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Nationalism and Sectionalism
Chapter 3
 The War of 1812 settled nothing
internationally. But in the U.S., it had
a profound psychological effect.
 It brought an outburst of American
 Andrew Jackson’s drubbing of the British at
New Orleans strengthened Americans’
confidence in their country’s destiny.
American Nationalism
 Election of 1816: James
 Madison’s secretary of state,
James Monroe, easily defeated
the Federalist candidate and
with him the Federalist party.
 Election of 1820
 Monroe ran for reelection in
1820 unopposed.
 Monroe 231 electoral votes,
John Quincy Adams 1
American Nationalism
The Era of Good Feelings
The spirit of postwar harmony
became known as the Era of Good
Monroe hoped to eliminate political
parties and operate as the head of
the nation rather than a party.
He was the last president of the
Revolutionary generation.
Excitement of a new generation
Foreign Policy Achievements
Monroe’s greatest achievements
were diplomatic, accomplished
largely by his talented secretary
of state, John Quincy Adams,
the son of President John
Adams thought of the U.S. in
continental terms and sought
expansion to the Pacific Ocean.
In order to do that, Adams had
to set the boundaries of the land
they already had. Secretary of
Foreign Policy Achievements
 Spain—had never recognized the legality of
the Louisiana Purchase
 Adams-Onís Treaty (1819)—set the boundary between
American and Spanish territory all the way to the Pacific.
Spain gave up its claim on the Pacific Northwest.
 It also ceded Florida in exchange for the U.S. assuming $5
million in claims against Spain by American citizens.
 Great Britain
 The British abandoned their connections with the western
Indian tribes and no longer attempted to block American
expansion to the Rocky Mountains.
 They fixed the 49th parallel as the northern boundary of the
Louisiana Purchase.
 Agreed to joint control of the Oregon Territory.
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
 U.S. would not intervene in European
affairs (something they had already done
since Washington)
 U.S. would not interfere with any
European colony already established in
the Western Hemisphere
 Europe could not interfere with the
Western Hemisphere (particularly the new
Latin American republics)
 Concept of two worlds, each refraining from
interfering in the other’s affairs. The culmination of
the American quest for independence and
sovereignty. America was now isolated from
Europe and protected by the British fleet.
American Nationalism
The United States was now free to
concentrate on expanding across the
continent and on developing its resources.
The End of an Era
End of foreign threat
End of Revolution
Changes in American Society and Economy
Transportation Revolution
Westward Expansion
Growth of Manufacturing
Economic Nationalism
The U.S. had in many ways won its economic
independence in the War of 1812.
First the embargo and then the war itself stimulated the
growth of manufacturing.
Before the war, the economy had been tied largely to
international trade. After the war, the U.S. began a
transition to a national system of markets.
After the war, the national government sought
to adopt policies to encourage this economic
expansion to continue.
The 2nd Bank of the United States
A Protective Tariff
Internal Improvements
The Trinity of Economic
 The 2nd Bank of the United States
 The 1st national bank had closed in 1811 when its
charter expired, and the result had been financial
 In 1816, Congress chartered, with the consent of
Madison, the 2nd Bank of the United States for a period
of 20 years.
 A Protective Tariff
 The Tariff of 1816 set a duty of 20 percent on selected
goods to aid fledgling American industries by raising
the price of competing foreign goods.
 It was the first tariff intended more for the protection of
industry against foreign competition than for revenue.
Trinity of Economic Nationalism:
Internal Improvements
 For a market economy to become truly
national, a transportation network linking
various parts of the nation was essential.
 Roads
 The National Road began in 1811 and connected the
Atlantic Coast to Ohio and beyond as the territory
developed. It was the first federally financed interstate
road network.
 Canals
 The Erie Canal (Built from 1818-1825) ran 364 from
New York City to Buffalo, on Lake Erie. Soon other
cities built canals. By 1840, the U.S had built 3,300
miles of canals.
Transportation Revolution
 Steamboats
 The U.S. was dependent on river transportation. But
shipping goods downstream (From Pittsburgh to New
Orleans took 6 weeks) was easier than upstream (New
Orleans to Pittsburgh took 17 weeks).
 Robert Fulton’s steamship (1807) greatly reduced that.
A trip from New Orleans to Louisville was reduced from
90 to 8 days.
 Railroad
 Developed in the 1830s and were twice as fast as
 Key was laying track: U.S. had 13 miles in 1830, 3325
miles in 1840, and 8879 miles in 1850. Railroads
eventually dominated all other forms of transportation.
Transportation Revolution
New forms of transportation had a
remarkable effect on the market
From 1825 to 1855 the cost of transportation
on land fell 95 percent while its speed
increased fivefold.
The growth of cities
The number of city dwellers doubles in
Commercial agriculture
The Market Revolution
The Cotton Trade
In 1793, Eli Whitney
invented the cotton gin.
By 1840 the South
produced more than 60
percent of the world
supply, which
accounted for almost
two-thirds of all
American exports.
A Restless Temper
Population Growth
Immigration rises after 1830
The Federal Land Rush
Speculators help settle western lands
Geographic Mobility
The 1850 census revealed that nearly half of all
native-born Americans lived outside the state where
they had been born.
Technological Advances
The Rise of Factories (Textile)
Communication (Postal System)
Panic (Depression)of 1819
The First Major depression in the nation’s
Cotton prices fell in England, plummeting from 50
to 75 percent overnight
As the southern economy collapsed, demand for
western foodstuffs and eastern manufactured
goods fell, sending the nation into a severe
depression that lasted until 1823
The Panic of 1819 brought to an end the
optimism that had followed the War of
1812, as the spirit of nationalism gave way
to conflict.
Growing Sectionalism
The nation began to divide into three
powerful regional blocs – North,
South, and West
The Missouri Crisis
The Missouri Territory applied for
admission as a slave state in 1819
It was the first time that the morality of
slavery was debated in Congress.
Compromise of 1820
(Missouri Compromise)
Missouri Compromise
Compromise of 1820 (Henry Clay)
Missouri was admitted as a slave state.
Maine was admitted as a free state.
Slavery was forever prohibited in the
remainder of the Louisiana Purchase North
of the southern border of Missouri.
Sectionalism was only temporarily
resolved. The Missouri Compromise
showed that slavery was a divisive