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The cardiac cycle
May 17
The cardiac cycle
The cardiac events that occur
Each cycle is initiated
by Spontaneous generation of AP in the
There is delay of more than 1/10
from the beginning of one heartbeat
to the beginning of the other.
between passages of cardiac impulses
from the atria into the ventricles.
This delay allows the atria
May 17
to contract ahead of the ventricles.
The cardiac cycle:
Cardiac cycle consists of
period of relaxation (diastole)
during which the heart fills with blood,
followed by a period of contraction
Blood normally flows
May 17
continually from the veins into the
75% before the atria contract.
Atria contraction causes addition
25% of ventricular filling
Ventricular filling
During ventricular systole
large amount of Blood accumulate
in the atria.
Immediately after systole
Ventricular pressures fall
Moderately increase pressure's in
the atria
push the A-V valves open
May 17
and allow blood to flow rapidly into the
(period of rapid filling of ventricles).
Ventricular Filling
This period lasts
During the middle 1/3
for about the first 1/3 of diastole
only small amount of blood flows
from atria to ventricles.
During the last 1/3 of diastole
atria contract
May 17
Ventricular emptying
Immediately after Ventricular
contraction begins
Ventricular pressure abruptly raises
causing A-V valves to close.
Additional 0.02 – 0.03Sec.
Is required for the ventricles
May 17
to push semi lunar valves open.
During this period contraction is
to build up sufficient pressure,
but no emptying.
This period is called Isometric or
Isovolumic contraction
Ventricular emptying
When the Lt ventricular pressure
70% of emptying
slightly above 80mmHg,
and Rt ventricular pressure
slightly above 8mmHg.
Semilunar valves open
Blood begins to pour out of the
occur in the first third of ejection.
30% in the next two third.
May 17
Ventricular emptying
At the end of systole,
For another 0.03 – 0.06Sec.
May 17
ventricular relaxation begins suddenly,
allowing the intraventricular pressure to
fall rapidly.
Semilunar valves close
The ventricular muscle continues to relax
even though the volume does not change,
giving rise to the period of Isovolumic or
Isometric relaxation.
Ventricular emptying
The intraventricular pressures fall
back to their low diastolic level,
then A- V valve open
to begin a new cycle, of ventricular
End diastolic volume 110 – 120mls
Stroke volume ≈ 70mls
End systolic volume, 40 – 50mls
Ejection fraction, about 60%
May 17
Ventricular pressure (mmHg)
60 -
20 -
Isovolumetric contraction
Isovolumetric relaxation
May 17
Ventricular volume (ml)
Heart Sound
Two are normally heard through a stethoscope
during each cardiac cycle.
The first is a low, slightly prolonged “lub”
May 17
fist sound
caused by vibrations set up by the sudden closure of
the mitral and tricuspid valves
at the start of ventricula systole
Heart Sound
The second is a shorter, high-pitched “dup”
A soft, low-pitched the end of ventricular systole.
A soft, low-pitched third sound is
second sound
caused by vibrations associated with the end of ventricular
about one-third of the way through
in many normal young individuals.
It coincides with the period of rapid ventricular filling
May 17
and probably due to vibrations set up by the inrush of blood.
Heart Sound
A fourth sound can sometimes be heard
immediately before the first sound
when atrial pressure is high
or the ventricle is stiff
in conditions such as ventricular hypertrophy
. It is due to ventricular filling
May 17
rarely heard in normal adults.
Heart sounds
Standard areas of auscultation
May 17
Aortic area – second intercostal
space Rt
Pulmonary area – second
intercostal space Lt
Mitral area – apex
Tricuspid area – fourth intercostal
space Rt