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 SES4U Final Exam Notes
1. Sun, Moon, Earth Terms
Spinoff: technology developed in space program that now has common commercial uses
Eclip9c: plane of Earth’s orbit around the sun
Ejecta: material blasted out of the Moon’s surface as a result of space-­‐object impacts
Reflec9ng Telescope: a device that brings visible light to a focus with mirrors
Summer sols9ce: Earth’s posi<on around June 21, at which the northern hemisphere has its maximum daylight hours
Winter sols9ce: Earth’s posi<on near or on December 21, at which the northern hemisphere has its minimum daylight hours
Autumnal Equinox; Earth’s posi<on when the lengths of day and night are equal
Synchronous rota9on: Moon’s state, in which its rota<onal period and its orbital period are equal
Mare: a dark, smooth plain on the surface of the moon
Regolith: a loose, ground-­‐up rock on the Moon’s surface
Interferometry: a process of linking separate radio telescopes to act as one
Solar Eclipse: the blocking of the disk of the sun by the Moon
Albedo: the por<on of sunlight reflected by the Moon’s surface Perigee: closest point to Earth in the Moon’s orbit
Apogee: farthest point from Earth in the Moon’s orbit
2. Main Ideas:
-­‐Electromagne9c spectrum is the arrangement of waves that includes gamma rays, X rays, ultraviolet radia<on, visible light, infrared radia<on, microwaves and radio waves according to the wavelength and frequency,
-­‐The telescope that uses lenses to bring visible light to a focus is a refrac9ng telescope
-­‐Telescopes are placed above the atmosphere in order to most effec<vely collect infrared and ultraviolet radia<on, X-­‐rays, and gamma rays
SES4U Final Exam Notes
-­‐The space explora<on program that landed astronauts on the Moon was Apollo
-­‐The Moon’s surface is very different from the surface of Earth because the Moon has no erosion
-­‐The theory that suggests the Moon was formed at about the same <me as Earth and from similar materials is called the simultaneous forma9on theory
-­‐The daily rising and seNng of heavenly objects like Sun is caused by the rota9on of Earth
-­‐One reason different seasons occur on Earth is because Earth’s axis is <lted 23.5o rela<ve to the eclip<c
-­‐When the Moon waxes during its lunar cycle, the amount of its sunlight por<on that we see appears to increase in size
-­‐A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth passes between the Sun and Moon
-­‐A lunar eclipse can only occur during the phase of the full moon
3. Earth Moon Mystery Ar9cle Q&A
1) Is the moon geologically ac<ve?
-­‐Moon is geologically not ac<ve
-­‐Moon is like a control-­‐ it is not as complicated as the earth is-­‐ no weathering, no plate tectonics
2) What was the Lunar Magma Ocean? Describe some of its characteris<cs
-­‐sea of molten rock; very hot about 1 200 degrees, several hundred miles deep
3) What are the bright whi<sh areas called on the moon’s surface? What are the darker areas called?
-­‐Bright whi<sh-­‐gray areas are mountains called Lunar Highlands which is made of anorthosite (light minerals)
-­‐Fla_er grayish-­‐black areas are called Lunar Mare which is made of basalt (lava outpourings)
4) Outline four main models of lunar forma9on
The intact capture model: earth and moon are formed separately in solar system; rela<vely non-­‐violent
The coaccre9on model: both bodies form from the same material at the same <me
Earth Fission model: earth divides out due to molten and rapid rota<on
Collision Ejec9on model: mars sized object collides with earth and moon forms out of rings of debris ejected
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5) Is there a difference between the oxygen isotope data on the moon and the earth? Which model does this data support?
-­‐Comparison of 0 isotopes in crust-­‐ similar in both the moon and earth
-­‐> supports the earth fission model and the coaccre<on model
6) Which model is currently favored?
-­‐Collision Ejec<on Model -­‐> because it answers some ques<ons about the Earth’s change in nota<on and its apparent change in axis
4. Drake Equa9on
-­‐terms involved in es<ma<ng the number of technological civiliza<ons that may exist in our galaxy
-­‐iden<fies specific factors thought to play a role in the development of such civiliza<ons
-­‐N= the number of communica<ve civiliza<ons
-­‐R*= the rate of forma<on of suitable stars (such as sun)
-­‐fp= the frac<on of those stars with planets (current evidence indicates that planetary systems may be common for stars like the sun)
-­‐ne= the numbers of Earth-­‐like worlds per planetary system
-­‐fl= the frac<on of those Earth-­‐like planets where life actually develops
-­‐fi= the frac<on of life sites where intelligence develops
-­‐fc= the frac<on of communica<ve planets (those on which electromagne<c communica<on technology develops)
-­‐L= the “life<me” of communica<ng civiliza<on
*Problem with this equa<on is that everything passed fp is really unknown.
5. Seasons
-­‐Moon did influence season early in our history-­‐ the collision that may have formed the moon <lted the earth’s axis at 23.5 degrees from normal
-­‐Moon stabilized earth’s wobble
-­‐Moon does not influence seasons now
-­‐Seasons are not driven by how close or far we are from the sun; we are actually closer in the winter; further in the summer
-­‐Seasons are driven by the <lt of the earth and what part of what hemisphere is facing the sun at which <me of the year
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6. Gravity
-­‐The strength of the force of gravita<on (FG) between two objects depends on the mass of the objects and the distance separa<ng them
-­‐FG is directly propor<onal to the product of masses
-­‐FG a m1 m2 -­‐> FG is measured in newtons
-­‐> m1 & m2 measured in kilograms
-­‐Let m1= mass of earth & m2= your mass
-­‐> if mass of earth is doubled, FG between you and the Earth is doubled
-­‐> if m2 is doubled, FG between you and the Earth is doubled
-­‐> if both mass of earth and m2 is doubled, FG between you and the Earth is quadrupled
-­‐FG is inversely propor<onal to the square of the distance between the centres of the objects -­‐> FG a 1/d2
-­‐The combined expression: FG = Gm1m2, where G= 6.67 x 10-­‐11 N*m2
d2 kg2 -­‐Therefore, gravity is a weak force
-­‐For FG to be great, the interac<ng masses must be large and/or separa<on must be small
-­‐Why does gravita<onal field strength at Earth’s surface vary between 9.78m/s2 and 9.83m/s2?
è “g” is greater than average at the poles because Earth’s radius at the poles is at its smallest
è “g” is lesser than average at the equator because Earth’s radius at the equator is at its largest
7. Tides
è Tides are the result of the gravita<onal effects of the Sun and Moon on Earth’s oceans
Spring Tide:
-­‐The difference between high and low <de is at its greatest
-­‐Occurs just aper a new or full moon
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Neap Tide:
-­‐The difference between high and low <de is at its lowest
-­‐Occurs at the first and third quarters of the moon
l Why do astronauts appear to be weightless when they are in orbit?
è Microgravity= apparent weightlessness
è g= 9.8m/s2 at Earth’s surface, for everything!
8. Origins: The Earth is Born
-­‐ Early Earth is described as hellish, hot, bombarded and lifeless
-­‐Sun forma<on may have triggered by supernova; elements such as H, He, Fe, C, all elements beyond Fe were found
-­‐Early Earth have grown due to collision between rocks, gravita<onal a_rac<on and accre<on
-­‐Asteroids and meteorites will help us get the snapshot of the early Earth
-­‐Carbon, water and radioac<ve isotopes are found on that meteorite and gives us the age of solar system
-­‐Age is about 4-­‐4.5 billion years
-­‐Condi<ons such as molten planet, bombarded from space, radioac<ve decay gave rise to Iron Catastrophe
-­‐*Iron Catastrophe: heavy metals like iron and nickel migrate to the core
-­‐>this lead to differen<ated planet
-­‐*Spinning core: it protects earth by: the molten core spinning and swirling which creates electric current and magne<c field then deflects the solar wind and eventually protects the planet
-­‐Nebula: debris exists with a vast cloud of gas and dust called a nebula
9. Discoveries of Galileo
-­‐Moon surface= rough and uneven -­‐> the surface is covered with craters, mountains and valleys
-­‐sunspots, landscape on moon, Jupiter moons, jail, ideas of universe
-­‐supports Copernican idea that Earth and other planets orbit the Sun
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10. Addi9onal informa9on from ar9cles
1 Describe what happened to Mars:
è Mars too small; core cooled and solidified; no more magne<c field; no barrier to solar wind; solar wind strips atmosphere
2 How was the Moon formed?
è Formed as same <me as Earth
3 What did astronauts find out about age of Moon?
è Younger than the earth; some composi<ons as the outer part of the earth
4 What did the new Moon do for the early Earth?
è Stabilized the earth rota<on; reduced the earth’s wobble; 23.5 degrees from normal gives the earth seasons
5 Where did life begin?
è Under the surface (refuge from bombardment)
è Under the oceans (hydro thermal vents)
è Opposi9on: the term used to describe two celes<al bodies as being opposite each other in the sky, rela<ve to the observer. An exam is when the Moon is opposite the Sun, with the observer on the Earth in the middle
11. Geologic Time
-­‐Geologic Time Scale: record of Earth’s history from its origin 4.6 billion years ago to the present
-­‐> By studying rock layer and fossils within them, geologists can reconstruct aspects of Earth’s history and interpret ancient environment
-­‐>Enables to organizes <me into meaningful “chunks”, context to understand <me frames
-­‐Eon: the largest of <me units (Hadean, Archaen, Proterozoic, Phanerozoic)
-­‐Precambrian: unit of geologic <me consis<ng of the first three eons during which Earth formed and became hospitable to life; makes up nearly 90% of geologic <me
-­‐Era: ten-­‐hundreds of millions of years in dura<on (Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic)
-­‐Periods: tens of millions of years in dura<on
-­‐Epochs: hundreds of thousands to millions of years in dura<on
Eon > Era > Period > Epoch
Phanerozoic > Cenezoic > Neogene > Holocene
Phanerozoic > Mesozoic > Cretaceous
Phanerozoic > Paleozoic > Silurian
Phanerozoic > Paleozoic > Cambrian
-­‐Why do scien<sts know more about the Cenozoic than they do about other eras?
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è We live in it; shorter <me phrase; no <me for material(rocks) and fossils to disappear
-­‐Why do scien<sts know so li_le about Precambrian Era?
è Long <me frame; we aren’t there; lots of <me for erosion
-­‐Ex<nc<on events determine the divisions of eras and periods on the geologic <me scale
-­‐Cenozoic era is divided into both periods and epochs
-­‐Geologists study fossils for paleo ecology where they can find out the pa_erns of life, predict and/or protect future -­‐We live in Holocene epoch, Quaternary period and Cenozoic era
-­‐Major divisions of Earth’s history are Eras
-­‐Each major division may be divided into periods
-­‐The Cenozoic Era is divided into epochs
-­‐Clues to which organisms lived in different eras are found in fossils
-­‐A gradual change in life-­‐forms over <me is organic evolu<on
-­‐Aper major changes in Earth’s environments, species either died out or adapted
-­‐Organisms with traits that are suited to an environment survive by the process of natural selec<on
-­‐Plate tectonics caused collision and separa<on of con<nents
-­‐Many species adapted or became ex<nct because plate tectonics caused their environments to change when the con<nents collided or separated
-­‐Protorozoic era lasted the longest
-­‐Hadean era is the oldest
Order of which species appeared on Earth:
- iron catastrophe-­‐> origin of the moon -­‐> great bombardment -­‐> Origin of Life-­‐> Cyanobacteria -­‐> oxygen & ozone layer -­‐> shielding of Earth from ultraviolet rays -­‐> complex organisms (mul<cellular)-­‐> invertebrates -­‐> organisms with hard parts (shells) -­‐> fish –amphibians -­‐> rep<les -­‐> Pangaea (all Earth)
-­‐Why did coal deposits begin to form in the Paleozoic Era? -­‐> Forma<on of vast forest + swamps
Mass Ex<nc<on: many groups of organisms disappear from the rock record at about the same <me
è the end of Palezoic Era is marked by the largest mass ex<nc<on event in Earth; forma<on of Pangea and Catastrophe caused Mass Ex<nc<on in that era
What happened to all of the con<nental plates near the end of the Paleozoic Era? –they merged into one
12. Key Concepts in development of Geologic Time
-­‐Up to late 1700s, Earth history was based on biblical interpreta<on only
-­‐Catastrophism: a belief that the varied landscapes were created by great catastrophes in history; e.g. Noah and the Flood
-­‐Uniformitarianism: the physical, chemical and biological laws that operate today have also SES4U Final Exam Notes
operated in the geological past-­‐ “the key to the present is the key to the past”
-­‐<me/geology/history of planet/challenge to religion point of view
13. Fossils
-­‐The preserved remains or traces of once-­‐living organisms
-­‐> provided evidence that species have changed over <me on this planet
è fossils help determine sequence of rock layers and the rela<ve ages of rocks
è shows the succession of life forms
14. Index Fossils: è The fossil remains of an organism that lived in a par<cular geologic age, used to iden<fy or date the rock or rock layer in which it is found
è The best type of index fossils are usually those of swimming or floa<ng organisms that evolved quickly and were able to spread over large areas (such as ammonites & graptolites)
è More useful than other fossils; easily recognized, abundant, widely distributed, short <me frame
15. Rela9ve Da9ng vs. Absolute Da9ng
-­‐Absolute Da9ng: used to give an actual age (ex. Radioac<ve decay)
-­‐Rela9ve-­‐age Da9ng: used to establish the order of past geologic events (through different principles)
Principles of Rela9ve Da9ng
-­‐Original horizontality: the principle that sedimentary rocks are deposited in horizontal or nearly horizontal layers
-­‐Cross-­‐cudng rela9onships: an intrusion is younger than the rock it cuts across
-­‐Superposi9on: the principle that in an undisturbed rock sequence, the oldest rocks are at the bo_om and each consecu<ve layer is younger than the layer beneath it
Absolute Da9ng – Radioac9ve Decay
-­‐The atoms of some chemical elements have different forms called isotopes. These break down over <me in a process called radioac<ve decay. Each original isotope called the parent gradually decays to form a new isotope called the daughter. When the number of parent atoms decreases, the number of daughter atoms increases by the same amount. Isotopes are important because each radioac<ve element decays at a constant rate. These rates of decay are known so that one can measure the propor<on of parent and daughter isotopes in rocks now; one can calculate when the rocks were formed
Principle of inclusions: the fragments called inclusions in a rock layer must be older than the rock layer that contains them
-­‐Unconformi9es: gap in the rock record caused by erosion or weathering
-­‐Disconformity: when a horizontal layer of sedimentary rock overlies another horizontal layer of sedimentary rock (harder to see b/c they are flat)
-­‐Nonconformity: a layer of sedimentary rock overlies a layer of igneous
or metamorphic rock such as granite or marble, the eroded surface
SES4U Final Exam Notes
is easier to iden<fy
-­‐Angular unconformity: a horizontal layer of sedimentary rock is later laid down on top of the <lted eroded layers
16. Structure of Earth: chemical vs. physical proper9es
Chemical proper9es: Crust (silicates) – Mantle (Silicates) – Core (Iron)
Physical proper9es: I. Lithosphere: Rigid outer; subdivided into con<nental and oceanic lithosphere
II. Asthenosphere(plas9c): underlies the lithosephere; sop, par<ally molten layer
III. Mesosphere(solid): main bulk of planet-­‐ highly viscous (firm-­‐plas<c) IV. Outer core: liquid material
V. Inner core: solid, high-­‐density, nickel-­‐iron sphere; it spins and is the source of the earth’s magne<c field
17. Plate tectonics & Sea Floor Spreading
-­‐The theory of plate tectonics describes how the plates move, interact, and change the physical landscape
-­‐The surface of earth is broken into large plates; the size and posi<on of these plates change over <me; the edges of these plates are sites of intense geologic ac<vity such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building
-­‐Sea Floor Spreading
-­‐> the hypothesis that new ocean crust is formed at mid-­‐ocean ridges and destroyed at deep-­‐sea trenches; occurs in a con<nuous cycle of magma intrusion and spreading
Key Evidences to Sea Floor Spreading:
1 Sonar
è Allowed for mapping of ocean floor
è Ocean has ridges and under water mountains; Mid-­‐Atlan<c Ridge and deep trenches
2 Magnetometer
è Picked up background hiss-­‐ turned out to be magne<c signature in the ocean rocks
è When rocks are newly formed, any magne<c components in the rock will line up in the direc<on of magne<c north pole
3 Pa_erns in Ocean rock magne<sm
è Rocks flipped between north&south poles in a defined pa_ern
è Reversal pa_ern leading away from the ridge all the way to the con<nental shelves
*Old rock is pushed aside by a new rock
4 Age of Ocean Rocks also varied
è Ridge rocks-­‐ youngest, ocean floor-­‐ furthest away from the ridge being the oldest
5 Deposi<on of Sediment
è Ocean floor= spreading apart from the middle (meaning older) and is being destroyed in the trenches
18. Boundaries:
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è Convergent Boundaries: two plates move towards each other resul<ng in one plate sliding underneath the other
è Divergent Boundaries: as two plates on either side of magma chamber are pulled apart, they create a void that is filled with new magma that solidifies and creates new oceanic crust
è Transform Boundaries: two plates are sliding horizontally past one another
19. Driving Mechanisms
1) Convec<on: crust cools and heats repe<<vely and plate pulls apart due to tension
2) Ridge Push
3) Slab Pull
20. Henry Hess
è Figured out how plate tectonics worked
è Worked on origin of ocean basins & island arcs, mountain building and the movement of con<nents è Suggested that con<nents do not move across oceanic crust but rather that the con<nents and oceanic crust move together; states that the seafloor separates at oceanic ridge where new crust is formed by upwelling magma; as the magma cools, the newly formed oceanic crust moves laterally away from the ridge
21. Subduc9on zone
è An area where two plates move towards one another and one moves under the other; creates a trench
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è Creates earthquakes since subduc<on zone is a place where crustal plates are being forced down into the mantle below other crustal plates; the fric<on causes the plates to lock in posi<on un<l the stress exceeds the shear strength of the fault zone
22. Problem in Australia
-­‐> their geological loca<on do not provide enough nutrient
-­‐> they do not have earthquakes, volcanoes or any other kind of erup<ons where they might help carry minerals and soils to the ground as it explodes
-­‐> lacks of glaciers
23. Con9nental Margins
1 Passive Margin: è Not a plate boundary; both con<nent and oceans are locked together as part of same plate; no trenches; volcanoes; or earthquakes
è Ex) North America & Southern and Western margins of Australia 2 Ac9ve Margin:
è At or near plate boundaries
è Ex) Iceland-­‐ Western North America; Nasca-­‐ South American Plate
24. Con9nental Breakups-­‐ “Breaking Up is hard to do”
è Mid-­‐con<nental break is preceded by con<nental uplip (dome); the development of mid-­‐con<nental rips
è As con<nent drips over a hotspot, it is liped
è As con<nent rises, it fractures-­‐ and rip valley is born
è Breaking of (con<nental crust) involves the forma<on of a y-­‐shaped break called a triple-­‐junc<on; each arm is called GRABEN
è Failure structures are called AULACOGENS; and are typically when large rivers and lakes are found
25. Magma/Intrusions/Volcanoes
è Magma: mixture of molten rock, mineral grains and dissolve gas
è Some factors that affect forma<on of Magma-­‐ to melt rock-­‐ include increase in temperature, decrease in pressure; and addi<on of water
è Types of Magma
1 Basal9c:
-­‐low silica content; low viscosity; least explosive; from upper mantle; linked to shield volcanoes
2 Andesi9c:
-­‐medium silica; medium viscosity; medium explosive
-­‐along con<nental margins at subduc<on zones
-­‐from oceanic crust and oceanic sediments
-­‐linked to both cinder and composite volcanoes
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Rhyoli9c: -­‐highest silica; highest viscosity; most explosive
-­‐from con<nental crust where interac<on with silica is greatest
-­‐linked to composite volcanoes
è Types of volcanoes
Shield Volcanoes:
-­‐Largest of the three types of volcanoes
-­‐Basal<c Lava
-­‐Quiet erup<ons
Cinder Cones:
-­‐Smallest of the three types of volcanoes
-­‐Andesi<c Lava
-­‐Explosive erup<ons
Composite volcanoes:
-­‐Considerably larger than cinder cones
-­‐Rhyoli<c Lava
-­‐Most explosive erup<ons
è Intrusions
I. Plutons: intrusive igneous rock bodies
II. Batholiths: irregular shaped masses of coarse grained rocks which is found in the interior of mountains
III. Stocks: irregularly shaped plutons that are similar to batholiths but smaller in size
IV. Laccoliths: mushroom shaped pluton with round top and flat bo_om; cause overlying rocks to curve upwards
V. Sill: Pluton that intrudes parallel to rock layers
VI. Dyke: Pluton that cuts across rock layers
26. Pressure and Water influence
1. Pressure:
-­‐higher pressure increases the temperature for mel<ng
-­‐Why? -­‐> the pressure helps hold the atoms in place; the more pressure, the more <ghtly the atoms are held, the greater temperature required to split them apart
-­‐Therefore, high pressures in the mantle rocks prevent atoms within mineral from breaking chemical bonds and moving freely from one another to form a liquid (magma)
-­‐when pressure is reduced the result is mel<ng of the rock & when pressure increases the tock becomes hardened
2. Water:
-­‐small amounts of water in rock will result in a decrease in a mel<ng temperature
-­‐electrical polariza<on causes a decrease in bond strengths within minerals and so the rock will melt at lower temperatures
-­‐in essence, the water interferes with the chemical bonds in the rock making it SES4U Final Exam Notes
easier to break apart and for a liquid
27. Types of Lava
-­‐> pahoehoe lava:
-­‐surface looks silky and smooth but its texture is unpleasantly gri_y and coarse because the sugar crystals, while few, have grown large
-­‐>’a’a lava: more rough and broken surface
-­‐>The major difference comes from their appearance of the surfaces and they also differ in the way they flow
28. Scales
è Mercalli: -­‐based on damage
-­‐rela<ve scale which means that it is not based on real earthquake but rather on human infrastructure
è Richer:
-­‐Describes the earthquake’s magnitude by measuring the seismic waves that cause the earthquake
29. Stress/Fault/Boundary
Strike Slip
30. Waves
I. Body Wave
-­‐a seismic wave that moves through the interior of the earth
-­‐P wave: Primary
-­‐> compressional-­‐> travels in a straight line
-­‐>squeezes and pulls rocks in the same direc<on as wave travels
-­‐S wave: Secondary
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-­‐>goes up and down; more damage
II. Surface Wave
-­‐a seismic wave that travels near the surface of the earth
-­‐Love wave:
-­‐> a surface wave having a horizontal mo<on that is transverse (perpendicular) to the direc<on the wave is travelling
-­‐Rayleigh Wave:
-­‐>a seismic surface wave causing the ground to shake in an ellip<cal mo<on, with no transverse (가로지르다) or perpendicular mo<on
31. Hypocenter & Epicenter
Hypocenter: the loca<on of earthquake under the surface
Epicenter: the point of earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
32. Minerals
-­‐Minerals are naturally occurring, solid, inorganic material, open in crystal form; there are 4000 known minerals; ex. Halite, gold, diamond
-­‐More than 90% of minerals are made up of oxygen and silicon
-­‐Most minerals are compounds of various elements-­‐ top 8 make up 98.5% of the crust’s mass
-­‐re-­‐crystalliza<on or forma<on of new minerals is response to pressure
-­‐as pressure and temperature increase; con<nued re-­‐crystalliza<on and forma<on of new mineral assemblages
How do we iden9fy minerals?
è Rely on several simple tests: based on a mineral’s physical and chemical proper<es which are crystal form, luster, hardness, cleavage, fracture, streak, color, density, specific gravity and special proper<es
Crystal form: some minerals form in such dis<nct crystal shapes
Luster: the way minerals reflect light from its surface
Hardness: a measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched
Cleavage: when mineral splits rela<vely easily
Fracture: minerals that break with rough or jagged edges
Streak: colour of a mineral when it is broken up and powered
Colour: Caused by the presence of trace elements or compounds within a mineral
Types of Minerals 1)
-­‐contains silicon and oxygen, and usually one or more other elements
-­‐basic building block of the silicate is silica tetrahedron, a geometric solid having four sides that are equilateral triangles, resembling pyramid
2) Carbonates:
-­‐composed of one or more metallic elements and the carbonate ion
3) Oxides:
-­‐compounds of oxygen and a metal
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4) Other groups
-­‐include sulfides, sulfates, halides, and na<ve elements
5) Ores: -­‐a mineral is an ore if it contains a valuable substance that can be minded at a profit
6) Gems: -­‐Valuable minerals that are prized for their rarity and beauty (rubies, emeralds, diamonds)
*Minerals are used as resources such as construc<on, energy produc<on and jewelry making**
33. Rocks
Types of Rocks:
Igneous Rock
Sedimentary Rock
-­‐Form from cooling magma or lava
-­‐>Intrusive rock (plutonic): cooled underground and solidified slowly; individual crystals can be easily seen by the naked eye
-­‐> ex. granite
-­‐>Extrusive rock (volcanic): cooled quickly and solidified only aper erup<ng onto the surface; individual crystals cannot be easily seen by the naked eye
-­‐interlocking texture of grains; may display two different grain sizes; usually dark-­‐coloured and dense; some have holes; composed of crystals
-­‐Form from the bonding of rock fragments such as sand, silt, or clay; from organic materials; and from chemicals dissolved in water
-­‐Clas9c: formed from weathered and eroded rocks; these chunks of rocks are essen<ally cemented into a new rock
-­‐Chemical: formed when minerals dissolved in water precipitate out
-­‐Organic: formed from remains of living things such as clamshells, plankton skeletons, dinosaur bones, and plants
-­‐ex. Limestone, shale
Grains cemented together; may sow presence of fossils; usually light-­‐coloured and low density; show layers or bands
Metamorphic Rock
SES4U Final Exam Notes
-­‐Form when other rocks are changed by heat, pressure and chemical deep inside the earth
-­‐Foliated: mineral grains re-­‐align themselves into bands
-­‐Non-­‐foliated: mineral grains do not re-­‐align themselves into bands
Interlocking texture of large grains; generally show folia<on (layer); open show banded light and dark colours; open make “ching” sound instead of “chung”