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1. The Concentration of sucrose in simple syrup BP
A) 85% W/W
B) 60.70%W/W
C) 66.70%W/W
D) 40.74%W/W
2. Atropine on hydrolysis with barium hydroxide gives
A) Tropanol and T ropic ac id
B) Scopine and Tropic a cid
C) Ecgonine and Benzoic acid
D) Benzyl ecgonine and methanol
3. The HL B value of sodium lauryl su lphate is
A) 6.5
B) 13.8
C) 25.0
D) 40.0
4. The d isintegration time for sugar coated tablet is
A) 30 mins
B) 45 mins
C) 60 mins
D) 75 mins
5. Antib iotic which interacts w ith ca lcium ion is
A) Erythromycin
B) Streptomycin
C) Tetracyc line
D) Ampic illin
6. Flow rate of granules from the hop per can be improved by ad ding
A) Disintegrant
B) Glidant
C) Binder
D) Lubricant
7. The vitamin administered w ith Isoniaz id to minim ize its adve rse react ion is
A) Vitamin A
B) Pyr idoxine
C) Biotin
D) Pantothenic acid
8. Antihypertensive drug inhibits the ren in angiotensin system is
A) Reserpine
B) Captopri l
C) Methyl dopa
D) Propranalol
9. Titanium dioxide is commonly pr esent in
A) Vanishing Cream
B) Sunscreen cream
C) Aqueo us Calamine cream
D) Ophthalmic cre am
10. Prazepam diff ers in structure from Diazepam by
A) N-Methyl group
B) N -Cyclo Propyl Group
C) N-Cyclo Propyl methyl group
D) N-Propyl Group
11. Reso lution of a Spectroph otometer is
A) Its wa velength range
B) Its abi lity to distingu ish adjacent absorption bands
C) Its capacity for its continuous use
D) Its power to gather light accord ing to source
12. The essentia l structural unit for the anthelm intic activity of mebendazole is
A) Benzoyl group
B) Benz imidazole
C) Methyl Carbamate
D) Imidazo le
13. Sulphameth oxazole is an antibacter ial drug. It is a
A) Short acting drug
B) Short and intermediate act ing
C) Long acting drug
D) Mixed acting dru g
14. Wavenumber is the number of waves
A) Per second
B) Per Centimeter
C) Per inch
D) Per Centimeter3
15. The raw mater ial for the synthesis of Propran olol is
A) a – naphth ylamine
B) β - naphth ol
C) a – napht hol
D) 1- napthaldehy de
16. One of the detectors used in gas chromatography is
A) Bo lometer
B) Therma l Conductivity meter
C) Golay Detector
D) Gieger counter
17. Alkaloids in Chincona bark are detected by
A) Iodine test
B) Thalleioquin test
C) Libermann – Burchard test
D) Nesl er's test
18. Shrinka ge of gel by extrusion of l iquid is ca lled
A) Syneresis
B) Dilatancy
C) Plast icity
D) Ebal lition
19. The sweetening agent commonly used in chewable tablet formula is
A) Sucrose
B) Cycl amate sodium
C) Saccharin sodium
D) Mannitol
20. Carbamazepine is a tricyclic antidepressant. It is classified as
A) Benzodiazep ine
B) Arylalkanolamine
C) Iminosti lbene
D) Benz imidazo le
21. Rancidity of a fat is due to
A) Oxidat ion
B) Saponif ication
C) Hydrolysis
D) Neutra lisation
22. Erythromycin is an antibiot ic. It belongs to the c lass of
A) β - Lactam
B) Am inoglycoside
C) Macrol ide
D) Peptide
23. The vitam in which has deod orant pro perty is
A) V itamin A
B) Vitam in C
C) Vitam in D
D) Vitamin E
24. Aprotic sol vents have
A) Ac idic properties
B) Basic
C) Both acid ic and basic
D) No ac idic and basic
25. Among the follow ing preparat ions, which one wi ll be the most irr itaing to the eye
A) Puri f ied water
B) 0.7% sodium chloride solution
C) 0.9% Sodium chloride solution
D) 1% sodium chloride solut ion
26. The anticoagu lant Hepar in is obtained from
A) Sheep's lung
B) Dog 's Kidney
C) Rabbit's heart
D) Rat's uterus
27. One thousa nd nanogram e quals to one
A) Centig ram
B) Gram
C) Kilogram
D) Microgram
28. Conformation of dr ugs is commo nly determined by
C) Mass Spectrometry
D) pH determination
29. D-Fructose on simple reduction g ives
A) Only mannitol
B) On ly Sorbitol
C) L-fructose
D) Mixture of Mannitol and Sorbitol
30. Many drugs are chiral. In a synthesis of chiral drug molecu les in symmetric
A) Always one enantiomer obtained
B) Always both enantiomers obtained in equal amount
C) Always both enantiomer s obtained in uneq ual amount s
D) None of the above
31. The Pharmacy Cou ncil of India is constituted by the
A) Central Government
B) State Government
C) Par liament
D) Le gislative Assembly
32. Sinethicone is a compone nt of several antacid formulat ions. Chemical ly it is
A) Wax
B) Fat
C) Aldehyde
D) Silicon
33. The stationary phase in thin layer chromatography is
A) Liquid held between g lass
B) Silica gel
C) Glass P late
D) None
34. Benzoyl peroxide is
A) an astr ingent
B) an emol lient
C) a preservat ive
D) a keratolyte
35. Water for inject ion diffe rs from steri le distilled water as it is free from
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Pyrogens
C) Preservat ives
D) Antioxidant
36. The correct equi valent for - 100 C is
A) +100 F
B) + 220 F
C) – 180 F
D) +140 F
37. Sterility test for the materi als meant for surg ical suture requires incubation for
A) 7 days
B) 14 days
C) 21 days
D) 28 days
38. Extinct ion E =
A) log I0 / It
B) log T
C) It / I0
D) I0 10-ct
39. Silver – silver chloride e lectrode cons ists of
A) Silver wire coated w ith ca lomel
B) Silver wire coated with Potassium chlor ide
C) Silver wire coated with s ilver chloride
D) Platinum wi re coated with s ilver chlor ide
40. A mixture of HC l and aceti c acid can be tit rated satisfa ctorily by
A) Potentiometry
B) Conducto metry
C) Amphero metry
D) Spectropho tometry
41. The region of the Electro magnet ic spectrum below 20 0 nm is known as
A) Vaccum UV region
B) Far UV region
C) Low UV region
D) Microwav e
42. The factors af fecting diffusion cu rrent in polarography can be den oted b y
A) Nernst equation
B) Ilkovic equation
C) Lamberts law
D) Mar k – Houwink equation
43. As per GMP perm itted limit of sol id contents in water for inject ion is
A) 100 ppm
B) 1.0 ppm
C) 0.1 ppm
D) 10.0 ppm
44. Nujol is
A) Hexa chlorobutadiene
B) Mineral oil
C) Perf luoro kerosene
D) Fluro lube
45. Fiduci al limit is a term used in
A) Microbio logical assay
B) Biological assay
C) Chemical assay
D) Instrumental metho ds of assay
46. Which one of the follow ing indicator is used in complexometric t itration
A) Crystal violet
B) Murex ide
C) Eosin
D) Methylorange
47. Benoxylate is a prodrug, chemica lly it is polymeric condensa tion pro duct of
A) Aluminium oxide and aspirin
B) An acety l salicylic ester or phe nol
C) An acetyl sa licylic ester or paracetamol
D) An acetyl sa licylic ester of β - napht hol
48. The antia rrhythmic drug Quinid ine is
A) (+) stereo isomer of Quinine
B) (-) stereo isomer of Quin ine
C) (+) racemic mixture of Quin ine
D) None of the above
49. In capsules RO TOFIL is used for f illing
A) Powder
B) Pellets
C) Liquids
D) Corrosive liquids
50. The Shic k test is used to determine susce ptibility to
A) Meas les
B) Dipther ia
C) Pol io
D) Typhoid
51. In Ge l Permeat ion Chromat ography molec ules are separated on the basis of their
A) Chemical nature
B) Size and shape
C) Adsorptive properties
D) Part ition Coeffic ient
52. Choo se the correct starting materia l for the synthesis of Ethacrynic ac id
A) 2,3 – dich loro pheno xy acetic ac id
B) 2, 3 – dibromo phe noxy acetic ac id
C) 2,3 dichloro phenoxy propionic acid
D) 2,3 – dich loro pheno xy butyric ac id
53. Energy absorbed in the UV region produces cha nges in the
A) Rotational ener gy of the molecules
B) Vibrational energy of the molecules
C) Electronic ener gy of the molecules
D) All the three energy levels
54. Wave length of a rad iation is 5.0µ. Wav enumber corresp onding to that is
A) 4000 cm -1
B) 2000 cm -1
C) 3000 cm -1
D) 1000 cm -1
55. One of the substa nces listed is used as
A) Acac ia
C) Burnt sugar
D) Sacchar in
56. One of the fol lowing is measured in amphero metric t itration
A) Resistance
B) Conductance
C) Voltage
D) Current
57. Dienoestrol is synthesised from
A) 4- hydrox y propiophe none
B) 4- am ino acetophe none
C) 4- chloro butyro phenone
D) 4- bromo pro piophe none
58. Choo se the correct pH of the lachrymal fluid
A) 8.0
B) 6.2
C) 7.4
D) 9.0
59. Choose one appropriate therapeutic use of imipramine
A) Insomnia
B) Epilepsy
C) Bed wett ing in children
D) Mani a
60. Panaxadiol is a constituent of
A) Ginger
B) Jatamansi
C) Ginseng
D) Pepper
61. Bulking agent used for parenteral preparat ion is
A) Sodium
B) Benzyl a lcohol
C) Carbolic acid
D) Sorbitol
62. Varicella Zoster is the causat ive organism for
A) Small pox
B) Dermatoph ytosis
C) Herpes
D) Infect ious mo nonucleosis
63. How many grams of the drug sh ould be use d in preparing 500 ml of a 1:2500 solution
A) 0.2
B) 0.02
C) 0.4
D) 1.25
64. Morphine undergoes microsomal oxidation by
A) N-dea lkylation
B) Aromatic hydroxylation
C) Oxidati ve deaminat ion
D) O-dea lkylation
65. Dragendroff's rea gent does no t give a posit ive test w ith
A) Emetine
B) Morphine
C) Caffe ine
D) Codeine
66. Xenon arc lamp is the source of light in
A) Spectrofluor imeter
B) IR Spectroph otometer
C) Flame Photometer
D) Calor imeter
67. The structural feature comm on for Propranolol, atenolol, pindolol, metoprop ol in the
side chain is
A) Isopropyl amino Propa n – 2-ol
B) Dimethyl amino Propan – 2-ol
C) D iethyl amino Propa n – 2-ol
D) Dibutyl amino Propan – 2-ol
68. Clavulan ic acid has a beta -lactam r ing fused to
A) Thienyl system
B) Thiadiazole system
C) Thiazo lidine system
D) Oxazol idine system
69. Wild cherry bark contains prunasin which is a
A) Phenolic glycos ide
B) Isothiocyanate glycoside
C) Coumarin glycoside
D) Canogentic g lycoside
70. Micropropagation of the plants is ca rried out through
A) Cross fert ilization
B) Seed germinat ion
C) Plant t isssue culture
D) Graft ing
71. Removal of s ingle electron from a molecule resu lts in the formation of
A) Fragment ion
B) Metastable ion
C) Molecu lar ion
D) Rearrangement ion
72. Aconit ine belongs to the group of
A) Steroida l alkaloids
B) Terpenoidal a lkaloids
C) Indole al kaloids
D) Quinol ine alkaloids
73. A natural product derivat ive developed as an antimalar ial is
A) Artemether
B) Paludine
C) Pyrimethamine
D) Ha lofantrine
74. The number of peaks shown by diethylether in an NMR spectrrum are
A) 4
B) 2
C) 1
D) 5
75. Tesla is a unit used to expre ss
A) Frequency
B) Pressure
C) Voltage
D) Magnet ic field Strength
76. Bradykin in is
A) A stero idal hormone
B) Serotonin derivat ive
C) A non pe ptide
D) A L ipoprotein
77. Flax seed is the synonym of
A) Cotton see d
B) Caster seed
C) Linseed
D) Ripe seed
78. The sugar moiety of Digitalis purpurea is
A) 2:6 deoxy allose
B) 2:6 deoxy glucose
C) 2:6 deoxy rhamnose
D) 2:6 deoxy galactose
79. Include the fol lowing drug under proper classi fication Nifed ipine
A) Quinol ine der ivative
B) Aryl Piperidines
C) Isoquinoline deri vative
D) Pyrid ine der ivative
80. Start ing mater ial used for the synthe sis of L- Thyroxine is
A) 2- amino-5-chloro -acetophen one
B) Phenyl a lanine
C) 2-am ino -5-chloro-benzophe none
D) L-tyrosine
81. One of the fol lowing mat erials is used for the preparation of master grat ing. Identify
A) Glass
B) Iron
C) Alumin ium
D) Teflon
82. Smal l pox vacc ine contains
A) Living virus vaccine
B) Living cu lture of BCG
C) Attenuated Step helococcus
D) Living virus of hepatit is
83. Ellipsoidal Sch izolysigenous oil glands are important diagnostic characte ristics of
A) Ergot
B) Ginseng
C) Cinnamo n
D) Clove
84. Ionic mobi lity is denoted by
A) cm/sec
B) degree ce lsius/sec
C) mg/sec
D) None of the above
85. Mebendazole, an anthe lmintic drug has one group at 5-position in the Benz imidazole
structure. It is
A) –S-CH2 - CH2 – CH3
B) – S – Ph
C) Ph – SO2 –
D) Ph – CO –
86. The bio logical half life of a drug
A) Is a constant ph ysical property of the drug
B) Is a constant che mical property of the drug
C) May be increased in patients w ith impai red renal function
D) May be decreased by gi ving the drug by rapid IV inject ion
87. The Hemiac etal form of a ldosterone is between
A) C-11, β - hydrox yl and C -20 Carbonyl
B) C -11, β - hydro xyl and C -21 hydrox yl
C) C-11, β - hydro xyl and C -18 Carbonyl
D) C-2 1, β - hydrox yl and C -20 Carbonyl
88. Use of Isoniaz id is restr icted due to
A) Ototoxicity
B) Hepatotoxicity
C) Neurotoxicity
D) Bone marrow depression
89. A type of flow in wh ich viscosity incr eases when the su bstance is ag itated is
A) Plastic
B) Pseudoplasitc
C) Dilatant
D) Thixotropic
90. The bio logical half life of a drug ( first order kinetics) is represented by
A) 1/K
B) log K
C) 0.693/k
D) 2.303/K
91. Sterilization temperature for aqueo us solution in autoclave (moist heat) is
A) 720 C
B) 1210 C
C) 1470 C
D) 1600 C
92. Acidity of ascorbic acid is due to the presence of
A) Free c arboxylic ac id
B) Number of hydro xyl groups
C) Enoli c groups
D) None of the above
93. Lignocaine HC l is officially assayed by
A) Potentiometry
B) Acid base t itration
C) Com plexometry
D) Non-aqueo us titration
94. Tyndall isation means
A) Successive autoclav ing with a bacter icide
B) Successi ve heat ing with a bacter icide
C) Successive heat ing at low temperature
D) Successive autoclav ing at low temperature and incubation
95. The sulphon yl derivative used for the treatment of leprosy is
A) Dapso ne
D) Pyrazinamide
96. Isatin is the start ing mater ial for the synthesis of
A) Dibucaine
B) Mepivac aine
C) Prilocaine
D) Bupivaca ine
97. Antidote for alcohol addict ion
A) Deferoxamine
B) Dexamethas one
C) Disulfiram
D) Atropine
98. Separation of tablets in to two or more layers
A) Laminat ion
B) Capping
C) Separation
D) Layer ing
99. Emulsions are thermody nam ically
A) Stable
B) Clear
C) Unstable
D) Viscous preparation
100. LAL test is used for testing following parameters
A) Ster ility
B) Pyrogen
C) Leaka ge
D) Rabbit
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. C
23. B
24. D
25. A
26. A
27. D
28. C
29. D
30. B
31. A
32. D
33. B
34. D
35. B
36. D
37. A
38. A
39. C
40. A
41. B
42. B
43. D
44. B
45. A
46. B
47. C
48. A
49. B
50. B
51. B
52. A
53. D
54. D
55. B
56. D
57. A
58. C
59. C
60. C
61. D
62. C
63. A
64. A
65. C
66. A
67. B
68. D
69. A
70. C
71. C
72. B
73. A
74. B
75. D
76. C
77. C
78. C
79. D
80. D
81. C
82. A
83. D
84. A
85. D
86. C
87. C
88. C
89. C
90. C
91. B
92. A
93. B
94. C
95. A
96. A
97. C
98. A
99. C
100. B