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Pierce College
Putman/NUTR& 101
Unit 02 Practice Exam
1. The USDA Dietary Guidelines are established for the average American, age ___ and up:
a. 2
b. 5
c. 13
d. 18
e. 21
2. The USDA Dietary Guidelines address all of the following except which?
a. Adequate nutrients within energy needs
b. Weight management
c. Physical activity
d. Focus on optimal food groups
e. Visual presentation of food
3. Regarding the USDA Dietary Guidelines, people should consume the recommended
nutrients, within what limits?
a. Calorie
b. Physical activity
c. Protein
d. Optimal food group
e. Food safety
4. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, our diets should include all of the following
except which?
a. Foods from all food groups each day
b. A balanced eating pattern; don’t eat too much of any one nutrient!
c. Sufficient (but not too many) calories
d. The same nutrient-dense foods each day
5. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, our diets should include which of the following?
a. Saturated fats
b. Unsaturated fats
c. Trans fats
d. Cholesterol
6. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, weight loss occurs when what happens?
a. Calorie intake is less than calories expended
b. Calorie intake is greater than calories expended
c. Fewer fats and more carbohydrates are eaten
d. More protein and fewer carbohydrates are eaten
e. a and d.
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7. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, what kinds of physical activity should be
included along with a healthy diet?
a. Cardio and weight lifting
b. Cardio, weights and stretching
c. Weight lifting, calisthenics and tai chi
d. Tai chi, stretching and running
8. How can you improve thinking, mental health and physical health?
a. Exercise
b. Eating sugars
c. Drinking alcohol
d. Eating an adequate diet including cholesterol and saturated fats
9. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, you do not have to consume which each day for
optimal health?
a. A variety of fruits
b. Vegetables from all five subgroups
c. Grains, at least ½ from whole grains
d. Fat-free and low-fat dairy products
10. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, we all should limit our fat intake to _____ of
total calories each day.
a. 10-20%
b. 10-30%
c. 20-35%
d. 35-50%
11. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, we should eat more of what kinds of fats?
a. Trans fats
b. Mono- and polyunsaturated fats
c. Saturated fats
12. Fatty fish, olives, canola oil and nuts are all high in
a. saturated fats.
b. mono- and polyunsaturated fats.
c. trans fats.
d. cholesterol.
13. We should all limit our cholesterol intake to less than ____ mg per day.
a. 100
b. 300
c. 500
d. As of 2015, studies suggest we don’t need to limit cholesterol consumption.
14. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, we should limit (as discretionary calories) our
intake of
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Sugar and refined, white flour
Whole grains
Whole wheat flour
Olive and canola oils
15. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, we should limit our salt (sodium) intake to
a. ¼ teaspoon per day
b. 1 teaspoon per day
c. 2 teaspoons per day
d. 1 tablespoon per day
16. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, we should increase our _____ intake by eating
more fruits and vegetables.
a. Sodium
b. Iron
c. Potassium
d. Iodine
17. Which of the following would be consistent with the USDA recommendations regarding fruit
and fruit juices?
a. Eat a variety of fruits each day with no more than 1/3 being as fruit juice.
b. One full glass of fruit juice as the same nutrition as one serving of fresh fruit.
c. Canned or frozen fruits in heavy sugar syrup are as nutrient dense as fresh fruit.
d. All the above are true!
18. According to the USDA Food Guide, fruits are a significant source of all of the following
except which?
a. Vitamins A and C
b. Potassium
c. Fiber
d. Protein and iron
19. According to the USDA Food Guide, which of the following would not be a high nutrientdensity serving of fruit?
a. An apple
b. A dish of fresh blackberries with a teaspoon of sugar on top
c. Canned peaches in natural juice
d. A banana
20. According to the USDA Food Guide, which of the following would not be a high nutrientdensity serving of fruit?
a. A fried plantain
b. An orange
c. Strawberries frozen in their own juice
d. A fresh kiwi
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21. Which of the following would be consistent with the USDA recommendations regarding
a. At least ½ of grains consumed daily should be whole grains.
b. Only ¼ of grains consumed daily need be whole grains.
c. 100% of the grains consumed daily should be whole grains!
22. According to the USDA Food Guide, grains are a significant source of all of the following
except which?
a. Folic acid, niacin, riboflavin and thiamin
b. Vitamins A and C
c. Iron and magnesium
d. Fiber
23. According to the USDA Food Guide, which of the following would not be a high nutrientdensity serving of grain?
a. Enriched pasta, cereals and breads
b. Oats, wheat and barley
c. Whole grain bread
d. Whole-grain tortillas
24. According to the USDA Food Guide, which of the following would be the lowest nutrientdensity serving of grain?
a. Brown rice
b. Bulgar wheat
c. Whole-grain pancakes
d. Fried white rice
25. According to the USDA Food Guide, which of the following would contain the highest
nutrient-density serving of grain?
a. Organic biscuits made with refined white flour
b. Corn bread made with enriched white flour
c. Pastas
d. Oats, whole wheat and brown rice
26. Which of the following would be consistent with the USDA recommendations regarding
a. Should eat a variety of vegetables from all five groups each day!
b. Should eat a variety of vegetables from all five groups several times a week.
c. The five vegetable groups include dark green, orange/yellow, red, purple and starchy
27. Which veggies would be lowest in nutrient density, according to the USDA Food Guide?
a. Broccoli
b. Carrots
c. Navy beans
d. Beet greens
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e. Refried beans
28. Which veggies should be included in the diet as discretionary calories, not as significant
sources of nutrients?
a. Beet greens, collard greens and spinach
b. Carrots, pumpkin and sweet potatoes
c. Baked beans, refried beans, tempura vegetables, coleslaw and French fries
d. Navy beans, pinto beans and red beans
e. Tomatoes, okra and cucumber
29. According to the USDA Food Guide, veggies are a significant source of all of the following
except which?
a. Protein
b. Vitamins A & C
c. Magnesium, potassium, folic acid
d. Fiber
e. Taken as a group, veggies can provide significant amounts of all the above!
30. According to the USDA Food Guide, which would be the best source of vitamins A and C?
a. Fruits and veggies
b. Legumes only
c. Fruits only
d. Dairy and lean meats
31. Which of the following would not reflect the USDA recommendations regarding meat
poultry, fish, dried peas and beans, eggs and nuts?
a. Should limit fried meats
b. Bacon, baked/refried beans and fried fish are good sources of protein
c. Fatty fish and skinless poultry are nutrient dense
d. Nuts, peanut butter and seeds are good sources of protein
e. Hot dogs, marbled steaks and luncheon/deli meats are relatively low in nutrient density
32. The highest nutrient –density protein sources, according to the USDA Food guide, would be
a. Luncheon/deli meats, hot dogs, sausages
b. Spare ribs, marbled steaks, bacon
c. Skinless chicken, fish, shellfish, lean meats, game, nuts, tofu, egg whites
d. Baked beans, fatty ground beef, refried beans
33. According to the USDA Food Guide, lean meats, game, fish, shellfish and egg whites are all
significant sources of the following nutrients except which?
a. Protein
b. Niacin, thiamin, vitamins B6 and B12
c. Iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc
d. Fiber
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34. According to the USDA Food Guide, nuts, peanut butter, seeds, tofu and tempeh are all
significant sources of the following nutrients except which?
a. Protein
b. Vitamins B6 and B12
c. Vitamin E
d. Iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc
e. Fiber
35. Which of the following would be consistent with the USDA recommendations regarding
dairy products?
a. Select fat-free or low-fat dairy products as a regular part of a healthy diet.
b. Limit dairy products because of the quantity of saturated fat contained in them.
c. Adults should not consume dairy products due to lactose intolerance problems.
d. Dairy products are okay to consume, provided a little chocolate and sugar are added!
36. According to the USDA Food Guide, which one of the following would be the most nutrientdense dairy product?
a. Fat-free yogurt
b. Whole, natural, organic milk
c. 1% milk
d. Vanilla ice cream made with cream
37. According to the USDA Food Guide, which one of the following group should be included in
the diet as discretionary calories, and not as significant sources of nutrients?
a. Low fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese
b. Skim milk, low-fat cottage cheese
c. Full-fat cheese
d. Cream, butter and cream cheese
38. According to the USDA Food Guide, dairy products are a significant source of all of the
following except which?
a. Calcium and protein
b. Vitamins A and B12
c. Niacin, thiamin, fiber and vitamin C
d. Magnesium and potassium
39. Chocolate milk, custard, ice cream, milk shakes and puddings all have important nutrients in
them. They are, however, much higher in calories than your average dairy product because
they contain significant amounts of
a. Saturated fats and sugars
b. Sugars
c. Proteins
d. Additives
40. Regarding oils, which statement would be consistent with the USDA Food Guide?
a. Americans need to reduce the amounts of all oils we consume in our diets.
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b. Americans need to eat fewer saturated fats and as little trans fat as possible, while eating
more unsaturated fats.
c. Americans need to eat fewer unsaturated fats and as little trans fat as possible, while
eating more saturated fats.
41. According to the USDA Food Guide, which would be a food rich in healthy oils, a food we
definitely should be eating more of?
a. Fatty fish
b. Cream
c. Butter
d. Cream cheese
e. Lard
42. According to the USDA Food Guide, which types of fats and oils should we be eating less of,
because they are unhealthy?
a. Canola and olive oils
b. Nut oils, sunflower oils
c. Cocoanut and palm oils; lard and animal fats
43. According to the USDA Food Guide, healthy oils are a significant source of all of the
following except which?
a. Vitamin E
b. Protein and fiber
c. Essentially fatty acids
44. According to the USDA Food Guide, which one of the following group should be included in
the diet as discretionary calories, and not as significant sources of nutrients?
a. Brown sugar and molasses
b. White sugar, soft drinks and syrups
c. Jams and jellies
d. Honey and real maple syrup
e. All the above!
45. The difference between calories needed to maintain weight and those of foods required to
meet nutrient needs:
a. Additive calories
b. Discretionary calories
c. Metabolic calories
d. Nutrient calories
46. Which should you do when you try to lose weight?
a. Cut out discretionary calories and increase consumption of nutrient-dense foods.
b. Cut out discretionary calories and reduce consumption of nutrient-dense foods.
c. Cut out discretionary calories only.
d. Reduce consumption of nutrient-dense foods.
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47. Foods that are the most nutrient dense have
a. The most nutrients per calorie
b. The most nutrients per serving
c. The most nutrients and calories per serving
d. The highest levels of vitamins and minerals per serving
48. Restaurant portions and portions of packaged foods in the country have
a. Generally risen since the 1970s
b. Risen dramatically since the 1970s
c. Remained about the same since the 1970s
d. Decreased since the 1970s
49. By law, five things must appear on food labels. Which of the below does not have to appear
on food labels?
a. Net weight, measure or count of product contents
b. Name of the product
c. Whether or not the product is produced with pesticides
d. Name and address of product source
e. Nutrient facts panel
50. Ingredients on food labels must be listed in order, by weight.
a. True
b. False
51. One way that manufacturers can legally claim that a food is low in sodium, fat, calories, etc.
is by making the reported serving size unrealistically small.
a. True
b. False
52. Nutrient facts panels must contain the grams and percent of recommended daily values of
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
a. True
b. False
53. A product that is “40 calories or less per serving” can be labeled
a. Calorie free
b. Low calorie
c. Reduced calorie
54. A product that has 25% or less saturated fat than the full-fat reference food can be labeled
a. Fat free
b. Low fat
c. Reduced fat
55. A product that has 25% or fewer calories than the full-calorie reference food can be labeled
a. Calorie free
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b. Low in calories
c. Reduced calorie
56. A product that has fewer than 5 calories per serving can be labeled
a. Calorie free
b. Low in calories
c. Reduced calorie
57. A product that has 25% or less sodium than the reference food can be labeled
a. Sodium free
b. Low in sodium
c. Reduced sodium
58. A product that contains less than 0.5 g of fat per serving can be labeled
a. Reduced fat
b. Low in fat
c. Fat free
59. A produce that contains less than 0.5 g of saturated fat and less than 0.5 g of trans fat per
serving can be labeled
a. Fat free
b. Reduced fat
c. Low in fat
60. A product that has 25% or less cholesterol than the reference food can be labeled
a. Cholesterol free
b. Low in cholesterol
c. Reduced cholesterol
61. A product that has 5 g or more fiber per serving AND is also low in fat can be labeled “high
a. True
b. False
62. A product that is labeled a “good source of fiber” must contain _____ of daily value of fiber
per serving.
a. 5-10%
b. 10-19%
c. 20-30%
63. A product that is labeled a “good source of vitamin C” must contain _____ of daily value of
vitamin C per serving.
a. 5-10%
b. 10-19%
c. 20-30%
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64. A product that is labeled “high in vitamin C” must contain _____ of daily value of vitamin C
per serving.
a. 5-10%
b. 10-19%
c. 20% or more
65. A product that is labeled “high in fiber” must contain _____ of daily value of fiber per
a. 5-10%
b. 10-19%
c. 20% or more
66. A product that is raw, not processed, can be labeled
a. Organic
b. Fresh
c. Natural
67. According to the FDA health-claim report card, which food grade assures us that any health
claims are backed up by conclusive science?
a. Grade A
b. Grade B
c. Grade C
d. Grade D
68. It is currently legal for food products to print health claims on their packages that are not
a. True
b. False
69. Generally speaking, it is better to eat foods rich in phytochemicals than to take concentrated
supplements of those same phytochemicals.
a. True
b. False
70. The FDA is the governmental agency that regulates the safety of phytochemical supplements.
a. True
b. False
71. Generally speaking, health claims made for phytochemicals and phytochemical supplements
are supported by rigorous scientific studies.
a. True
b. False
72. Studies suggest that foods rich in antioxidants may inhibit the loss of brain function with age
and may also inhibit certain cancers.
a. True
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b. False
73. Blackberries, strawberries, cranberries and other darkly-colored fruits, walnuts, coffee, dark
chocolate, red wine, oregano, basil, turmeric and nuts are all high in antioxidants!
a. True
b. False
74. Good studies suggest that flavenoids
a. Reduce blood clots
b. Relax blood vessels and moderate blood pressure
c. Improve blood lipids
d. Reduce inflammation and prevent heart disease
e. All the above!
75. Dark chocolate; red, blue and purple berries, grapes, apples, citrus, legumes, and many other
whole foods are rich in flavenoids.
a. True
b. False
76. A 3 oz square of dark chocolate daily reduces oxidizing compounds by 40%. So, what are the
major dietary problems with eating dark chocolate every day?
a. Saturated fat
b. Sugar
c. a and b
77. What are the benefits of including a spoonful or two of flaxseed in the diet daily?
a. Possibly lowers rates of breast and lung cancer
b. Lowers blood pressure
c. a and b
78. Compounds in garlic have been shown to lower the rates of cancers in animals, so although
human studies are needed to verify this, it’s not a bad idea to include garlic in the diet.
a. True
b. False
79. Including large amounts of soy in the diet may increase the risk of
a. Breast and uterine cancer
b. Colon cancer
c. Prostate cancer
d. Precocious development in young girls
e. All the above
Unit 02 Practice Exam KEY
1a, 2e, 3a, 4d, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8a, 9b, 10c, 11b, 12b, 13d, 14a, 15b, 16c, 17a, 18d, 19b, 20a, 21a, 22b,
23a, 24d, 25d, 26b, 27e, 28c, 29e, 30a, 31b, 32c, 33d, 34b, 35a, 36a, 37d, 38c, 39a, 40b, 41a,
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42c, 43b, 44e, 45b, 46c, 47a, 48b, 49c, 50a, 51a, 52b, 53b, 54c, 55c, 56a, 57c, 58c, 59a, 60c, 61a,
62b, 63b, 64c, 65c, 66b, 67a, 68a, 69a, 70b, 71b, 72a, 73a, 74e, 75a, 76c, 77c, 78a, 79d
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