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Endocrine Disorders
Hypo and Hypersecretion
Endocrine Disorders
Hypo secretion and Hypersecretion of hormones
result in several well describe disorders.
Pituitary dwarfism is a
result of a hypo secretion
of growth hormone.
• Long bone growth is
slowed, body
proportions are normal
Pituitary dwarfism is a
result of a hypo secretion
of growth hormone.
• Long bone growth is
slowed, body
proportions are normal
• Treatment with growth
hormone may restore
normal growth
There are over 300
distinct medical
conditions that can result
in dwarfism
A person may be classified
as a dwarf if their adult
height is less than 4 feet
10 inches.
Pituitary gigantism is a
result of a hypersecretion
of growth hormone in
People can reach a height
of 8 feet.
This is usually the result of
a pituitary tumor.
Pituitary gigantism is a
result of a hypersecretion
of growth hormone in
People can reach a height
of 8 feet.
This is usually the result of
a pituitary tumor.
Acromegaly is a result of
growth hormone
hypersecretion after the
epiphyseal plates have
• Over growth of the
• Feet
• Face
Growth Hormone Abuse
• Growth hormone has become a source of
abuse by athletes because of its anabolic
• Stimulates muscle development
• Muscle strength is not proportionate
• Cancer and diabetes may occur
Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted
physical and mental growth due to untreated
congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones
Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted
physical and mental growth due to untreated
congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones
Causes may be genetic or due to a lack of iodine
in the diet
Myxedema is a condition of severe
hypothyroidism seen in adults.
Changes include:
• Thickening of the skin
• Puffy eyes
• Lethargy
• Mental slowness
The conditions of cretinism and myxedema may
be caused by a deficiency of iodine in the diet.
In this, the thyroid gland enlarges and protrudes
from the neck.
Iodine supplements can reverse the above
Grave’s Disease
Grave’s disease is caused by hyperthyroidism.
This is a autoimmune disease where the antibodies
mimic TSH, stimulating TH release.
Symptoms include:
• Elevated metabolic rate
• Sweating
• Rapid heart rate
• Weight loss
• Exophthalmos (protrusion of the eye balls)
Grave’s Disease
Cushing’s Disease
Cushing’s Disease is caused by an excess of
ACTH being secreted by the anterior pituitary
gland. Cushing’s syndrome which is cased by a
over secretion of glucocorticoids by
Cushing’s Disease
Symptoms include:
• Loss of muscle and bone protein
• Water and salt retention
• Moon face due to swelling
• A “Buffalo Hump” on the back of the neck
Cushing’s Disease
Addison’s Disease
Addison’s disease is also known as adrenal
insufficiency. The adrenal cortex is hypoactive.
Symptoms include:
• Weight loss
• Dehydration
• Low bold pressure
• Hyperpigmentation of the skin
Addison’s Disease
Diabete mellitus
Diabetes can exist in two forms.
• Type I or Juvenile Diabetes
• Type II or adult onset diabetes
Diabetes mellitus
• Type I or Juvenile Diabetes is an autoimmune
disease and patients are insulin dependent.
Its onset is usually in child hood.
• Type II is called adult onset diabetes. Patients
typically can control symptoms by diet and
weight loss.
Diabetes mellitus
• Symptoms of diabetes include:
– Polyuria
– Polydipsia
– Polyphagia