Download Objective and Catalyst: 1/27/14

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Objective and Catalyst: 1/27/14
!   Students will model the advantages and
disadvantages of asexual reproduction using a
lab activity in order to understand why
multicellular organisms use sexual reproduction.
1.  Streptococcus is a bacteria that causes strep throat in
humans. Which of these is a type of reproduction used
by streptococcus?
A. Budding
B. Binary Fission
C. Meiosis
2.  What is the key feature of asexual reproduction?
3.  Look at the new grades and complete your “Beginning
of the Week Check-In” at the top of your WWO.
 Class Procedures & Value
 Review Reproduction
 Asexual Reproduction Lab
!  At least 20 flashcards DUE next
Thursday, 1/30!
Using your Resources
!  Where can you find copies of old
!  Where can you check your current
!  If you are absent where can you
check for resources?
Using the Class Website
New Procedure! Late Sign-In
!  When you arrive late, the regular
sheet will be gone.
!  You will need to sign in the LATE
!  You MUST include the time you
arrived, and the reason you are late.
!  Students with 2 or more lateness per
week will be required to serve
New Late Log
Value of your Education
!  What does this number mean to you?
!  What could you do with this amount
of money?
Value of your Education
!  What does this number mean to you?
!  What could you do with this amount
of money?
Return on your Investment
!  What are you going to do with your
$160,000 education?
!   After
13 years you could…
!   Have
LESS than you started by wasting time
and failing classes
  Have the SAME. You still have $160,000.
You didn’t lose anything, but you also didn’t
come out ahead.
  INCREASE your investment by working hard
each day to $240,000 for the following
years…or $1.16 million over a lifetime
The Bottom Line
Face it.
Nobody owes you a living.
What you achieve or fail to achieve in your
is directly related to what you do
or fail to do.
No one chooses his parents or childhood
but you can choose your own direction.
Everyone has problems and obstacles to
but that too is relative to each individual.
Nothing is carved in stone.
You can change anything in your life
if you want to badly enough.
Excuses are for losers.
Those who take responsibility for their actions
are the real winners in life.
Winners meet life's challenges head on
knowing there are no guarantees
and give it all they've got.
It's never too late or too early to begin.
Time plays no favorites
and will pass whether you act or not.
Take control of your life.
Dare to dream and take risks.
If you aren't willing to work for your
don't expect others to.
Believe in Yourself!
Even the most “fun” jobs…
…still involve hard work!
Don’t forget your Goals!
!  ONE step at a time.
New Unit:
!  We will be adding Unit 4 into the Unit
3 Folder
!  Write the following on your BLUE
“Unit 4: Reproduction”
Characteristics of Life REVIEW!
 Must be made of 1 or more cells
 Must obtain and use energy
 Must maintain homeostasis
 Must Grow Develop and Reproduce
 Must be able to respond to stimuli
!   Adapt
!  Process by which offspring (children)
are created by parent organisms.
!  In plain terms: It is producing more
!   Types:
Asexual and Sexual
  Processes: Mitosis and Meiosis (we’ll
learn this one later)
Binary Fission
!  Asexual
!  Cell splits and
replicated DNA
goes with each
!  Prokaryotes,
!  + Fast and easy
!  - Everybody has
the same DNA
Bacterial Conjugation
!   Asexual, “Sexual”
!   A bacteria shoots
out a tube and
sends a piece of its
DNA to another
!   Bacteria
!   + Mixes DNA
!   - “Parent” loses a
little piece of DNA
Fragmentation/ regeneration
!   Asexual
!   Body of parent
breaks and
produces offspring
!   Fungi, moss, sea
stars, planarian
!   + Easy
!   - Parent broken,
same DNA
Fragmentation/ regeneration
!   Asexual
!   Offspring grows out
of parent
!   Yeast, hydras
!   + Fast, somewhat
!   - Same DNA
!   Sexual
!   Pollen is delivered to
female part of plant
!   Flowering plants
!   + Plants don’t have
to move, mixes DNA
!   - Need external
source for pollination
to take place; wind,
bee, bat, butterfly
Sexual Reproduction
!   Sexual
!   DNA from 2
individuals merge to
form one
!   Animals, Plants
!   + Diverse DNA
!   - Takes a long time,
2 individuals needed
Exit Slip
!  Complete the chart based on your new
knowledge of sexual and sexual
# of parents
Offspring unique
or identical?
Fast or slow
Asexual Reproduction Lab
!  PURPOSE: Why do most multi-cellular
organisms perform sexual
reproduction (and NOT asexual
1. Do unicellular organisms reproduce using sexual or
asexual reproduction? _______________
2. What are the four types of asexual reproduction?
3. Circle the type of asexual reproduction above
that bacteria most commonly use.
4. Fill in the following table to compare asexual and
sexual reproduction:
Type of Reproduction # of Parents Required Are the offspring identical or different?
!  If I simulate harmful environments on
a population of Paramecium that
reproduce asexually, then
1.  Retrieve bags of colored “paramecium”
for your group.
2.  Separate the circles into four colors:
purple, pink, white, and brown. Each
circle represents one Paramecium (a
unicellular organism). The different colors
represent different types of Paramecia
with different genes.
Procedures con’t
3. Count 3 of each color and place the circles
on your desk. The desk will represent the
pond the Paramecia live in. The twelve
circles will be the original population
(Generation 0). Record how many of each
color you have in the data table below.
4. Follow the population of Paramecia
through five generations by reading the
Events. Be sure to record the number of
each color after each event.
Collect Data in Model
# Purple
# Pink
# White
# Brown
Generation 0
Original population. Record what you
have on your desk when you start.
Generation 1
Each paramecium reproduces once except
the white paramecium because a chemical
in the pond water kills all of them.
A disease strikes, killing all pink Paramecia
Each surviving Paramecium reproduces
Generation 2
# Purple
# Pink
# White
# Brown
A predator strikes, killing all brown and
½ purple Paramecia
Generation 3
Each paramecium reproduces once.
There is not enough food so ¾ of the
remaining Paramecia die.
Generation 4
Each Paramecium reproduces once.
Performing Lab to Collect Data
!  Work together in your groups!
!  Read each event out-loud and model
on your desks with the Paramecium.
!  Make sure you record how many of
EACH color are left at the end of
each event.
Analyze Data
!  Complete the Analysis questions
!  How many offspring were left in the
Draw Conclusions
!   Work as a group to complete the Conclusion
!   REMEMBER: Drawing conclusions is going to
help you APPLY your lab data to the larger
purpose question.
“Why do multicellular organisms perform sexual
reproduction and NOT asexual reproduction?”
  AKA What’s wrong with asexual reproduction
that makes it NOT a good choice for larger
organisms like humans?
Draw Conclusions
1) What type of Paramecium had the best “genes”?
_________________ How do you know?
2) If something happens to kill off a specific type of organism
(ex. all red Paramecia), will that type of organism ever appear
again? ________ Why or why not?
3) Based on your results of this lab, why do you think most
multicellular organisms perform sexual reproduction?
4) You just learned why asexual reproduction is bad for organisms,
but many unicellular organisms like bacteria perform binary
fission. Why is this?
5) What would happen if humans reproduced asexually? Explain
what humans would look like and think about what would happen
to society. (Hint: Would all of the jobs we need in society be
taken care of? Would humans survive if a deadly bacterium
infected people?)
Exit Slip
!  Write “Conclusion Questions” in your
Exit Slip Box
!  Make sure your HW is copied down.
!  Rate your understanding of today’s
lesson by circling a number on your
!  Turn in:
!   Blue
  Asexual Reproduction lab with
COMPLETE Conclusion Questions
!  Make sure there are NO Paramecium
on your desks or on the floor!