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Freshmen Fitness Concepts Sheboygan North High School Physical Fitness !   Definition: !   “A measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, resist hypokinetic diseases (diseases from sedentary lifestyles), and to meet emergency situations.” Physical Fitness !   All though this is a widely accepted definition of “Physical Fitness” most experts agree that the definition is much deeper that that. !   Most experts break physical fitness into 5 categories and they call it “The 5 Components of Fitness”. !   In order to improve your overall fitness you will need to work on all 5 of the components. 5 Components of Fitness !   The following 5 components will be taught throughout the semester using a variety of different types of activities. !   Cardiovascular !   Muscle Strength !   Muscle Endurance !   Flexibility !   Body Composition Physical Fitness Tests In the past you may have completed the following fitness tests for each component… !   Mile Run (Cardiovascular Test) !   Bicep Curl Test (Muscle Strength Test) !   Sit-­‐up Test (Muscle Endurance Test) !   Sit-­‐n-­‐Reach Test ( Flexibility Test) !   Body Fat % ( Body Composition Test) Cardiovascular Fitness !  The ability of the heart, lungs and
vascular system to deliver oxygenrich blood to working muscles during
sustained physical activity.
Cardiovascular Fitness Examples !   Brisk walking !   Bicycling !   Treadmill !   Jogging !   Elliptical trainer !   Moderate sports activity !   Jumping rope !   Stair climber !   Swimming !   Rowing !   Hiking !   Aerobics classes Signs of Cardiovascular Fitness !   After exercise your heart rate returns to normal quickly. This is known as your recovery heart rate. !   You can participate in mild to moderate exertion without getting winded. !   You have a low resting heart rate. Benefits of Cardiovascular Fitness • 
Strengthens heart, lungs,
respiration and blood circulation
Builds stamina for sustained
Improves quality of life, allowing
you to be more active
Can help reduce "bad
cholesterol," low-density
lipoproteins and raise "good
cholesterol," high density
Helps your heart beat more
efficiently, lowering your resting
heart rate and speeding up the
rate at which your heartbeat
returns to normal following
Helps with heart management
Decreases your risk of
cardiovascular disease, including
heart attack and stroke
Can help control blood sugar
Helps maintain a healthy body
Improves energy
Helps you sleep better
Cardiovascular Fitness Test !   MILE RUN Muscle Strength !  Muscular strength is the amount
of force a muscle or muscle group
can exert against a heavy
resistance one time.
Examples of Muscle Strength •  Volleyball spike
•  Testing 1 rep max
•  Picking up a heavy box of books •  Throwing a rock •  Shot Put Benefits of Muscle Strength • 
Improved Performance of Physical Activities
Injury Prevention
Improved Body Composition
Enhanced Self-Image and Quality of Life
Improved Muscle and Health with Aging
Prevention of Chronic Disease
Increased muscle and bone mass Muscle Strength Fitness Test !   Bicep Curl Muscle Endurance !  Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to repeat a movement many times or to hold a particular position for an extended period of time. Examples of Muscle Endurance !   Continuous Tension = Holding a yoga pose, tug-­‐of-­‐
war or wrestling !   Repetitive Dynamic Contration = running a marathon or swimming the 500m freestyle !   Prolonged Intense Contractions with short rest periods = soccer or hockey Benefits of Muscle Endurance !   Increased Metabolism !   Reduced Fatigue !   Good posture !   Fewer Injuries !   Fewer back problems Muscle Endurance and its relationship with Strength !   Muscle Endurance cannot be built without gaining some strength. You should ideally build some strength when you do muscle endurance exercises by default. !   Baseball Pitch = Muscle Strength but being able to pitch a whole game = Muscle Endurance Muscle Endurance Fitness Test !   Sit-­‐ups (aka. Curl ups) Difference Between Muscle Strength and Muscle Endurance Muscle Strength Muscle Endurance •  Reps 7-­‐10 •  Reps 11-­‐25 •  Heavy Weight • Light Weight •  60%-­‐85% of 1 rep Max • 20%-­‐55% of 1 rep Max •  Sets 1-­‐3 • Sets of 1-­‐3 •  Rest 30-­‐90 sec. between sets • 20-­‐30 sec. between sets. Flexibility ! T
  his is the ability to
move joints and use
muscles through their full
range of motion.
Examples of Flexibility • 
Gymnastics splits
Benefits of Flexibility •  Improved Physical Performance and Decreased Risk
of Injury
•  Reduced Muscle Soreness and Improved Posture
•  Reduced Risk of Low Back Pain
•  Increased Blood and Nutrients to Tissues
•  Improved Muscle Coordination
•  Enhanced Enjoyment of Physical Activities
Factors the affect flexibility •  Age
•  Body Temperature (warmer muscles are
more elastic)
•  Gender
•  Injuries
•  Excessive body fat
•  Lifestyle (active or sedentary)
•  Genetics
Flexibility Fitness Test !   Sit – n – Reach Body Composition !  Body composition is the
amount of fat in the body
compared to the amount of
water and lean mass
(muscle, bones, organs etc.).
Factors that can influence body composition •  Calorie intake / diet
•  Calorie expenditure / activity level
•  Genetics
•  Illness
•  Age
•  Metabolic Rate
!   To increase or decrease your percent of body
fat you need to create the right balance
between the calories in and calories out. The
best way to do this is to decrease daily calories
by about 500 and increase your exercise.
Aerobic exercise along with strength training
is ideal.
!   To Gain Weight:
Increase Calories IN –
Decrease Calories OUT
!   To Lose Weight:
Decrease Calories INIncrease Calories Out
Body Composition Fitness Test !   TANITA SCALE = Body Fat % !   WHY TEST BODY FAT? Weight alone is not a clear indicator of good health because
it does not distinguish between pounds that come from body
fat and those that come from lean body mass or muscle.
Carrying too much fat is a condition called obesity, and puts
a person at risk for many serious medical conditions
including heart disease, diabetes and even certain forms of
cancer. In fact, obesity contributes to at least half the
chronic diseases in western society.
Not All Pounds Are the Same
Overweight means an excess of total body weight based on
population averages for heights and body frame sizes.
Athletes and very muscular people may be overweight, but
that does not mean they are over fat. Obesity means an
excess of body fat regardless of weight. !   Men A, B and C are exactly the same height.
A and B have the same weight, and C weighs
considerably more. For his height C appears
to be fat. But after analyzing body fat levels,
B and C have acceptable percentages while A
has above the recommended range and is at
a higher health risk.