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AP Chemistry
Electron Structure Review Questions
1) Of the following transitions in the Bohr atom, the __ transition results in the emission of the highest
energy photon.
a) n=6 to n=1
b) n=3 to n=6
c) n=1 to n=4
d) n=6 to n=3
e) n=1 to n=6
2) According to the Uncertainty Principle, it is impossible to know precisely both the position and the
___ of an electron
a) mass
b) density
c) color
d) shape
e) momentum
3) All of the orbitals in a given electron shell have the same value of the ____ quantum number
a) principal
b) azimuthal
c) magnetic
d) spin
e) psi
4) The ____ quantum number defines the shape of the subshell.
a) principal
b) azimuthal
c) magnetic
d) spin
e) psi
5) Which one of the following is not a valid value for the magnetic quantum number of an electron in a
5d subshell?
a) 1
b) 0
c) 3
d) 2
e) -1
6) The ___ subshell has only one orbital.
a) 3d
b) 5d
c) 6f
d) 4s
e) 1p
7) An electron cannot have the quantum numbers n= __, l = __, and m = __.
a) 4,1,-1
b) 0,1,1
c) 1,0,0
d) 3,2,-2
e) 3,2,1
8) An electron cannot have the quantum numbers n= __, l = __, and m = __.
a) 3,2,3
b) 6,1,0
c) 2,1,0
d) 4,3-2
e) 9,6,-5
9) The azimuthal quantum number is 3 in ___ subshells
a) d
b) f
c) p
d) s
e) g
10) How many electrons in an atom could have n = 5 and m = 3?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 14
e) 50
11) How many electrons in an atom could have n = 6 and l = 3?
a) 2
b) 6
c) 14
d) 36
e) 72
12) How many electrons in an atom could have n = 6, l = 3, and s = ½?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 7
d) 18
e) 36
13) Which of the following indicates an incorrect orbital notation?
a) 4dxy
b) 2s
c) 4s
d) 3py
e) 3fxyz
14) The principal quantum number of the first d-subshell is:
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
15) If n = 5 and l = 4, how many possible value are there for m?
a) 1
b) 4
c) 5
d) 8
e) 9
16) How many quantum numbers are needed to indicate 1 specific orbital in an atom?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
17) ____ subshells are spherically symmetrical.
a) s
b) p
c) d
e) g
d) f
18) In a px orbital, the subscript x denotes the __ of the electron
a) axis along which the orbital is aligned
b) probability of the shell
c) size of the orbital
d) spin
e) energy
19) Which set of quantum numbers (n,l,m) refers to a 3d orbital?
a) 3,3,3
b) 2,3,3,
c) 3,3,2
d) 3,2,2
e) 2,1,0
20) At maximum an f-subshell can hold ___ electrons, a d-subshell can hold ___ electrons, and an ssubshell can hold ___ electrons.
a) 14,10, 6
b) 10, 6, 2
c) 14,10, 2
d) 14, 6, 2
e) 14, 2, 10
21) What element would have the ground state electron configuration of [Ar] 4s1 3d5 ?
a) carbon
b) chromium
c) magnesium
d) manganese
e) iron
22) What element would have the excited state electron configuration of [Ne] 3s2 4p2 6s1 ?
a) boron
b) magnesium
c) silicon
d) phosphorus
e) cesium
23) Which of the following sketches represents an orbital with the quantum numbers n=3, l=0, m=0?
24) Which scientist first proposed that light is comprised of waves of particles?
a) Bohr
b) deBroglie
c) Planck
d) Schrodinger
e) Young
25) Which scientist organized the Quantum Probability Theory?
a) Bohr
b) deBroglie
c) Planck
d) Schrodinger
e) Young
26) Which scientist said that each electron in an atom must have a unique set of 4 quantum numbers to
accurately describe it?
a) Heisenberg b) Hund
c) Aufbau
d) Schrodinger
e) Pauli
For #27 – 32, Refer to the electron configurations below:
a) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 5s1
b) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d10
c) 1s2 1p6 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4
d) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p2
e) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s3
27) Which electron configuration depicts the ground state of a transitional metal?
28) Which electron configuration depicts the ground state of a metalloid?
29) Which electron configuration corresponds to the element with the most valence electrons?
30) Which electron configuration depicts an atom in an excited state?
31) Which electron configuration has an impossible value for the azimuthal quantum number?
32) Which electron configuration does not obey the Pauli Principle?
For #33-35, Refer to the orbital diagrams below:
33) Which orbital notation does not obey the Pauli Principle?
34) Which orbital notation does not obey Hund’s Rule?
35) Which orbital notation is an acceptable orbital notation for a ground state?