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Name: __________________________________ Checkpoint 13 Review Sheet 1. What do humans do that makes plants grow? We breathe OUT carbon dioxide (CO2) that plants need! 2. Put the following in order of energy flow: consumer, decomposer, producer Producer consumer decomposer 3. How do decomposers help plants? They return nutrients back to the soil 4. How does the overpopulation of a plant effect an ecosystem? It decreases the number of other plants 5. How do some animals depend on others for survival? Food, transportation, protection 6. What is prey? Organism that is being HUNTED and eaten for food 7. What is a producer? An organism that makes its own food using sunlight 8. What is a decomposer? It breaks down dead organisms and brings nutrients back to the soil 9. What is a consumer? An organism that consumes or EATS other organisms for food 10. What could happen if you wiped out an entire species of animal in an area? The animals that eat it would decrease 11. What type of organism can make its own food? Producer 12. What lives in a terrarium? Snails, frogs, plants, snakes, lizards 13. What lives in an aquarium? Fish, aquatic (water) plants 14. What usually comes after the sun in a food chain? A producer, such as grass or algae 15. What happens if producers are removed? All the animals would die or move away 16. What do plants have to have to grow? 17. What does “ Sunlight “ stand for? Give energy to 18. What is W.A.R.S.S. stand for? Water, Air, Rocks, Sunlight, Soil 19. What does W.A.R.S.S. represent? Abiotic (nonliving) things 20. What is the definition of ecosystem? Living and nonliving things interacting in the environment 21. Draw a food web with the following: grass, hawk, mouse, snake Grass mouse snake hawk