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• The inflation rate is computed as the
annual percentage change in the price
Chapter 8
By Charles I. Jones
Media Slides Created By
Price level in
year t
• The Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Dave Brown
Penn State University
– Price index for a bundle of consumer goods
8.1 Introduction
• In this chapter, we learn:
– What inflation is, and how costly it can be.
– How the quantity theory of money and the
classical dichotomy help us understand
– The relationship of interest rates and
inflation through the Fisher equation.
– The important link between fiscal policy
and high inflation.
• Inflation
– The percentage change in an economy’s
overall price level
• Hyperinflation
– an episode of extremely high inflation
– Greater than 500 percent per year
– Example: Post World War I Germany
Case Study: How Much Is That?
• We can use the CPI to evaluate the
value of a good in 1950 in today’s
8.2 The Quantity
Theory of Money
• Today
– Currency is “fiat money.”
– Currency is paper that the government
simply declares is worth a certain price.
– Money has value because we expect others
will value it.
• Multiply the price of the good in 1950
times the ratio of the CPI in today’s
dollars to the CPI in 1950 dollars.
• It’s not as large of a difference as the
raw numbers may lead you to believe.
• Other price indexes
– The CPI excluding food and energy prices
– The GDP deflator
8.2 The Quantity
Theory of Money
• We often think of money as paper
Measures of the Money Supply
• The monetary base includes currency
and accounts, called reserves.
– Private banks hold accounts with the
economy’s central bank, which pay no
– These banks ensure that they have
sufficient cash on hand in case of money
• Other measures of currency:
– M1
• adds demand deposits to the money base
• Historically
– Money was backed by gold or silver
– M2
• adds savings accounts and money market
account balances to M1
• Velocity of money
– The average number of times per year that
each piece of paper currency is used in a
• The equation implies that the amount of
money used in purchases is equal to
nominal GDP.
Case Study: Digital Cash
• Electronic forms of currency
• The classical dichotomy
– Debit cards, PayPal, travelers’ checks
– Makes up most money in advanced
The Quantity Equation
• The quantity theory of money allows us
to make the connection between money
and inflation.
of money
The Classical Dichotomy, Constant
Velocity, and the Central Bank
– States that, in the long run, the real and
nominal sides of the economy are
completely separate.
• In the quantity theory of money
– Real GDP is assumed as exogenously given
– Determined by real forces.
• In other words:
Bar over the Y
means exogenous.
• The velocity of money
– Exogenously given constant
– Assumed to be constant over time
• In other words:
No time
• The money supply
– Determined by the central bank
– Monetary policy is exogenously given
The Quantity Theory for the
Price Level
• To solve the model
• In other words:
– Plug all the exogenous variables
– Solve for the price level
• Prices will rise as a result of
– Increases in the money supply
– Decreases in real GDP
• In the long run, the key determinant of the
price level is the money supply.
The Quantity Theory for Inflation
• We can express the quantity equation in
terms of growth rates.
• Using g as growth rate
Constant = 0
Rate of inflation,
represented as π
• Thus:
Rate of
rate in
rate in
Revisiting the Classical Dichotomy
• Quantity Theory of Money
– Changes in the growth rate of money lead
one-for-one to changes in the inflation rate.
– Empirically, this holds up both in U.S. and
worldwide data.
• Deflation
• When all prices in the economy double,
relative prices are unchanged.
• When the relative prices of goods are
unchanged, nothing real is affected.
– Occurs when inflation rates are negative
• The neutrality of money says that changes
in the money supply
– Have no real effects on the economy
– Only affect prices
• Empirically
– Holds in the long run
– Does not hold in the short run
• nominal prices do not respond immediately
to changes in the money supply
• Empirically
– The real interest rate has been negative
– This implies that in the short run the real
interest rate need not equal the MPK.
8.3 Real and Nominal Interest
• The real interest rate
– Is equal to the marginal product of capital
– Is paid in goods
• The nominal interest rate
– Is the interest rate on a savings account
– Is paid in dollars
• The Fisher equation
8.4 Costs of Inflation
• Individuals who are hurt during inflation:
Rate of
– An individual who has a pension that is not
indexed to inflation
– A bank that issues loans at fixed rates but
that pays interest rates that move with the
– An individual with a variable rate mortgage
• The nominal interest rate is generally high
when inflation is high.
• Large surprise inflations can lead to large
distributions in wealth.
– People with debts can pay back their loans
with new cheaper dollars.
– Creditors wind up losers.
• Taxes
– Based on nominal incomes
• Economic decisions
– Based on real variables
• Tax distortions are more severe when
inflation is high.
• Inflation also distorts relative prices.
– Some prices are faster at adjusting to inflation
than other prices are.
Case Study: The Wage-Price Spiral and
President Nixon’s Price Controls
• At the time, the view was:
– Strong unions pushed for high wages
– Strong corporations translated rising costs
to rising prices
– Strong unions demanded even higher
– Wage-price spiral, resulting in inflation
• Nixon froze wages and prices for 90 days
to break the spiral.
– High unemployment resulted from an
expansionary policy that brought the return of
• Price controls also distort economic
8.5 The Fiscal Causes of High
• The government budget constraint
• Shoe leather costs of inflation
– People want to hold less money when
inflation is high.
Tax revenue
Changes in
the stock of
Borrowing money
• Menu costs
– The costs to firms of changing prices
The Inflation Tax
• Seignorage and the inflation tax
– Names for the revenue that the
government obtains from printing more
money (ΔM)
• The inflation tax
– Shows up as a rise in the price level
– Is paid by people holding currency
Case Study: Episodes of High
• Episodes of high inflation tend to recur.
• Hyperinflations can stop just as quickly
as they start.
• Countries experiencing hyperinflation
typically raise about 5 percent of GDP
from the inflation tax.
– Argentina raised 10 percent of GDP this
• If a government runs large budget deficits,
as debt rises
– Lenders may worry the government will have
trouble paying back loans
– They may stop lending to the government
• Debt solution: Raising taxes?
– May not be politically feasible
• The government may resort to printing
currency to finance its budget.
– Lenders to the government will be paid back
in currency that is worth less than the dollars
Central Bank Independence
• Monetary Policy
– Conducted by Federal Reserve
• Fiscal Policy
– President and Congress
• Central Bank Independence
– An attempt to prevent fiscal considerations
from leading to excessive inflation
• Hyperinflation
– Ends when the rate of money growth falls
– The government gets its finances in order
through lower spending, higher taxes, and
new loans
• The coordination problem
– People build their expectations into the prices
they set.
8.6 The Great Inflation of the
• During the Great Inflation,
– The rate peaked below 15 percent
– Yet the inflation tax was a small fraction of
government spending
• Inflation rose in the 1970s for the following
– OPEC coordinated increases in oil prices that
spurred inflation.
– The Federal Reserve grew the money supply
too rapidly.
– Policymakers pursued such a policy because
of the productivity slowdown.
• Inflation
– The annual percentage change in the
overall price level in an economy
– A dollar today is worth much less than it
was a decade ago.
• The quantity theory of money is our basic
model for understanding the long-run
determinants of the price level and
therefore of inflation. There are two ways
to express the solution.
– For the price level
– For the rate of inflation
• The classical dichotomy
– The real and nominal sides of the economy
are largely separate.
– Real economic variables, like real GDP, are
determined only by real forces—like the
investment rate and TFP.
– They are not influenced by nominal changes,
such as a change in the money supply.
– Classical dichotomy holds in the long run but
not necessarily in the short run.
• The nominal interest rate
This concludes the Lecture
Slide Set for Chapter 8
– Paid in units of currency
• Real interest rate
– Paid in goods
• Related by the Fisher equation
Third Edition
Charles I. Jones
Rate of
W. W. Norton & Company
Independent Publishers Since 1923
• Inflation
– Can be very costly to an economy
– Generally transfers resources from lenders
and savers to borrowers
– Can cause
• high effective tax rates
• distortions to relative prices
• shoe-leather costs
• menu costs
• The government budget constraint says
that the government has three basic ways
to finance its spending.
– Taxes
– Borrowing
– Printing money
• If none of those methods work, the
government may be forced to print money
to satisfy the budget constraint.
• Hyperinflations are generally a reflection of
such fiscal problems.