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U.S. History Chapter 12 Section 2 Congressional Reconstruction Black Codes 1. Established virtual slavery by establishing _________________ (couldn’t gather after dark), vagrancy laws (had to work), labor contracts (had to agree to work for one year), and land restrictions (could own or rent land only in rural areas) The Fourteenth Amendment 1. In 1866 Congress passed a Civil Rights Act that outlawed the Black Codes 2. Johnson vetoed it 3. Congress __________________________ the veto 4. Congress then passed the 14th amendment. It was ratified in 1868. • __________________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________________ • States could not take rights away without _____________________________________ • States must provide equal protection of the law Radical Reconstruction 1. There were two groups in the Republican Party – ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________ wanted full civil rights for African Americans; ______________________________did not 3. Moderates did not want to impose stricter laws on the South than the North 4. The North Grows Impatient • Despite public outcry against the brutality toward African Americans, Johnson continued to oppose equal rights • Angry northern voters responded by sweeping __________________________________ into congress 5. Strict Laws Imposed • Congress passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867 • It put the South under military rule, dividing it into _________ districts with a northern general in charge of each • It ordered southern states to hold new elections for delegates to create new state constitutions • It required states to allow all qualified male voters, including African Americans, to vote in elections • It temporarily banned those who supported the Confederacy from ________________________ • It required southern states to guarantee equal rights to all citizens • It required states to ratify the _______________________________ 6. Congress and the President • Johnson was pitted against ____________________________________ in the Senate and _______________________________________ in the House 7. A Power Struggle • In 1868 Johnson fired Secretary of War _________________________________ • This went against the Tenure of Office Act, which said the President needed ____________________________ approval to fill certain positions or fire officials The Command of the Army Act took the President’s constitutional powers as commander‐in‐chief of the armed forces 8. Johnson Is Impeached • The House found Johnson’s firing of Stanton unconstitutional • On Feb. 24, 1868, the House voted 126‐47 to impeach Johnson • They named ______________ articles of impeachment including violation of the Tenure of Office Act and bringing “into disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt, and reproach the Congress of the United States”. • The Senate tried Johnson for “high crimes and misdemeanors”. • Chief Justice ________________________________________ presided over the trial • Johnson stayed in office by ____________________ vote 9. Grant Is Elected • In 1868 Republicans ran _____________________________________ • He defeated Democrat ______________________________________ from New York The Fifteenth Amendment 1. In February 1869, Congress passed the 15th amendment • No citizen may be denied the right to vote by the “United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude” • It was ratified in March 1870 2. In 1869, the Supreme Court ruled in ___________________________________that it was illegal for any state to secede from the Union 3. The First Vote • Nearly _______________________________ African Americans registered to vote • In 1867 and 1868, ________________ of the delegates chosen to draft new state constitutions were black 4. Electing Black Leaders • In 1870, many African Americans voted in legislative elections for the first time • Most voted Republican; many angry whites stayed home • More than ________________ African Americans were elected to state legislatures • Louisiana had a black governor, _______________________________________ 5. Integrating the Capitol • By 1875 there were 8 African Americans in the House of Representatives • _______________________________________ of Mississippi was the first African American elected to the Senate The Republican South 1. Northern Republicans who moved to the postwar South were called ___________________________________ 2. White southern republicans were called ________________________________ Vocabulary Civil Rights Impeach Carpetbagger Scalawag •