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Assess the values on sociological research of value
free sociology, value laden and committed sociology.
Sociologists vary in their opinions on the effect of values on research.
Value free sociology is an opinion in sociology, started by Emile
Durkheim, that states that sociology should be seeking to use
methodology similar to that used in the physical sciences. One of the
key elements in their methodology to make it similar to the physical
sciences is objectivity. These positivists state that their values have no
effect on their research and that this should apply throughout sociology.
They argue that if a study is well planned it is possible for the
researcher’s personal beliefs to have no effect on the findings. They
argue that the nature of sociological research is no different to that of
any of the physical sciences, they are studying and measuring a set of
totally independent phenomena and constructing and testing hypothesis
as to the cause of this phenomenon. Positivists also refer to social facts.
These are the statistics obtained from surveys and official publications.
According to O’Connell Davidson and Layder the personal views of the
researcher are never relevant in sociological research, and they point to
the accuracy of opinion polls on a range of subjects to display the
accuracy of their surveys.
A second group of sociologists believe that weather objectivity is
desirable or not, it can never be achieved within sociology. They are
known as value laden sociologists. They also claim that sociolog ists who
argue that the subject is value free are doing it a dis -service. They point
to a number of issues to support their views. Gouldner has pointed out
that value free sociology points to Max Weber as a sociologist who
claimed that personal views never enter sociological research. However
Gouldner suggests that his words must be placed into a historical context
as he was living under an oppressive government that frowned on
intellectual freedom. They also point out that it is impossible for sociology
to be considered value free when we look at the matter of funding.
Sociologists working for various government departments will not find
their work published if the findings do not reflect well on the department
they are working for. This means they benefit from some outcomes of
their research and loose out if it is a different outcome, so they have a
vested financial interest in the outcome of their study. Philo and Miller
have also argued that scientists allow their work to be manipulated and
misinterpreted by public relations companies that are working on behalf
of the funders. Value laden sociologists argue that sociologists have
person career ambitions and goals and these will affect their work
whether they realize it or not. Postmodernist’s sociologists such as
Lyotard argue that the process of sociological and scientific thinking is
based upon a series of values about the nature of society. They disagree
with the idea that rational thinking based upon testable empirical
evidence is the best way to understand the world, they argue that there
are many approaches and that scientific thinking is just one.
There is a final approach to this argument, the one of the committed
sociologist, they argue that research should not be value free, but should
have specific value witch guide its approach to study. The two main
supporters of this approach are Marxists and feminist sociologists. Two
sociologists started a debate that is values were to affect research
whose side should they be on when conducting their studies. Becker
argued that sociology had traditionally been on the side of the powerful,
looking from the viewpoint of the professional, the doctor or policeman.
He argued that sociology should be on the side of the underdog.
Gouldner disagreed with Becker, and stated the according to his
argument sociology had already been studying those with little power.
After all what real powers do policeman have? He claimed sociology
should attempt to study the real powerful people, those who create the
rules of society. Marxists argue that the purpose of sociology is to
expose the ways in which to ruling class exploit the working masses. They
hope to breakdown the ways in which capitalism operates only operates
to benefit a few. Marxist criminology writers Walton, Taylor and young
argued that radical criminological strategy is to expose the law as the
biggest instrument of the ruling class.
Feminist writers are also big supporters of the committed sociology
stance in this argument. Writers such as spender would agree with the
Marxists on the principal of exposing the workings of an oppressive
society, but they suggest they key is to explore how males dominate and
oppress in society. The aim is to expose the truth about men, thus
freeing women from the oppression of patriarchy. Feminist writers
obviously place enormous importance on values influencing work, as
their values mean they must fight against the oppression of patriarchy
and they try to expose its effect and encourage enlightenment through
their r e s e a r c h .