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Created/Edited by: Zack Zahrend
Summer time is just around the corner! Need some help improving your
health/diet so you can look and feel they way you would like? Here are
some easy tips and explanations that can assist you in reaching your goal!
1) Drink more water. 64 ounces or eight
glasses of water is the minimum one
should be drinking every day. Athletes
should consume approximately a liter
(about 34 ounces) for every 1,000
calories they consume to stay hydrated,
cleanse their body and assist the
digestive processes. Water fills up the
stomach relieving hunger, while
replacing other high calorie drinks such
as soda or juice or alcohol with one that
has no calories, sugar, fat or
carbohydrates. Water also has positive
effects on energy levels, healthy skin,
and quality of your daily exercising. This
is the number one tip for a reason: it is
the easiest to do and has countless
benefits towards your health and
dietary needs!
2) Eat smaller portions and more often! It
is common in our busy schedules to
plan little time for meals, and when we
have time, to over indulge ourselves.
This is not recommended for numerous
reasons, as over indulging expands the
stomach, gives the digestive system a
lot of work all at once, and takes longer
to digest. Eating smaller portions keeps
the metabolism active allowing easier
digestion. You will be able to feel when
you are actually comfortably full or not
by spacing these meals and snacks
because it takes 20 minutes for the
Neurotransmitters in the brain and
Receptors in the stomach to
communicate to one another on energy
levels. This will ensure a more effective
way to burn fats during exercise with a
higher metabolic rate as well as keeping
your hunger levels satisfied without
over doing it!
3) Exercise 30-60 minutes per day 5 days a
week. Just 30 minutes of walking a day
will be doing your cardiovascular a
world of good, decreasing cardiac risk
by 30-50%. This won’t exactly shed
weight off your stomach, but it’s a great
start for beginners. Those up for more
of a challenge should focus on more
intense cardio such as running,
swimming, or spinning, and even weight
and resistance training. These types of
training will improve muscle and cut
down fat on the body, giving you a
more cut physique and confidence.
Most sports also require more than a
sufficient amount of exercise too in an
hour’s worth of time for those who
prefer athletic based activities. Again,
water is very important to keep your
body hydrated while a well rounded
diet keeps the body fueled to perform.
4) Maintain a well balanced daily diet. The
food pyramid is a perfect example to
get the adequate amount of servings
for each food group. Depriving your
body of certain food groups can have
numerous negative effects on the body.
For example, a lack of calcium and
vitamin d commonly found in dairy
products can lead to lesser bone
density and heighten the chances of
developing osteoporosis and other
bone risks. A lack of protein commonly
found in meats can lead to muscle
soreness, rashes, dryness in skin,
edema, reduced hair and skin
pigmentation and slower healing
processes. If you can manage to get all
of your servings of grains, fruits,
vegetables, meat, dairy and the
occasional fats, your body will be at its
most prepared state for your physical
demands. Don’t be afraid to plan a
dessert a few nights a week for a treat!
Take care of your body and it will take
care of you!
5) Make sure you stretch and warm up
before activity! Stretching is a common
practice that is skipped by many during
their physical activities. It is just as
important as the training you are doing!
Stretching before and after activity can
greatly affect injury prevention, injury
treatment, and muscle preparation for
the physical tasks at hand. Muscles with
greater ranges of motion are less likely
to tear when actively being used. It is
important to have a five minute warm
up of walking or on the bike to increase
your internal body temperature so your
muscles are more prepared for activity.
This is where five to ten minutes of
stretching should be done and once
your activity is over, do the same thing
to cool down your body. This
preparation and cooling down allows
your muscles to relax. Tense muscles
lead to discomfort during activity and
likely will be worse after it as well. A
normal stretching routine before my
exercises have kept my muscles
adequately prepared, limber, and
relatively injury free!
6) Finally, laugh and have fun. This is not a diet
or exercise tip, but still affects your health.
Laughing and humor have many benefits. They
include reducing stress, decent cardiac exercise,
work numerous muscle groups in the body,
strengthen your immune system, boost
intellectual retention and relieve pain. Intense
laughing releases endorphins in the body, which
is the body’s natural pain killer. An increase in
this endorphin output can aid reducing the
feeling of pain. Who could have imagined all of
these positive outcomes for something
universally enjoyable? The average adult only
laughs 15 times a day, while the average child
laughs nearly 400 times! Life is short, so you
can’t take it too seriously, you need to be able
to enjoy the ride and not be afraid to let loose
every now and then!
Don’t be Afraid to
take a break, the
changes don’t
occur overnight!
Think Positive
and be Happy
Some Additional Websites to
Check out! 
Name of Site
General Content
The Top 10 Ways to
Improve Your Diet,
Your Health & Your
9 Great Reasons to
Drink Water, and
How to Form the
Water Habit - by
Dumb Little Man
Top Ten Ways to Be
Happy at Work
How Much Exercise
Is Enough?
Diet/Health Tips
Those who are
looking to
improve their
diet and health
Those who
want/need to
drink more
Home Exercises to
Lose Weight Quickly
- 5 Tips
Why Should I
At home
Benefits of
Drinking Water
Tips for Work
Exercise Tips
Benefits of
Those who want
an emotional lift
Those who want
Those who are
looking for at
home exercises
Those who
need/want to
stretching with
Rating (4 stars
being the best)