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Period: ______ Date: ________________
Directions: There are four main types of literature: fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama. Within each of
these types, there are even more types; we call these genres. Using the definitions on the back of this sheet,
identify the type of literature each genre fits under. For example, autobiography should go in the nonfiction
a type of literature that tells
a story that did not really
a type of literature that
gives you factual
a type of literature that uses
sound, structure and figurative
language to express emotions
and/or ideas
a type of literature
meant to be performed
on stage in front of an
acrostic – a poem in which a person spells a word vertically then writes a sentence that starts with each letter of that word
advertisement – an image, audio or video that tries to get you to buy or believe something
allegory – an untrue story that symbolizes a true story
almanac – an annual calendar of important dates, statistics, tide tables, weather patterns, astronomical information, etc.
anecdote – a short or amusing story about a real event or person
atlas – a book of maps
autobiography – an account of a person’s life written by that person
ballad – a poem that tells a story
biography – an account of a person’s life written by someone else
carpe diem – a poem that urges people to live for the moment
cinquain - a poem with five lines
clerihew – a four-lined poem with AABB rhyme scheme that lightheartedly makes fun of an historical figure
comedy – a type of play with a happy ending
comic book – an illustrated text often about superheroes
diamante – a poem that compares two opposite things and has special rules for the number and part of speech of words on each line
diary – a book in which one keeps a daily record of events
dictionary – an alphabetical list of words and definitions
encyclopedia – a set of books with information on many subjects arranged alphabetically
epic – a very long poem about a hero’s journey
epigram – a short, witty poem
epithalamium – a poem about marriage
fable – a very short story for children that teaches them a moral or lesson about life; e.g. “The Tortoise and the Hare”
fairy tale – a short story for children often about elves, witches, goblins, dragons or other magical creatures; e.g. “Cinderella”
folk tale – a legend or short story passed down by word of mouth
free verse – a poem that doesn’t follow any rules
haiku – a poem of Japanese origin that contains 3 lines and 5-7-5 syllable pattern
historical fiction – a story that didn’t really happen but is set during an historical time period and has historical figures as characters
history – a play about an historical person or event
horror - fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread in both the characters and the reader
legend – a story, poem or play that is sometimes regarded as historically accurate but has no evidence to back it up
limerick – a five-lined poem with AABBA rhyme scheme and set meter; often begins with the words “There once was a…”
literary criticism – an essay that analyzes a work of literature
memoir – a personal account of an historical event
mystery – a story dealing with the solution of a crime or the unraveling of secrets
myth – a story about gods or heroes or that attempts to explain why something in nature exists
newspaper – a daily or weekly publication of current events and opinions
ode – a poem in praise of a person or thing
op/ed – an article in a newspaper in which a person gives his opinion about something
parable – a short story used to illustrate a spiritual or moral lesson, like many of the stories in the Bible
philosophy – a person’s deep thoughts about something
propaganda – deliberately misleading advertisement
realistic fiction – a story that didn’t really happen but could happen
recipe – instructions for how to make a food
religion – something a person believes without having evidence
review – a person’s opinion about a particular thing, like a book, movie or restaurant
romance – a love story
sacred text – the literature associated with a certain religion (e.g. Bible, Koran, Tao Te Ching)
scholarly article – an academic essay or article
scifi – a story about aliens, time travel and/or outer space
sestina – a poem divided into six six-line stanzas that repeats the words at the end of the lines in the first stanza at the ends of lines
in subsequent stanzas but in a different order
tabloid – a magazine or newspaper with sensational stories, often about celebrities
tall tale - humorous story with blatant exaggerations, swaggering heroes who do the impossible with nonchalance
tanka – a poem with five lines and 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern
thesaurus – a book of words with their synonyms and antonyms
tragedy – a type of play with a very sad ending
travelogue – a book about the sights to see in a place
user manual – a book that explains how something works
villanelle – a poem with nineteen lines and two refrain lines that are repeated throughout the poem