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Name _____________________
A walk through the solar system: Homework #3
Due date: Friday Feb 17 (11:00 a.m.)
SYNOPSIS: The idea behind this homework assignment is that a walk through
a model
of our own solar system provides an appreciation of: 1) the immense size of our
local neighborhood and the scale of astronomical distances; 2) the systematic
in the composition of moons and planets in the solar system, and 3)
implications of
these factors in the search for extraterrestrial life. Additionally, it will ask you to
think a
little bit about the age of the solar system. This is a natural follow-up to your
homework where I asked you to think about the scale of the solar system at
1:10 billion.
Now that you are comfortable with that, we will take it to the next step.
INTRODUCTION: In the first homework assignment I referred to the scale
model solar
system out side of Fiske. Astronomy students and faculty have worked with the
University of Colorado to lay out a scale model solar system along the
walkway from
Fiske Planetarium northward to the Engineering complex. The model is a
memorial to
astronaut Ellison Onizuka, a CU graduate who died in the explosion of the
space shuttle
Challenger in January of 1986.
The Colorado Scale Model Solar System is on a scale of 1 to 10 billion (1010)!
That is,
for every meter in the scale model, there are 10 billion meters in the real solar
Remind yourself of just how you worked through this in Homework #1.
All of the sizes of the objects within the solar system (where possible), as well
as the
distances between them, have been reduced in this display by this same scale
(1:1010). As a result, the apparent angles between objects and the relative
of objects in the model are accurate representations of how they would appear
in the
real solar system.
HOWEVER, the model is unrealistic in one important respect: all of the planets
been arranged roughly in a straight line on the same side of the Sun, so the
from one planet to the next is as small as it can possibly be. The last time all
planets were lined up this well in the real solar system was the year 1596 BC
(this was
the true "Harmonic Convergence" for you astrology fans, and of course, nothing
happened…) In a more accurate representation, the planets would be scattered
in all
different directions (but still at their properly-scaled distances) from the Sun.
example, rather than along the sidewalk to the north of Fiske, Jupiter could be
placed in
Kittridge Commons to the south; Uranus might be found on the steps of Regent
and Neptune in the Police Building by the parking lot. The inner rocky, or
planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) would still be in the vicinity of Fiske
Planetarium, but could be in any direction from the model of the Sun.
For full credit on the questions below, please show your work (e.g.
ratios used to
determine answers).
The Terrestrial Planets
Read the information on the pyramid holding the model Sun in front of Fiske
Planetarium. Note that the actual Sun is 1.4 million km in diameter, but on a 1
to 10
billion scale, it is only 14 cm across. Contemplate the vast amount of
empty space
that lies between these planets and the Sun. But keep in mind that
there's a whole
lot more of "nothingness" to come!
1. Answer these questions about the four terrestrial planets.
(a) Which is most similar to the Earth in size (and composition)?
Venus. 1pt
(b) Which of the four terrestrial planets is most like the Earth in surface
Mars. 1pt
(c) Which has the higher surface temperature: Mercury or Venus? Why?
Venus because of the enhanced GREENHOUSE EFFECT. 1pt (0 if no why)
(d) Which has a rotation period that is very similar to the Earth’s day?
Mars’ rotation is very nearly 24 hours. 1pt
2. The real Earth orbits about 150 million km (or, 93 million miles) from the
Sun. As we
saw in HW#1, this distance is known as an astronomical unit, or AU for short.
The AU is
very convenient for comparing relative distances in the solar system by using
the EarthSun separation as a “yardstick.”
(a) What is the distance in AU between the Sun and Mercury?
0.3871 AU. 1pt (show work)
(b) Between the Sun and Mars (in AU)?
1.5236 AU. 1pt (show work)
(c) Between the Earth and Mars (in AU, when they are at their closest)?
0.5236 AU. 1pt (show work)
3. Take a close look at Earth's own satellite, the Moon, which is the farthest
object to
which people have traveled. Consider that it took 3 days for the Apollo
astronauts to
cross the seemingly "vast" gulf of empty space between the Earth and the
Moon. Do
not forget to LOOK UP IN THE SKY and see the Moon there. When you
look at the
Moon, pay attention to the features on its surface. Think: how did they get
there? Does
the face of the Moon look like a “Man” or a “Rabbit” to you? It turns out that
cultures have seen different things…
(a) Estimate how far (in cm) that humans have ventured into space, at the
scale of the
CU solar system model.
3.84 cm (1pt) show work
(b) What is the actual distance from the Earth to the Moon in kilometers?
384,400 km (this is the average distance – anything in between 363,000 and
406,000 was fine) 1 pt
(c) Based on this information, what was the approximate average speed of the
spacecraft in km per hour during its 3 day journey to the Moon?
3 days = 72 hours
384,400 km / 72 hours = 5339 km per hour (1 pt) show work (Answers varied
depending on your answer for b)
(d) Traveling at the speed of the Apollo spacecraft, and assuming the journey
could be
made in a straight line, how long (in days) would it take humans to travel to
Earth to Mars = 0.5236 AU
0.5236 AU x 1.5 x 108 k m ¿ = 78.54 x 106 km / 5339 kph = 14,710 hours = 613
(1pt) show work (again, answers varied due to b)
4. A detour into planetary ages. The Apollo missions brought back rocks from
Moon. Your analysis of two lunar rocks (collected by Apollo 16) finds that they
Uranium and Lead isotopes. Knowing that 238U decays to 206Pb with a half-life of
billion years and given the following age equation:
t= (τ/ln) 2ln 1+ D/N
Where t is the age of the rock or mineral specimen (in years)
D is the number (or proportion) of atoms of the daughter product today
N is the number (or proportion) of atoms of the parent isotope today
ln is the natural logarithm to (log to base e)
t is the half life (in years)
a. How old is the Lunar Highlands rock if 55% of the original 238U remains and
the other
45% has decayed to 206Pb? What is its Daughter/Parent ratio?
D/N = 45/55 = 0.8181 (1 pt)
t(age) = 4.5 * 10^9 years / ln(2) x ln (1 + 45/55) = 3.885 billion years. (1 pt)
b. A sample of lunar basalt has 63% of the original 238U remaining; the other
decayed into 206Pb. How much older or younger is this rock than the Highlands
rock (in
problem a, above)? What is its D/N ratio?
D/N = 0.5873 (1 pt)
age is 3 billion years (1 pt)
so it is 885 million years younger. (1 pt)
5. Another way to describe distance is to use “light-time.” This is the time it
takes light,
traveling at 300,000 km/second (186,000 miles/sec, or 670 million mph!) to get
from one
place to another. Since light travels at the fastest speed possible in the
universe, lighttime
represents the shortest time in which information can be sent from one place
another. Electromagnetic radiation, including sunlight and radio waves, takes
seconds (or 8.33 minutes) to reach the Earth; we say that the Earth is 8.33
from the Sun. Remember, the light-minute is a measure of distance!
(a) How many light-minutes is Mars from the Sun?
8.33 light minutes = 1 AU. Since Mars is 1.5236 AU from the Sun, it is 1.5236
AU x
8.33 lm/AU from the Sun, or 12.7 light minutes from the Sun. (1 pt)
In the year 2003, two large rovers were launched toward Mars. These vehicles
equipped with cameras and on-board computers that enable them to
recognize obstacles and drive around them once they land on the red planet,
than being steered from the Earth.
(b) Why must these rovers include the autonomous ability to avoid colliding
boulders, rather than being steered remotely by an operator back on the Earth?
Because of the delay time between messages (about a 4.4 min delay). (1 pt)
6. On Earth, temperature and pressure conditions are such that water (H2O)
can be a
liquid, a solid, and a gas. The temperature and pressure conditions on other
planets can
be very different from the Earth. Like the atmosphere of the Earth, the
atmosphere of
Mars contains carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. Also like Earth, Mars has icy polar
caps. But
unlike Earth, the polar caps of Mars also contain CO2 ice, known as "dry ice."
(a) Why does Mars have CO2 ice in its polar caps, while Earth does not?
It is farther away from the Sun and therefore colder. (1pt)
(b) What other kind of ice might exist in the polar caps and frozen in the soil of
There is water ice (it is possible that there is methane ice there as “Methane
Clathrate”, but not necessary to know this) (1 pt for anything reasonable)
(c) Can water exist as a liquid at Mars today? Justify your answer.
Not really as liquid because the pressure and temperature conditions are such
that water is stable in only gas and solid form. (1 pt)
7. The "habitable zone" around a star is commonly defined as the region over
liquid water can be stable on the surface of a terrestrial planet. To estimate the
width of
the habitable zone in other solar systems, we can use our own solar system as
a guide.
(a) Based on what you observe in the scale model of the solar system (and
what you
know about the Earth!), between the orbits of which two planets might liquid
water be
stable in our solar system?
Just outside Venus’ orbit and just inside that of Mars. (1 pt)
(b) Estimate the width (in AU) of the habitable zone around a Sun-like star.
Venus is 0.7233 AU from the Sun, Mars is 1.5236 AU. The difference between
these two is 0.8 AU. This is a rough approximation of the HZ of our system. (1
As you cross Regent Drive heading for Jupiter, you’ll also be crossing the region
of the
asteroid belt, where thousands of “planetoids” or “minor planets” can be found
your path. The very largest of these, Ceres, is 760 km in diameter. At the scale
of our
solar system model, Ceres would be the size of a speck of dust.
8. A bit of the asteroid belt that came to Earth, the Allende meteorite that fell in
in 1969, has an age of 4.566 billion years. Why is the Allende meteorite so
much older
than our oldest lunar sample (e.g. in problem 4 above)?
The Allende meteorite has been relatively unaltered since it first formed back in
the early stage of the solar system. The moon formed later (from a collision
with the earth) and has undergone many smaller impacts that have “reset” the
ages of rocks on the surface. (2 pt)
The Outer Planets and their Moons
After you cross the “Frost Line” of the solar system, you will now enter the
realm of the
gas giant (or Jovian) planets, which are composed principally of hydrogen and
They also contain water (H2O), ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), and other
They are believed to contain rock and metal deep in their cores.
9. Jupiter contains over 70% of all the mass in the solar system apart from the
Sun, but
its mass is still < 1/1000 that of the Sun itself.
(a) How many times more massive is Jupiter than the Earth?
Mass of Jupiter = 1898.6 x 1024 kg, Mass Earth = 5.9736 x 1024 kg.
Jupiter is ~318 Earth masses. (1 pt)
(b) How does the temperature of Jupiter's cloud tops compare with the
temperatures of
the inner planets?
Much colder, even than Mars. (1 pt)
(c) Explain how Jupiter's great mass is consistent with its hydrogen-rich
If Jupiter were not so massive, it could not hold on to such a light gas as
hydrogen. Because it is so large, it retains H and He. (1 pt)
(d) Io is a moon of Jupiter, and orbits Jupiter at about the same distance as our
orbits the Earth. How does the gravitational pull of Jupiter on Io compare to the
gravitational pull of Earth on our Moon? Why?
Much greater because the mass of Jupiter is much more than the mass of Earth
(1 pt, requires why)
(e) Can water exist as a liquid at Europa? Justify your answer.
NOT at the surface, it is too cold and has essentially no atmosphere. However,
could exist WITHIN Europa. (1 pt)
10. Our next stop is the beautiful ringed planet Saturn, the most distant planet
that can
be seen from Earth without a telescope (i.e. with the naked eye).
(a) When Jupiter and Saturn are aligned on the same side of the Sun, what is
distance in AU between these two planets?
Jupiter is at 5.2026 AU from the sun, Saturn is at 9.5719 AU
The difference between them is 4.37 AU (1 pt)
(b) Saturn's large moon Titan has a thick atmosphere of nitrogen (N 2) and
(CH4). Why might Titan have such a thick atmosphere, even though Jupiter's
moon Ganymede does not?
Titan is much colder (being farther away from the Sun by more than 4 AU). (1
11. Continue the journey on to Uranus and then Neptune. As you do, ponder
the vast
expanse of space through which you are passing.
(a) How do the sizes of Uranus and Neptune compare?
They are similar to one another in both mass and diameter.
Uranus is 86.6 x 1024 kg and ~50,000 km; and Neptune is 102.4 x 1024 kg and
~49,500 km. (1 pt)
(b) What does the blue color of these gas giant planets have to do with their
distance from the Sun?
Abundance of methane and ammonia ices that are stable in these cold
environments. (1 pt)
(c) What four types of ices might you expect to find on Triton's frigid surface?
Water ice, ammonia, methane, CO2 (1 pt) (½ point for 2)
(d) Triton has a very thin atmosphere compared to that of Titan. Why might this
be so?
It could have been lost, or some of it is condensed on the surface! (1 pt)
Pluto (the Dwarf Planet) and Beyond
12. Make the final walk to Pluto. There you will be standing 0.5 km (0.3 mi)
from where
you started your journey. Pluto has a more elliptical orbit than any other planet,
with a
distance at perihelion (its closest point to the Sun) of about 30 AU and a
distance at
aphelion (its farthest point from the Sun) of about 48 AU.
(a) You may have been surprised by how soon you arrived at Pluto after leaving
Neptune. Read the plaque, and explain why the walk was relatively short.
Its orbit is highly eccentric, so sometimes is lies within the orbit of Neptune and
other times, outside of it. (1 pt)
(b) Scientists are concerned that to study Pluto's nitrogen-rich atmosphere, a
must arrive at Pluto before the year 2020 (CU built this spacecraft with Ball
located near the corner of Arapahoe and Foothills Parkway and it’s currently on
way!). Explain why we need to get there before 2020.
If Pluto Express does not get there before 2020, what remains of Pluto’s
atmosphere will have condensed as ices on the surface. (1 pt)
(c) Pluto is similar in size and composition to Neptune's moon Triton. What
might this
say about the origins of Pluto and Triton?
It has been postulated that they are examples of outer solar system icy objects
that were later captured in a closer orbit to the Sun (Pluto) or by Neptune
(Triton). (1 pt)
Although we have reached the edge of the solar system as visible through a
that doesn’t mean that the solar system actually ends here. Beyond that there
are great
repositories of comets-yet-to-be: the Oort cloud, collections of billions of
microscopic (at
our scale) “dirty snowballs” scattered over the space out to the Wyoming
border and
beyond. Each of these is slowly orbiting our grapefruit-sized model of the Sun,
for a passing star to jog it into a million-year plunge into the inner solar system.
One of
these might strike any of the moons or planets, including the Earth.
13. Look back at Homework 1 for the distances to the nearest stars. Explain
why many
scientists consider radio signals, which travel at the speed of light, to be the
realistic means for us to rapidly communicate with intelligent life if it exists on
around other stars.
Otherwise, it takes to long to get there! Light is the fastest medium of
communication. (2 pt)