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Chapter 7
7.7 Vertebral Column
1. Description
a. Extends from ___________ to pelvis
b. 26 bones (adult) and ______ child/young adult
c. Intervertebral disks
d. Fibrocartilage disk
2. Function
a. Support ________________________________
b. Movement
i. Rotation and bending
3. Curvatures
a. Primary (fetal)
i. Concave anteriorly
ii. Thoracic, pelvic or sacral
b. Secondary (_____________________________)
i. Convex (_______________________)
ii. Cervical
1. Hold ______________ up
iii. _________________
1. Support upright posture/walking
4. Structure
a. Body, thick
b. Pedicles
c. Laminae
d. Spinous process
e. Transverse process
f. Vertebral foramen
g. B, C, D form the _____________________________
5. Cervical vertebrae
a. Atlas –C1
i. Articulates w/occipital bone
ii. No spinous process
iii. Rotates on dens of axis
b. Axis-C2
i. Ondontoid process (dens)
ii. First spinous process
c. C7 large process at bottom of neck
6. Thoracic vertebrae (12)
a. Spinous process sloped downward
b. Rib articulations
c. Forward _______________ of trunk
7. Lumbar vertebrae (5)
a. Largest
i. Support body weight
8. Sacrum (1)
a. Fused spinous process
i. 1 adult and _____ infant bones
ii. Fuse at ~ ______________ years of age
b. Foramina for _____________________________
9. Coccyx (1)
a. 4 bones fuse ~ _______ years of age
b. _____________________________ for sitting
7.8 Thoracic Cage
1. costals
a. 12 pair
b. true ribs-7 pair attached directly to sternum
c. false ribs – 5 pair
1. 1st three attach via cartilage
2. last 2 float w/no anterior attachment
2. sternum
a. manubrium
1. clavicle and 1st rib attachment
b. middle body –ribs 2-7
c. xiphoid process
1. false rib attachment
7.9 Appendicular skeleton
1. pectoral girdle
a. function
1. _______________ of upper limb
2. muscle attachment
b. structures
1. clavicles (2)
a. only bony attachment of arm to axial
b. braces freely moving scapula
c. Weak structure
1. easily ________________________
2. joints easily sprained
2. Scapula
a. only bony attachment of scapula to axiom
b. glenoid fossa articulates with head of humerus
c. muscle attachment to thorax posteriorly
7.10 Upper Limb
A. Structures
1. ________________
a. fractures at neck
2. radius (forearm)
a. shorter of 2 forearm bones
b. ______________ or lateral side
c. rotates over _____________ to pronate hand
3. Ulna (forearm)
a. olecranon process (makes elbow prominence)
b. styloid process (bump on wrist)
4. Carpals
a. _________________________________
b. concave anteriorlymakes carpal tunnel
1. passage for nerves and tendons
5. metacarpals (long bones)
a. hand bones
b. framework of ______________
c. connect carpals to _______________________
d. numbered 1-5 thumb to pinky
6. phalanges (long bones
a. digits or fingers
b. proximal, middle, distal (end or tip)
1. are on digits 2-5
c. thumb or pollux
1. only has a proximal and distal
e. polydactyly- _________________________
7.11 Lower limb and pelvis
1. pelvic girdle
A. function
1. support of ______________
2. attachment of lower limb
3. muscle attachment
4. protection of __________________________
a. bladder intestine, internal reproductive organs
B. structures
1. coxae or coxa
a. _____________ largest most superior
1. Iliac crest
b. ishium- lowest portion L shaped
1. tuberosity, supports weight while sitting
c. Pubis lower anterior portion
1. anteriorly form ___________________________
2. pubic arch
a. ____________ male
b. _____________ female
2. Pelvis: ______________, sacrum and coccyx
a. greater or false pelvis
1. includes: lumbar vertebrae __________________ and abdominal wall
b. lesser or true pelvis
1. includes: sacrum, coccyx, lower ilium, ishium, and _______________
a. child passes through here during birth
7.12 Lower Limb
A. Structures
1. Femur (_____________ bone)
a. ___________________ bone in the body
b. head articulates with acetabulum to form hip joint
c. fovea capitus---ligament attachment
d. trochanter—large process for muscle attachment
e. condyles—form knee , hyaline cartilage
f. epicondyle—attachment for ligament and muscle
2. patella—knee cap
a. functions as a ___________ for lower leg
b. embedded in quadriceps/patellar tendon
3. tibia (shin bone)
a. _______________ of 2 lower leg bones
b. proximal-lateral & medial condyles
1. form knee joint
2. menisci (meniscus)
a. deepens articulation and cushions
b. ___________________ cartilage
3. tibial tuberosity
a. attachment for ____________________ ligament
b. distal-medial mallelus (aka ankle bone)
c. ½ of ankle joint with ___________________
4. fibula
A. nonwieght bearing bone
b. lateral malleolus (completes ankle joint with talus and tibia)
5. tarsals
A. ankle bones
B. framework of foot and __________________
6. Metatarsals
A. foot bones
B. numbered 1-5 like hand
C. distal end (heads) forms ____________________________, longitudinal arch
And transverse arch (across ball of foot)
7. phalanges
A. proximal, middle, distal (end or tip) digits 2-5 only
B. great toe or hallux only has proximal and _____________________