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The Rise of Nationalism
Ch. 7 Section 3
Terms and People
•nationalism – a spirit of loyalty and devotion to one’s country
•Henry Clay – a leading advocate of economic nationalism who proposed the American
•American System – Clay’s plan for federally sponsored internal improvements and
protective tariffs to promote commerce and link all sections of the U.S.
•John Quincy Adams – Secretary of State under James Madison and son of President
John Adams
•Adams-Onís Treaty – treaty negotiated by John Quincy Adams to purchase Florida
from Spain
•Monroe Doctrine – policy warning European monarchies not to interfere with Latin
American republics in return for U.S. non-interference
•Missouri Compromise – 1820 compromise balancing the admission of Missouri as a
slave state with the admission of Maine as a free state and setting a line across the
continent dividing future free and slave states
•Elections of 1816 & 1820- 5th President
•1816- Democratic-Republic James Monroe v. Federalist Rufus King
1820- D-R J. Monroe v. Independent Republic John Quincy Adams.
Era of Good Feeling
•A new spirit of pride and unity, called nationalism swept through the country following
the victory in the War of 1812.
•Monroe’s Administration (1817-1824) is known as the Era of Good Feeling.
1. Nationalism was popular
2. Devotion of the interests and needs of the nation as a whole.
3. Apply this to our economy
The American System brings Strength & Unity
•Henry Clay-Speaker of the House- envisioned the U.S. consisting of two sections, each
helping the other out.
•An industrial North would turn out manufactured good.
•South & West would raise grain, meat, and cotton.
•Factory workers would form market for agricultural products and Farmers would by
manufactured goods.
•To bring about the American System:
1. Re-chartering of the National Bank- 2nd Bank of the United States.
2. Protective Tariffs
3. Improved transportation
Protective Tariffs
•To protect US manufacturing from foreign competition/ make foreign products more
•Tariff of 1816
Transportation Improvements
•Better access to all regions:
ex. National Road/Erie Canal/RRs
•The $ for these internal improvements was obtained fro the protective tariffs.
The 2nd Bank of the United States
•Clay wanted reestablishment of a national bank to control the nation’s money supply
and banking.
•The First National Bank’s charter expired in 1811.
•Private and state banks were printing their own money, causing widespread uncertainty
in value.
•Clay argued that control over the nation’s money supply and banking would restore
•As a result, Congress established the Second Bank of the United States in 1816. 25
branches throughout the US.
The Supreme Court Boosts National Power
•Strengthening Government Economic Control
Gibbons v. Ogden: (1824) federal government controls interstate commerce.
 McCulloch v. Maryland: (1819) state cannot overturn laws passed by Congress.
•Limiting State Powers
Marshall Court blocks interference in business, commerce.
Fletcher v. Peck: (1810) voids Georgia law violating right to make contract.
Dartmouth v. Woodward: (1819)state cannot interfere with contracts
The Monroe Doctrine
»President Monroe feared France
or Spain might retake newly independent republics in Latin America.
warned European monarchies they had no business
in the Americas and promised the United States would not involve itself in Europe.
»In 1823 the United States was incapable of enforcing the Monroe Doctrine, but in time it
became a cornerstone of American foreign policy.
Territory & Boundaries
•United States policy toward Florida reflected nationalism.
•In 1818, Andrew Jackson invaded Florida to fight the Seminole Indians who harbored
runaway slaves.
•Sec. of State John Quincy Adams guided by nationalism- makes treaties with Britain on
the Great Lakes.
•Spain cedes Florida to US in Adams-Onís Treaty –
•Gives up claim to Oregon Territory.
Nationalism Pushes America West
•The Missouri Compromise
* When territory’s population reaches 60,000 may apply for statehood.
*Missouri Compromise- preserves balance between slave & free states.
- Maine admitted into Union as Free State; Missouri as slave state
- Divide LA Purchase Territory at 36*30’ line: slavery legal in south