’s seismic activity occur?
What is seismic activity?
Give one fact about the crust:
What is the rocky mantle made of?
What is the upper mantle called?___________________________
What is the lower mantle called?____________________________
What is seafloor spreading?
What forms where the seafloor is spreading?
Who discovered seafloor spreading? _________________ and ____________ When? _________
What did Alfred Wegner propose in 1915?
What did he hypothesize?
What does Pangaea mean? _______-_____________________
When did Pangaea exist? ____________________________
What is a Mesosaurus?
What is a Glossopteris?
What do they have to do with plate tectonics?
Go to the following link on seafloor spreading:
Where does seafloor spreading take place?______________
What does it produce?__________________________
Give 2 examples of midocean ridges:
How high is a typical midocean ridge “mountain”?
What is the other major process of plate tectonics?
Explain how new material forms at places where seafloor spreading is occurring:
What characteristics of the seafloor does seafloor spreading produce
Go to the following link:
What is subduction?
Which plate slides under the other plate when subduction is happening?
What is faulting?
What causes earthquakes (yet again!!!)?
What do you call the area where subduction occurs?
What causes the subducted plate to melt?
What does it produce?
What forms when large areas of crust are melted?
Go to the following link:
What is the name of the most famous fault in the world?
What event partly caused its notoriety?
Which two plates come together at the San Andreas Fault (you have to read down a bit)?
How long is the San Andreas Fault? _____________ miles
How deep is it? ___________________ miles
What is elastic rebound?
What does it cause?
How old is the San Andreas Fault?
What is the slip rate along it?
MUST BE DONE!!!!!!!!!!
Go to the following website
Give access code:
UCDTN24 and your name and answer the questions.
Make sure you choose the finish test button at the end.
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Make sure you see your test score or you aren’t done!!!!