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PART 1 - Multiple Choice
1. A volcanic cone made up of alternating layers of lava
and rock particles is a ___________ cone.
a. cinder b. lava c. shield
d. composite
15. The place where old crust is pushed down into a trench.
a. subduction zone
c. vent
b. trench
d. magma chamber
2. The place on the surface of the earth directly above the
focus of an earthquake is the
a. volcano b. seismic wave c. epicenter d. seismograph.
16. Scientists use the magnetic properties of some minerals
as evidence of
a. continental drift
c. plate tectonics
b. sea-floor spreading
d. Pangaea
3. An instrument that is used to detect and measure
earthquake waves is a
a. seismogram
c. volcanic meter
b. seismograph
d. seismic wave
17. The idea that the earth's crust is broken into plates that
float on the lower mantle is the theory of
a. plate tectonics
c. sea-floor spreading
b. continental drift
d. crustal movement
4. The Ring of Fire is a major earthquake and volcano zone
that almost forms a ring around
a. the Atlantic Ocean
c. Europe
b. the mid-Atlantic Ridge. d. the Pacific Ocean.
18. Scientists have identified about _______ crustal plates.
a. 7
b. 13
c. 20
d. 50
5. On the Richter scale, earthquakes are given a number between
a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 5 c. 1 and 9
d. 2 and 10.
19. The movement of a gas or liquid caused by changes in
temperature is a
a. magma chamber
c. plate tectonic
b. crustal movement
d. convection current
6. A large wave caused by an earthquake that occurs on the
ocean floor is a
a. crater
b. vent
c. caldera
d. tsunami
20. Scientists think that the movement of the earth’s crustal
plates are caused by convection currents in the
a. oceans
b. crust
c. core
d. mantle
7. A break in a rock is called a
a. fault b. vent
c. fold
21. The movement of crustal plates at a fault is a cause of
a. mountain formation
c. volcano formation
b. earthquakes
d. hot spots
d. fracture
8. The distance of a place above or below sea level is its
a. latitude
b. longitude
c. elevation
d. caldera
9. The large landmasses of the earth are
a. mountains b. plains
c. continents
22. The Hawaiian Islands formed when the Pacific plate
moved over a
a. mountain
b. earthquake
c. fault
d. hot spot
d. trenches
10. The crust that makes up the ocean floor is
a. continental crust
c. oceanic crust
b. mid-ocean ridge
d. sea-floor crust
11. New sea floor is formed by
a. subduction b. convection c. ridging d. sea-floor spreading
12. Underwater mountain chains are called
a. subduction zones
c. mid-ocean ridges
b. trenches
d. rift valleys
13. The deep crack running down the center of the
mid-Atlantic ridge is a
a. subduction zone b. trench c. vent d. rift valley
14. A long, V-shaped valley on the ocean floor is a
a. subduction zone
b. trench c. vent d. rift valley
23. The large landmasses of the earth are
a. mountains.
b. plains.
c. continents.
d. trenches.
24. Convection currents in Earth’s mantle are believed to be
responsible for
a. ocean currents
c. climatic changes
b. crustal plate movements
d. uneven surface heating
25. Part of the east coast of South America and the west coast of
Africa have matching fossils within the same series of rock
layers. This provides evidence that these two continents were
a. separated by a larger ocean
c. located near the North Pole
b. joined together as one landmass d. in a different hemisphere
26. Which two processes could result in the formation of high
mountains with well-rounded peaks?
a. volcanic eruptions and global warming
b. earthquakes and tidal activity
c. ollision of crustal plates and erosion
d. production of greenhouse gases and weathering
27. Many scientists believe that crustal plate movement occurs
because of convection cells contained in Earth’s
a. crust b. mantle
c. outer core
d. inner core
38. The diagram below shows tilted rock layers. The dashed
lines represent missing parts of the rock layers.
28. Movement of Earth’s crust along plate boundaries produces
a. fronts
b. tides
c. hurricanes
d. earthquakes
29. If shell fragments are found in a rock sample, it is most
likely that the rock formed
a. on a mountain slope
c. from magma
b. on a glacier
d. in shallow water
30. A rock that contains fossil seashells was most likely formed
as a result of
a. volcanic activity
c. heat and pressure
b. sedimentation
d. magma cooling
Which process is most likely responsible for the removal of
the missing parts of the rock layers?
a. erosion b. earthquakes c. deposition
d. faulting
39. The diagram below shows a model of Earth’s interior.
31.The surface of Earth is covered by a relatively thin layer of
water called the
a. crust
b. mantle c. hydrosphere d. atmosphere
32. A chemical property of a mineral is evident if the mineral
a. breaks easily when struck with a hammer
b. bubbles when acid is placed on it
c. is easily scratched by a fingernail
d. reflects light from its surface
33. Weathering and erosion of Earth’s crust are primarily caused
a. gravity
c. evaporation
b. volcanic activity
d. sedimentation
What information did scientists study in order to develop this
a. recordings of earthquake waves
b. locations of recent volcanic activity
c. core samples from seafloor drillings
d. fossils found in rocks
40. The diagrams below show a natural process that weathers
34. Which statement is true of all rocks?
a. Rocks contain organic material.
b. Rocks contain fossils.
c. Rocks are composed of minerals.
d. Rocks are formed in layers.
35. Igneous rocks are formed by
a. weathering
c. volcanic activity
b. cementation
d. sedimentation
36. Oceans, glaciers, lakes, and rivers are part of Earth’s
a. atmosphere
c. hydrosphere
b. hemisphere
d. lithosphere
37. Rocks are classified as igneous, metamorphic, or
sedimentary according to
a. their color
c. how they formed
b. their shape d. the minerals they contain
Which statement best explains why this process results in
a. Frozen water acts as a solute.
b. Water expands when it freezes.
c. The mass of water increases when it freezes.
d. Frozen water dissolves most types of rocks.
41. The diagram below shows a penny scratching the surface
of the mineral calcite.
Which physical property of the calcite is being tested?
a. streak b. hardness c. melting point d. reaction to acid
42. In which diagram are the layers of Earth correctly labeled?
43. The diagram below shows three stages in the formation of a beach. Which process is mostly responsible for the breaking
down of the rock cliff into sand-sized sediment?
a. weathering
b. faulting
c. folding
d. precipitation
44. The cross section below shows sedimentary rock layers containing fossils.
Assuming that these rock layers have not been overturned, which fossil is in the
layer that was formed most recently?
45. The diagram below shows the rock cycle.
Which two processes result in the formation of igneous rocks?
a. melting and solidification
b. sedimentation and evaporation
c. crystallization and cementation
d. compression and precipitation
46. The chart below compares three types of rocks. The first column gives the rock classification. Which
heading best describes the information provided in the second column?
a. Minerals in Rocks
b. Method of Rock Formation
c. The Value of Rocks
d. The Time Rocks Take to Form
47. Four identical sand castles are shown below. Which sand castle will most likely be eroded fastest by the wind?
48. The drawing below shows the original size and shape of a rock sample before it is thrown into a rapidly moving stream.
Which drawing best shows the actual size and shape the rock will have after being carried several
hundred miles downstream and deposited?
49. The diagram below shows some ways in which groundwater can be affected by humans.
Which statement is best supported by the diagram?
a. Chemicals applied by farmers lower the level of pollution in drinking water.
b. Drinking water can become polluted from unsuspected sources.
c. Human activities do not affect groundwater.
d. Toxic waste is safe if buried below the level of the basements of nearby homes.
50. The map below shows the probable location of some of the continents at one time in the past.
What feature of the continents best suggests that they were once joined?
a. Some continents fit together like puzzle parts.
b. Some continents are the same size.
c. All continents have mountain ranges.
d. All continents contain the same crustal composition.
51. The bold line on the map below shows the San Andreas Fault.
The San Andreas Fault is the result of
a. overpopulation
b. a large glacier
c. weathering and erosion
d. crustal plate movement
52. The map below indicates the possible location of some of Earth’s continents in the past. Which evidence best supports the
idea that the landmasses on Earth were once in these positions?
a. North America and India have matching mountain chains.
b. Madagascar and India have similar shapes.
c. Matching rock layers can be found in Africa and South
d. Bedrock in Australia and Greenland have glacier scratches.
53. The diagram below shows a cross section of rock layers in Earth’s crust.
The forces shown in the diagram caused the rock layers to
a. fault
c. form
b. fold
d. expand
54. The map below shows some geologic features located near the west coast of the United States.
The arrows on either side of the fault represent
a. volcanic eruptions
b. rock formations
c. the relative movement of air masses
d. the relative movement of tectonic plates