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Slide #1: Chapter #1 - The Earth and Earth Coordinates
The earth as a sphere
We’ve known for over 2000 years that the earth is
spherical in shape
We owe this to several ancient philosophers,
Aristotle in the 4th century BC believed that the
earth’s sphericity could be proven by careful visual
o Stars moved as he traveled
o Sailing ships leaving harbor
o Circular shadows during a lunar eclipse
Determining the size of our spherical earth was a
daunting task.
The Greek scholar Eratosthenes made the first
scientifically based estimate of the earth’s
Eratosthenes read an account of a deep well in
Syene near modern Aswan, Egypt.
The well’s bottom was illuminated by the sun only
on June 21st, the summer solstice.
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He concluded that the sun was directly overhead on
this day, with the sun’s rays perpendicular to the
Slide #2: Show Figure 1.1, page 6, Eratosthenes
method for measuring the earth’s circumference
Then he reasoned brilliantly that if the sun’s rays
were parallel and the earth was spherical, a vertical
column like an obelisk should cast a shadow in
Alexandria, 500 miles to the north, on the same day
Knowing the angle of the shadow would allow the
earth’s circumference to be measured if the north--south distance to Syene could be determined.
The simple geometry involved here is “if two parallel
lines are intersected by a third line, the alternate
interior angles are equal”
From this he reasoned that the shadow angle at
Alexandria equaled the angular distance at the
earth’s center between the two places
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The story continues that on the next summer
solstice Eratosthenes measured the shadow angle
from an obelisk in Alexandria, finding it to be 7o12’,
or 1/50 of a circle.
The distance between Syene and Alexandria is 1/50th
of the earth’s circumference
He was told that Syene is about 5000 stadia south of
Alexandria, since camel caravans traveling at 100
stadia per day took 50 days to make the trip
between the two cities
From this distance estimate, he computed the
earth’s circumference as:
50 X 5000 stadia = 250,000 stadia
Ion Greek times a stadion varied from 200 to 210
modern yards (182 to 192 meters), so his computed
circumference was somewhere between:
28,400 and 29,800 modern statue miles
14-19% greater than the current value of 24,874
statute miles (40,030 kilometers)
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We now know that the error was caused by
overestimation of the distance between Syene and
Alexandria, and to the fact that they are not exactly
north---south of each other
His method is sound mathematically and was the
best circumference measurement until the 1600s
Equally important, Eratosthenes had the idea that
careful observations of the sun would allow him to
determine angular differences between places on
the earth
This idea has been expanded to other stars and
recently to the Global Positioning System (GPS), a
constellation of 24 satellites that make it possible to
determine geographic location and elevation with a
high degree of accuracy
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The Graticule
Show racquetball location demo
Once the size and shape of the earth was known,
mapmakers required some system for defining
location on the surface
Parallels and meridians
Astronomers before Eratosthenes had placed on
maps horizontal lines marking the:
o Equator (forming the circle around the earth
that is equidistant from the north and south
o Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer (marking the
northernmost and southernmost positions
where the sun is directly overhead on the
summer and winter solstices, such as Syene)
Later the astronomer and mathematician
Hipparchus (190-125 BC) proposed that a set of
equally spaced east-west lines called parallels be
drawn on maps
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Slide #3: Show Figure 1.2, page 7, Parallels and
To these he added a set of north-south lines that are
equally spaced at the equator and converge at the
north and south poles.
We now call this arrangement of parallels and
meridians the graticule
Hipparchus’ numbering system for parallels and
meridians was and still is called latitude and
Latitude and longitude
Latitude on the spherical earth is the north-south
angular distance from the equator to the place of
Slide #4: Show Figure 1.3, page 8
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The numerical range of latitude is 0o to 90o and the
letters N and S are used to indicate north or south of
the equator
Longitude is the angle measured along the equator,
between the intersection of the reference meridian,
called the prime meridian, and the point where the
meridian for the feature of interest intersects the
The numerical range of longitude is from 0o to 180o
east and west of the prime meridian
Are twice as long as parallels
Slide #5: Putting latitude and longitude together into
what is called a geographic coordinate (45oN,
120oW) pinpoints a place on the earth’s surface
There are several ways to write latitude and
longitude values
The oldest is the Babylonian sexigesimal system of:
o degrees (o),
o minutes (‘) and
o seconds (‘’)
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there are 60 minutes in a degree
60 seconds in a minute
The latitude and longitude of the North Building 68th
Street courtyard is:
o 40o 46’ 05.64”N, 73o 57’ 52.29”W
Sometimes you’ll see longitude west of the prime
meridian and latitude south of the equator
designated with a negative sign instead of the letters
W and S.
Slide #6: Latitude and longitude locations can also be
expressed in decimal degrees through the following
Decimal degrees = dd + (mm / 60) + (ss / 3600)
o mm is the number of minutes
o ss is the number of seconds
o for example:
o 44o 56’ 18” = 44 + (56 / 60) + (18 /3600) =
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Slide #7: Decimal degrees are often rounded to two
decimal places so the location of the North Building
68th Street courtyard would be:
o 40.92, -73.97
If we accurately define a location to the nearest 1
second of latitude and longitude, we have specified
its location to within 100 feet of its true location on
Prime Meridians
The choice of prime meridian (the meridian at 0o
used as the reference from which longitude east and
west is measured) is entirely arbitrary because there
is no physically definable starting point like the
Slide #8: In the 4th century BC Eratosthenes selected
Alexandria as the starting meridian for longitude
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In medieval times the Canary Islands of the coast of
Africa were used since they were then the
westernmost outpost of western civilization
In the 18th and 19th centuries, many countries used
their capital city as the prime meridian for the
nation’s maps
There is a 19th century map with the prime meridian
running through the White House in Washington, DC
Confusion with different prime meridians
Slide #9: Discuss Pirate map of buried treasure and
you don’t know the prime meridian
Prime meridian problem was eliminated in 1884
when the International Meridian Conference
selected as the international standard the British
prime meridian
Defined as the north-south optical axis of a
telescope at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, a
suburb of London
This is called the Greenwich Meridian
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Slide #10: The Earth As An Oblate Spheroid
Scholars assumed that the earth was a perfect
sphere until the 1660s when Sir Isaac Newton
developed the theory of gravity
Newton thought that mutual gravitation should
produce a fairly spherical earth if it were no rotating
about its polar axis
The earth’s 24-hour rotation, however, introduces
outward centrifugal forces perpendicular to the axis
of rotation
The amount of force varies from zero at the poles to
a maximum at the equator
Slide #11: Show Figure 1.4, page 9, A systematic
increase in centrifugal force from pole to equator
Newton noted that these outward centrifugal forces
counteract the inward pull of gravity, so the net
inward force decreases progressively from the pole
to the equator.
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Slicing the earth in half from pole to pole would
reveal an ellipse with a slightly shorter polar radius
and a slightly longer equatorial radius
These radii are called semiminor and semimajor
Slide #12: Show Figure 1.5, page 9, The form of
oblate spheroid…….
If we rotate this ellipse 180 degrees about its polar
axis, we obtain a three-dimensional solid we call an
oblate spheroid
In the 1730s, scientific expeditions to Ecuador and
Finland measured the length of a degree of latitude
at the equator and near the Arctic Circle, proving
Newton correct
These and additional meridian-length measurements
in following decades for other parts of the world
allowed the semiminor and semimajor axes of the
oblate spheroid to be computed by the early 1800s
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About a 13 mile difference between the two, only
one-third of 1%
Different Ellipsoids
During the 19th century better surveying equipment
was used to measure the length of a degree of
latitude on different continents
From these measurements slightly different oblate
ellipsoids varying by only a few hundred meters in
axis length best fit the measurements
Slide #13: Show Table 1.2, p 10, Historical and
current oblate ellipsoids
The Clarke 1866 ellipsoid was the best fit for North
America in the 19th century and was used as the
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basis for latitude and longitude on topographic and
other maps produced in Mexico, Canada and the US
from the late 1800s to the late 1970s
By the 1980s, vastly superior surveying equipment
coupled with millions of observations of satellite
orbits allowed us to determine oblate spheroids that
are excellent average fits for the entire earth
Satellite data are important because the elliptical
shape of each orbit monitored at ground receiving
stations mirrors the earth’s shape
Slide #14: The World Geodetic System of 1984
(WGS84), replaced the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid in North
America and is used as the basis of latitude and
longitude on maps throughout the world
The oblate spheroid is important to us because
parallels are not spaced equally as on a sphere, but
vary slightly in spacing from the pole to the equator
Slide #15: Show Figure 1.6, p10
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Notice that near the pole the ellipse curves less than
near the equator
We say on an oblate spheroid the radius of
curvature (the measure of how curved the surface
is) is greatest at the pole and smallest at the equator
This north-south cross section through the center of
a greatly flattened oblate spheroid shows that a
larger radius of curvature at the pole results in a
larger ground distance per degree of latitude relative
to the equator.
The distance between 0o and 1o latitude is 68.703
miles and between 89o and 90o north latitude it is
69.407 miles
Geodetic vs. Geocentric Latitude and Longitude on
Large-Scale Maps
Geocentric lat/long is based on a spherical earth.
Geodetic lat/long is based on the various ellipsoids.
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o Geodetic latitude differs from latitude on a
sphere because of the unequal spacing of
parallels on the ellipsoid.
o Geocentric and geodetic latitude are identical
only at 0o and 90o.
o Everywhere else geocentric latitude is slightly
smaller than the corresponding geodetic
Determining Latitude and Longitude
The oldest way to determine latitude and longitude
is with instruments for observing the positions of
celestial bodies
The essence of the technique is to establish celestial
lines of position (east—west, north—south) by
comparing the predicted positions of celestial bodies
with their observed positions.
A sextant historically was the tool used to measure
the angle (or altitude) of a celestial body above the
earth’s horizon
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Slide #16: See Figure 1.8, Sextant
Nautical navigators used the moon, planets and
stars, including the Sun
Since the earth rotates on an axis defined by the
north and south poles, stars in the northern
hemisphere night sky appear to move slowly in a
circle centered on Polaris.
The navigator needs only to locate Polaris to find
Slide #17: Because the star is so far away from earth,
the angle from the horizon to Polaris is the same as
the latitude
In the southern hemisphere, latitude is harder to
determine because four stars are used to interpolate
due south
Because there is no equivalent to Polaris over the
south pole, navigators instead used a small
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constellation called Crux Australis (the Southern
Slide #18/19: See Figure 1.10, Southern Cross
Finding south is more complicated because the
Southern Cross is a collection of 5 stars that are part
of the constellation Centaurus.
4 outer stars form a cross, while the fifth much
dimmer star (Epsilon) is offset by about 30o below
the center of the cross
Longitude can be determined using an accurate
chronometer to compare your local time with time
at the prime meridian.
Each hour difference represents 15o longitude
Your exact local time is determined by celestial
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Accurately determining longitude was a major
problem. It was not until 1762 that a clock portable
enough to take aboard a ship and accurate enough
for longitude finding was invented by the
Englishman John Harrison
Longitude was determined by noting the local time
(solar noon using a sextant) and comparing it to
Greenwich time.
Properties of the Graticule
spacing of parallels – on a spherical earth the
north—south ground distance between equal
increments of latitude does not vary.
On an oblate ellipsoid parallels are not spaced evenly
but decrease slightly from the pole to the equator
The distance per degree of latitude ranges from
69.407 statute miles at the pole to 68.703 statute
miles at the equator
Slide #20: Show Figure 1.6, p10
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o Statute mile – used for land distances
o Nautical mile – used for maritime and aviation
purposes (1.15 statute miles)
o Original nautical mile was defined as 1 minute of
latitude measured north-south along a
o A meter was initially defined as one temmillionth of the distance along a meridian from
the equator to the north or south pole
converging meridians – the precise spacing of
meridians at a given latitude is found by using this
o 69.09 miles/latitude x cosine (of latitude)
o At 45o, for example, cosine (45) = 0.7071.
Therefore, the length of a degree of longitude is:
o 69.09 x 0.7071 = 48.85 statute miles
great and small circles –
o great circle is the largest possible circle that
could be drawn on the surface of the spherical
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o its circumference is that of the sphere
o its center is the center of the earth
o all great circles divide the earth into halves
o equator is a great circle
o the prime meridian and the 180o meridian at the
opposite side of the earth (called the antipodal
meridian) form a great circle dividing the earth
into eastern and western hemispheres
o all other meridians and their antipodal
meridians are great circles
o a great circle is the shortest route between any
two points on earth
quadrilaterals – are areas bounded by equal
increments of latitude and longitude
Slide #21: 10o x 10o in Figure 1.3
The shapes of quadrilaterals vary from square on the
sphere on the equator to a very narrow spherical
triangle at the pole
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Graticule Appearance on Maps
On small-scale maps there is very little difference
between geocentric and geodetic coordinates and so
they use spherical coordinates to make it easier to
construct the map
Slide #22: large-scale maps
o E.g. USGE 7.5 min topographic maps have the
 Graticule ticks at 2.5-minute intervals
 The full lat/long is printed in each corner
 Only minutes and seconds are shown on the
edges of the maps
 “+” marks are used for the interior 2.5minute graticule ticks
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Geodetic vs. Geocentric Latitude and Longitude on
Large-Scale Maps
Geocentric lat/long is based on a spherical earth.
Geodetic lat/long is based on ellipsoids.
Geodetic lat/long is used on large-scale maps for
Horizontal Reference Datums
Datums are the collection of very accurate control
points surveyors use to georeference all other map
Surveyors determine the precise geodetic latitude
and longitude of horizontal control points spread
across the landscape.
Slide #23: Horizontal control point monuments from
the 1920s to the 1980s were surveyed relative to the
surface of the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid.
This collection of datums formed the North
American datum of 1927 (NAD 27).
Maps from this time period had had graticule lines
or ticks based on this datum
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Slide #24: E.g., the southwest corner of the Corvallis,
OR topo map first published in 1969 has a lat/long of
4403o’N, 123o15’W.
By the early 1980s, better knowledge of the earth’s
shape and size and far better surveying methods led
to the creation of a new horizontal reference datum,
the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).
The NAD 27 control points were corrected for
surveying errors where required, then these were
added to the thousands of more recently acquired
The geodetic lat/long of all these points were
determined relative to the Geodetic Reference
System of 1980 (GRS 80) ellipsoid, which is
essentially identical to the WGS 84 ellipsoid.
The change of horizontal reference datum meant
that the geodetic coordinates for control points
across the continent changes slightly in 1983.
This change had to be shown on large-scale maps
published earlier but still in use.
Slide #24: the new position of the map corner is
shown by the “+” sign.
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Many times the shift is in the 100 meter range and
must be taken into account when plotting on older
maps the geodetic lat/long obtained from GPS
receiver and other modern position finding devices.
The Earth as a Geoid
An oblate spheroid neglects mountain ranges and
ocean trenches and other surface features that have
vertical relief
There is a justification for doing this
The earth’s surface is truly smooth when we
compare the surface undulations to the 7,918-mile
The greatest relief variation is the approximately
12.3-mile difference between the summit of Mt.
Everest (29,035-feet) and the deepest point in the
Marianas Trench (36,192-feet)
This difference is immense on our human scale
It is only 1/640th of the earth’s diameter.
It has been said that if the earth were reduced to the
diameter of a bowling ball, it would be smoother
than the bowling ball.
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Knowing the elevations and depths of features is
very important to us.
The top of Mt. Everest, for example, is located at:
o 27o59’N, 86o56’E, 29,035 feet
o What is the elevation relative to?
A geoid is an approximation of the earth that is a
surface of equal gravity used as the reference for
Elevations and depths are measured relative to a
vertical reference datum, an arbitrary surface with
elevation of zero
The traditional datum used for land elevations is
mean sea level (MSL)
MSL is the average of all low and high tides at a
particular location over a metonic cycle (the 19-year
cycle of the lunar phases and days of the years).
Early surveyors chose this datum because of the
measurement technology of the day.
Surveyors used the method of leveling, where
elevations are determined relative t the point where
mean sea level is defined.
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A benchmark is a permanent monument that
establishes the exact location of a place.
Later, surveyors could determine elevation by
making gravity measurements at different locations
on the landform and relating them to the strength of
gravity at the point used to measure MSL.
Gravity differences translate into elevation
MSL is easy to determine along coastlines but what
about inland locations?
What is needed is to extend MSL across the land.
Slide #25: Imagine that MSL is extended under the
continental land masses, which is the same thing as
extending a surface having the same strength of
gravity as mean sea level.
This imaginary equal gravity surface doesn’t form a
perfect ellipsoid
Differences in earth topography and earth density
affect gravity’s pull at different locations
The slightly undulating, nearly ellipsoidal surface
that best fits MSL for all the earth’s oceans is called a
global geoid.
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The global geoid rises and falls approximately 100
meters above and below the oblate ellipsoid surface
in an irregular fashion
World maps use land heights and ocean depths
relative to the global geoid surface.
A local geoid may be used and is probably slightly
above or below the world geoid (usually within two
This difference is caused by MSL at one or more
locations being used as the vertical reference datum
for a nation or continent, not the average sea level
for all the oceans
In the US, for example, elevations may use the
National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD
29) on older topo maps
In the late 1980s, surveyors adjusted the 1929
datum with new data to create the North American
Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88)
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GPS has created a second option for measuring
Slide #25: GPS receivers calculate what is called the
ellipsoidal height, the distance above or below the
surface of the WGS 84 ellipsoid along a line from the
surface to the center of the earth.
An ellipsoidal height is not an elevation, since it’s not
measured relative to mean sea level.
You must convert GPS ellipsoidal height values to
MSL datum elevations.
The lookup table to make these conversions is
usually stored in the GPS receiver
In the US, geoid heights range from a low of -51.6
meters in the Atlantic Ocean to a high of -7.2 meters
in the Rocky Mts.
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