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Contributed Paper
Using Expert Opinion Surveys to Rank Threats to
Endangered Species: A Case Study with Sea Turtles
Advanced Conservation Strategies, P.O. Box 1201, Midway, Utah 84049, U.S.A., email [email protected]
†Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, U.S.A.
‡Department of Ocean Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064, U.S.A.
§Duke Center for Marine Conservation, Nicholas School of the Environment, 135 Duke Marine Lab Road, Beaufort, North Carolina
28516, U.S.A.
¶CSIRO Wealth from Oceans National Research Flagship, Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia
Abstract: Little is known about how specific anthropogenic hazards affect the biology of organisms.
Quantifying the effect of regional hazards is particularly challenging for species such as sea turtles because
they are migratory, difficult to study, long lived, and face multiple anthropogenic threats. Expert elicitation, a
technique used to synthesize opinions of experts while assessing uncertainty around those views, has been in
use for several decades in the social science and risk assessment sectors. We conducted an internet-based survey
to quantify expert opinion on the relative magnitude of anthropogenic hazards to sea turtle populations at
the regional level. Fisheries bycatch and coastal development were most often ranked as the top hazards to
sea turtle species in a geographic region. Nest predation and direct take followed as the second and third
greatest threats, respectively. Survey results suggest most experts believe sea turtles are threatened by multiple
factors, including substantial at-sea threats such as fisheries bycatch. Resources invested by the sea turtle
community, however, appear biased toward terrestrial-based impacts. Results from the survey are useful for
conservation planning because they provide estimates of relative impacts of hazards on sea turtles and a
measure of consensus on the magnitude of those impacts among researchers and practitioners. Our survey
results also revealed patterns of expert bias, which we controlled for in our analysis. Respondents with no
experience with respect to a sea turtle species tended to rank hazards affecting that sea turtle species higher than
respondents with experience. A more-striking pattern was with hazard-based expertise: the more experience
a respondent had with a specific hazard, the higher the respondent scored the impact of that hazard on sea
turtle populations. Bias-controlled expert opinion surveys focused on threatened species and their hazards
can help guide and expedite species recovery plans.
Keywords: conservation planning, expert bias, expert elicitation, prioritization, species recovery, threat
Utilización de Encuestas de Opinión de Expertos para Clasificar Amenazas a Especies en Peligro: un Caso de
Estudio con Tortugas Marinas
Resumen: Se sabe poco sobre cómo ciertos riesgos antropogénicos afectan la biologı́a de organismos. La
cuantificación del efecto de riesgos regionales es particularmente desafiante para especies como las tortugas marinas porque son migratorias, difı́ciles de estudiar, longevas y enfrentan múltiples amenazas antropogénicas. La respuesta de expertos, una técnica utilizada para sintetizar las opiniones de expertos y evaluar
la incertidumbre en torno a esas opiniones, ha estado en uso por varias décadas en las ciencias sociales y
sectores de evaluación de riesgos. Aplicamos una encuesta basada en internet para cuantificar la opinión de
expertos sobre la magnitud relativa de los riesgos antropogénicos de poblaciones de tortugas marinas a nivel
regional. La captura incidental y el desarrollo costero fueron clasificados más a menudo como los mayores
riesgos para las especies de tortugas marinas en una región geográfica. La depredación de nidos y la captura
Paper submitted November 24, 2008; revised manuscript accepted March 10, 2010.
Conservation Biology, Volume 24, No. 6, 1586–1595
C 2010 Society for Conservation Biology
DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01541.x
Donlan et al.
directa fueron la segunda y tercera amenaza más grande, respectivamente. Los resultados de la encuesta
sugieren que la mayorı́a de los expertos consideran que las tortugas están amenazadas por factores múltiples
incluyendo riesgos sustanciales en el mar, como la captura incidental por las pesquerı́as. Sin embargo, los
recursos invertidos para la comunidad de tortugas marinas están sesgados hacia impactos con base terrestre.
Los resultados de la encuesta son útiles para la planificación de la conservación porque proporcionan estimaciones de los impactos relativos de los riesgos sobre tortugas marinas y una medida del consenso sobre
la magnitud de estos impactos entre investigadores y practicantes. Nuestros resultados también revelaron
los patrones del sesgo de expertos, que fue controlado en nuestro análisis. Los encuestados sin experiencia
respecto a una especie de tortuga tendieron a clasificar los riesgos afectando a esa especie más alto que los
encuestados con experiencia. Un patrón más revelador fue la pericia basada en riegos: a mayor experiencia
con un riesgo especı́fico de un encuestado, mayor era la clasificación del impacto de ese riesgo sobre las
poblaciones de tortugas marinas. Las encuestas, con control de sesgos, de opinión de expertos enfocadas en
especies amenazadas y sus riesgos pueden ayudar a guiar y agilizar los planes de recuperación de especies.
The natural history of organisms is central to biology and
subsequently biodiversity conservation (Dayton 2003;
Greene 2005). Yet, for the majority of organisms we
know little about their natural history and even less about
how specific anthropogenic hazards interact with their
biology. This is particularly true for cosmopolitan marine
megafauna species, such as sea turtles. For such species,
conservation targets and management decisions are often conducted at the regional level and focused on a specific nesting population or ocean basin. Yet, assessments
of extinction risk for species are usually conducted at
the global level (e.g., Kappel 2005). For example, six of
the seven species of sea turtles are listed as endangered
or critically endangered by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (IUCN 2007). The on-theground utility of those assessments, however, is unclear
because significant differences in population trends exist among ocean basins (Seminoff 2004a). For example,
Pacific leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) have
experienced major declines over the last decade, whereas
Atlantic populations are stable or increasing (Spotila et al.
2000; Dutton et al. 2005). Without a globally comprehensive assessment of hazards to sea turtle populations
at the regional level, it will be challenging to prioritize and strategically implement practical conservation
actions (Seminoff 2004a).
Assessing regional hazards is particularly challenging
for sea turtles, given that they are challenging to study,
migratory, long-lived, and commonly face multiple anthropogenic threats. Nonetheless, recent collaborative
efforts have made substantial progress in documenting
the distribution of sea turtle populations globally (Mast
et al. 2005, 2006, 2007). Furthermore, the sea turtle
research community is large and active: the IUCN Marine Turtle Specialist Group has over 270 members in
over 80 countries, and the network, which
supports sea turtle conservation and research, has over
10,000 members worldwide (
and In addition to the primary
literature, a copious amount of information on sea turtle
conservation resides with the scientists, naturalists, and
conservation practitioners who work with sea turtles.
Over the past 50 years, the research and conservation
communities have shown an increasing awareness of and
focus on the multiple hazards to sea turtles. Historically,
research focused on nesting dynamics, and management
centered on abating direct harvests and protecting nesting beaches. In the mid-1980s, demographic and lifehistory research elucidated that high levels of juvenile
and adult survivorship, as opposed to fecundity, were the
life-history stages driving the dynamics of sea turtle populations. As nesting threats to sea turtles began to be addressed programmatically and in-water sea turtle research
increased in the early 1990s, fisheries bycatch was recognized as a foremost threat to many sea turtle populations.
Subsequently, the conservation value of terrestrial-based
actions (e.g., nest protection) versus at-sea interventions
was hotly debated in the mid-1990s (Frazer 1992; Taubes
1992). Additional threats to sea turtle populations, such
as climate change and pathogens, have been identified
only recently (Fish et al. 2005; Hawkes et al. 2007). Early
in modern sea turtle biology there was arguably a mismatch between research foci, conservation actions, and
anthropogenic hazards having the greatest impacts on
sea turtle populations. From this research-conservationhazard discrepancy, important questions arise: To what
degree has this mismatch been abated? Do experts in the
conservation of sea turtles agree on the most important
anthropogenic hazards to sea turtles?
Expert elicitation, a technique used to synthesize the
opinions of experts, while assessing the uncertainty
around those views, has been in use for several decades in
the social science and risk-assessment sectors (Kerr 1996;
Garthwaite et al. 2005; O’Hagan et al. 2006). Expert elicitation is being used increasingly in the conservation sector to guide decision making and is particularly useful in
data-poor scenarios (Aipanjiguly et al. 2003; Martin et al.
2005; Halpern et al. 2007). We used an expert opinion
survey in a global assessment of the factors affecting sea
turtle populations and the uncertainty of the effects for
Conservation Biology
Volume 24, No. 6, 2010
Using Expert Opinion to Rank Endangered Species
a range of hazards. Concurrently, we explored potential
biases associated with different types of expertise. Although it is recognized that conflicts of interest can lead
to biased expert opinions, even when those conflicts are
disclosed (Cain et al. 2005; Kynn 2008), potential expert
bias in conservation settings has received little attention.
were sent to 124 corresponding authors indentified from
the search. We asked these authors to take the survey
and pass the survey on to colleagues. Second, we distributed the survey to listserves on sea turtles, including, HerpDigest, MedTurtle, and CTurtle
and the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network. We posted reminder emails to the networks over
3 weeks. The survey was available on-line in Spanish and
English for 1 month.
Expert Opinion Survey
Statistical Analyses
We conducted an internet-based survey to quantify expert opinion on the relative magnitude of anthropogenic
hazards to sea turtle populations at the regional level.
Each geographic region was delineated with the most
current nesting information for each sea turtle species
(Bowen et al. 1992, 1994, 1997; Meylan & Donnelly 1999;
Seminoff 2004b; Mast et al. 2005, 2006; Plotkin 2007).
The number of geographic regions for each species was
balanced with the goal of keeping the survey as short as
possible to encourage maximum participation. For our
survey, we adopted hazards indentified by IUCN Marine
Turtle Specialist Group (Supporting Information; Mast
et al. 2005). In addition, we included nest predation as a
hazard because it is commonly reported for nesting sea
turtle populations (e.g., Nellis & Small 1983; Chaloupka
& Limpus 2001; Engeman et al. 2005; Caut et al. 2008).
In the survey we structured our impact scores following
criteria from IUCN and Birdlife International’s World Bird
Database criteria. Respondents assigned impact scores to
hazards with respect to timing (i.e., past, continuing, or
future), scope (i.e., the proportion of the total population
affected), and severity (i.e., the overall decline caused by
the hazard) (Supporting Information). Respondents assigned scores to seven hazards to sea turtle species in
each geographic region with respect to scope, timing,
and severity of the hazard. In keeping with the methodology developed by IUCN/Birdlife International for birds,
we calculated a cumulative impact score by summing
the timing, scope, and severity scores for each hazard for
each species in each geographic region. The cumulative
impact score could range from 0 (no/negligible impact)
to 9 (high impact).
The survey included a series of background questions
to gauge the respondents’ experience and expertise, in
particular their relative expertise with each species, geographic region, and hazard. Respondents ranked their experience for each species, region, and hazard (1, no experience; 2, little experience; 3, some experience; 4, much
experience). (See Supporting Information for a copy of
the survey).
We distributed the survey via two avenues. First, we
identified experts through a literature search in Google
Scholar in which we used a combination of sea turtle
species, geographic region, and hazard keywords. Emails
We analyzed the survey data with linear mixed models
in order to control for a respondent answering multiple
questions and to parsimoniously incorporate the inherent covariance between expert observations (Pinheiro &
Bates 2000). In the mixed model, individual respondents
were included as a random effect and the species, geographic region, hazard, and expertise scores respondents
gave themselves were included as fixed factors. The dependent variable was the cumulative impact score. Asking respondents multiple questions induces an amount of
covariance. We modeled that covariance as a random effect, drawn from a normal distribution. To overcome the
imbalance present in the species by geographic region
combinations, we combined those factors to produce
a single factor that represented a sea turtle population
(e.g., Hawksbill turtles nesting in the Indian Ocean). We
assessed statistical significance with F tests (α level of
0.05) (Pinheiro & Bates 2000). We used the methods
of Welham et al. (2004) to generate predictions of the
fixed-factor combinations. Those predictions (i.e., the cumulative impact scores, hereafter referred to as impact
scores) were independent of the particular set of experts
Variation among the experts was also investigated by
modeling the residual random effects. In particular, effects were modeled as a linear combination of the selfreported scores of expertise on three criteria for each survey: species experience, geographic region experience,
and hazard experience. This approach is more statistically efficient and credible than predicting random effects (Laird & Ware 1982). We fitted all models with the
nlme package for the R environment (Ihaka & Gittleman
1996; Pinheiro & Bates 2000). Quantities (e.g., predictions) that were not provided by the nlme package were
calculated in R (R Development Core Team 2005).
We plotted the mean impact scores and respective
standard deviations for every geographic region and hazard combination for each sea turtle species. Those mean
and standard deviation plots provided a heuristic tool
with which to assess relative impacts of hazards and the
consensus among respondents regarding those impacts.
For example, data points in the lower-right quadrant of
these plots represent hazards that have relatively high
impacts for which there was a high level of consensus
Conservation Biology
Volume 24, No. 6, 2010
Donlan et al.
among respondents (i.e., low variance). In contrast, data
points in the upper-left quadrant represent low hazard
impact and low consensus (i.e., high variance).
A total of 244 people responded to the survey. The majority of respondents were from the nonprofit sector (36%)
and governmental agencies (32%) and had <10 years of
experience with sea turtles (65%; Supporting Information). Respondents reported working in over 100 countries. Overall, respondents reported the most experience
with loggerheads, nest predation, and the Caribbean region (Fig. 1).
From the linear mixed model, we predicted impact
scores for each sea turtle species, geographic region,
and hazard combination (Table 1). Fisheries bycatch and
coastal development were most often ranked as top hazards to sea turtle species in a geographic region. Nest
predation and direct take were the second and third
greatest hazards, respectively. In relative and absolute
terms, pathogens were consistently ranked low as a hazard. Global warming was considered less of a hazard than
pathogens. Nevertheless, global warming had the highest
impact score for flatback turtles (Natator depressus).
There were apparent differences between impact
scores for sea turtle species when scores were pooled
across geographic regions (Fig. 2). For example,
leatherback and olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) turtles had the highest scores for fisheries bycatch, whereas
olive ridley and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) had
the highest impact scores for nest predation. Differences in impact scores were less apparent when pooled
across species; however, some differences existed
(Fig. 3). Direct take, for example, was noticeably lower
in the western Atlantic and Mediterranean than in other
Although there were no differences in impact scores
between geographic region expertise levels, there was a
marginally significant effect by species expertise level,
with the most inexperienced respondents assigning
higher scores than respondents with more experience
(Fig. 4, F = 2.39, p = 0.06, n = 222). In contrast, there
were strong differences between impact scores among
levels of hazard expertise (Fig. 4, F = 29.53, p = <0.0001,
n = 222). When respondents reported more experience
with a particular hazard (e.g., coastal development), they
consistently scored that threat as having a higher impact
(Fig. 4).
Across all sea turtle species, geographic regions, and
hazard combinations, impact score and its standard deviation were negatively correlated (r = −0.491, p < 0.01,
n = 217; Fig. 5). Terrestrial threats, such as nest predation and coastal development, often had the lowest
Figure 1. Percentage of expert respondents who
reported having no, little, some, or much experience
with (a) particular species of sea turtles, (b) in
particular geographic regions, and (c) with particular
types of hazards (n = 212).
Conservation Biology
Volume 24, No. 6, 2010
Using Expert Opinion to Rank Endangered Species
Table 1. Predicted cumulative impact scoresa for sea turtle species by geographic location.
Sea turtle
Flatback (16)
Caribbean (32)
east-central Atlantic (18)
east-central Pacific (19)
northwestern Pacific (14)
southwestern Pacific (36)
Indian Ocean (21)
Mediterranean (16)
Caribbean (23)
eastern Atlantic (12)
eastern Pacific (17)
west-central Pacific (20)
Indian Ocean (20)
Kemp's Ridley (27)
Caribbean (56)
eastern Atlantic (27)
southwestern Atlantic (24)
northeastern Pacific (48)
southwestern Pacific (78)
Caribbean (35)
northeastern Atlantic (18)
northwestern Atlantic (48)
southeastern Atlantic (16)
southwestern Atlantic (19)
northwestern Pacific (27)
southwestern Pacific (45)
Indian Ocean (18)
Mediterranean (22)
Olive Ridley
eastern Atlantic (17)
western Atlantic (10)
eastern Pacific (15)
a Scores account for the correlation between responses within an individual respondent and are consistent with overall impact scores of
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Birdlife International’s World Bird Database (0–2, no/negligible impact of hazard; 3–5,
low impact; 6–7, medium impact; 8–9, high impact). The three highest values for each species-geographic region combination are coded in
shades of gray (black, dark gray, and light gray, respectively).
b Sample size of survey respondents by geographic region for each species is in parentheses.
uncertainty, whereas pathogens and global warming
were associated with the highest uncertainty (i.e., less
consensus) among respondents. With a few exceptions,
the majority of impact scores fell within the two right
quadrants of the mean and standard deviation plots (i.e.,
relatively high impact and high uncertainty, and relatively
high impact and low uncertainty).
Historically, sea turtle conservation focused on managing direct harvests. Green (Chelonia mydas) and other
Conservation Biology
Volume 24, No. 6, 2010
hard-shelled sea turtles were widely exploited for food.
Hawksbills were harvested for their carapace scutes that
were used for jewelry (Bjorndal 1999). As nesting female populations declined drastically, sea turtles were
listed under environmental legislations in the United
States and elsewhere. By the mid 1970s all sea turtles
were protected under the U.S. Endangered Species Act,
and monitoring programs became more widespread in
the early 1980s. Those programs focused almost exclusively on the nesting life history aspects of sea turtles: researchers monitored nesting females, egg numbers, and
hatchling success. The dynamics and details of the time
between hatchlings emerging from a nest and the small
Donlan et al.
Figure 2. Predicted cumulative
impact scores for each hazard
type pooled across geographic
regions for each sea turtle
species. Impact scores follow
International Union for
Conservation of Nature/Birdlife
International scoring scheme:
0–2, no or negligible impact of
hazard; 3–5, low impact; 6–7,
medium impact; 8–9, high
percentage of those hatchlings returning to nest themselves were largely unknown.
In the late 1980s, life-history and demographic research
expanded the breadth of sea turtle research and management. In particular, demographic models contributed to
the premise that protection of nesting beaches alone was
unlikely to significantly contribute to population recovery (Crouse et al. 1987). Large juvenile and adult survivorship, as opposed to fecundity, is the driving process of population dynamics. At-sea biological details of
sea turtles were poorly understood, and it was not until
the 1990s that researchers began to systematically investigate the marine stages of sea turtles and the hazards that threatened them there (Crowder et al. 1994;
Heppell et al. 1999). As a result of this increased at-sea research, fisheries bycatch increasingly became recognized
as a premier threat to sea turtle populations (Crowder &
Murawski 1998; Lewison et al. 2004).
Although no survey data exist from decades past on
how sea turtle researchers and conservationists perceived anthropogenic hazards to sea turtles, the results
from our survey suggest that they now consistently identify sea turtles as being at risk from multiple hazards,
including at-sea hazards, fisheries bycatch in particular.
Fisheries bycatch was ranked as the top hazard for 18 sea
turtle populations. Coastal development was ranked as
the top hazard for six populations, and nest predation was
the top hazard for three populations. Resources invested
by the sea turtle community, however, still appear biased
toward terrestrial-based hazards. Twenty-eight percent of
survey respondents reported conducting research or activities focused in the pelagic environment, compared
with 70% who conducted research in both terrestrial and
coastal environments. Furthermore, 59% of respondents
reported having some or much experience with fisheries
bycatch, compared with 80% and 74% who had some or
Figure 3. Predicted cumulative
impact scores for each hazard
type pooled across sea turtle
species for each geographic
region. Impact scores follow
International Union for
Conservation of Nature/Birdlife
International scoring scheme:
0–2, no or negligible impact of
hazard; 3–5, low impact; 6–7,
medium impact; 8–9, high
Conservation Biology
Volume 24, No. 6, 2010
Figure 4. Predicted cumulative impact scores (95%
CI) for survey respondents with increasing expertise
in hazards and species. Impact score differed
significantly ($) with species expert level only between
the “no experience” and remaining expert levels.
Impact score differed significantly (∗ ) between all
hazard expert levels, with impact score increasing
with expertise.
much experience with nest predation and coastal development, respectively. This disparity may include a generational effect. For example, 15% of respondents who had
>10 years of experience reported conducting research in
pelagic environments, whereas 24% of respondents with
<10 years of experience reported conducting such research. A researcher who has focused on nesting-beach
ecology for 15 years may be less likely than a younger researcher to shift research objectives toward another environment or hazard. Pathogens and global warming—the
two most recently identified hazards to sea turtles—had
the most uncertainty around impact scores, and survey respondents reported the least amount of experience with
those hazards (35% and 23% of respondents reported having some or much experience with global warming and
pathogens, respectively).
Our results revealed patterns of expert bias. Respondents with no experience with respect to a sea turtle
species tended to rank hazards affecting that species
higher than respondents with experience. A morestriking bias that was revealed concerned hazard-based
expertise. For example, respondents who worked on
nest predation consistently scored nest-predation hazards higher than those who did not, whereas those who
worked on fisheries bycatch scored fisheries bycatch
high. Although this result is not surprising and has been
recognized in other sectors (Posner et al. 1996), it is rarely
addressed in conservation planning, which routinely relies on expert groups and opinions for guidance (Asquith
2001; Burgman 2002; Bojorquez-Tapia et al. 2003). Statistical approaches, like the one we used here, that control
for expert bias should be adopted by programs that rely
on expert opinion to guide conservation planning. Fur-
Conservation Biology
Volume 24, No. 6, 2010
Using Expert Opinion to Rank Endangered Species
thermore, more research on elucidating and controlling
for biases would likely result in more effective conservation planning (e.g., Burgman 2005).
Impact scores from expert opinion surveys, along with
the respective uncertainty of the scores provide estimates
of relative impacts on species from a suite of hazards and a
measure of consensus among researchers and practitioners. For example, both pollution and fisheries bycatch
ranked high as hazards to the eastern Pacific olive ridley
population; however, there was a high level of consensus
(i.e., low SD) on fisheries bycatch by survey respondents
compared with pollution (Fig. 5). The negative correlation between impact score and the respective variation
suggest there is overall consensus on the greatest hazards to sea turtle populations. Such information can help
inform conservation action plans and steer research priorities. Hazards that have high scores and high uncertainty
should be research priorities, whereas interventions targeting high-impact and low-uncertainty hazards may be
strategic conservation investments.
Although our survey is the first attempt to provide comparable worldwide estimates of relative effects of hazards
on sea turtle populations, such information is but one factor of many that needs to be considered in conservation
planning and prioritization. The life stage(s) that a specific hazard affects and the elasticity of that life stage
are critical factors (Crouse 1999; Heppell et al. 1999).
Alongside these life-history components are economics
and sociopolitical factors. Fisheries bycatch affects adult
and large juvenile life stages, which have relatively large
effects on population dynamics. In contrast, nest predation affects hatchling success, which has low elasticity
(Heppell et al. 1999). Thus, in addition to the rankings of
hazards, abating the impacts of fisheries bycatch on a perunit basis would be expected to have a disproportional
positive effect on sea turtle populations compared with
abating nest predation. Naturally, opportunities to abate
identified threats must be present. Less recognized, however, is the influence of economics on conservation planning (Naidoo et al. 2006). Low-cost interventions could
result in optimal conservation strategies that target lowelasticity life stages (Donlan & Wilcox 2008; Wilcox &
Donlan 2009). For example, if a conservation opportunity existed where it was possible to drastically boost
hatchling success at a low cost, it may have a higher conservation return given the funds available for investment
in comparison with an intervention targeted at a higherelasticity hazard that is expensive to address (e.g., reducing fisheries bycatch). The opportunistic and economic
details of potential conservation scenarios will differ on
a case-by-case basis.
Although expert opinion surveys cannot replace empirical research, it is complimentary. Bayesian modeling
facilitates inclusion of both types of information and has
been used recently to improve predictions and parameter estimates (Garthwaite et al. 2005; Kuhnert et al.
Donlan et al.
Figure 5. Predicted cumulative impact score and standard deviation plots for geographic region and threat
combinations for (a) green, (b) loggerhead, (c) leatherback, (d) Kemp’s ridley, (e) flatback, (f) olive ridley, and
(g) hawksbill sea turtles. Data points in the upper left quadrants of each graph represent relatively low impact
and high uncertainty of hazards compared with data points in the lower right quadrants, which represent high
impact and low uncertainty of hazards. Colors and symbol borders represent geographic locations on the map.
Symbols represent hazards: CD, coastal development; DT, direct take; FB, fisheries bycatch; GW, global warming;
NP, nest predation; PA, pathogens; PO, pollution.
Conservation Biology
Volume 24, No. 6, 2010
Using Expert Opinion to Rank Endangered Species
2005; Martin et al. 2005). Results of expert opinion surveys may be particularly useful in exploring suspected
shifts in pervasive hazards to species. For example, critically endangered hawksbill turtles have been heavily exploited historically for their meat, eggs, and scutes across
their range (Bjorndal 1999; Meylan & Donnelly 1999).
Nevertheless, a more-recent review of the species suggests coastal development may now be a greater threat
(Mortimer 2007). Our survey results support this claim:
coastal development was ranked as the top hazard in
three of the five geographic regions. Results from an
expert opinion survey can also serve as a baseline for
populations for which little is known with respect to
anthropogenic hazards, such as hawksbill turtles in the
eastern Pacific (Gaos et al. 2007).
Priority setting for the conservation of threatened and
endangered species cannot wait for exhaustive empirical research (Davis et al. 1990). Given the broad reach
of the internet, web-based expert opinion surveys are
a strategic way to aggregate information that can help
set priorities for conservation action plans and related
research. Expert opinion surveys are often inexpensive
to conduct and can be conducted quickly. They may be
particularly useful for species that are difficult to study,
such as sea turtles. At the same time, potential bias should
be addressed. The tendency of a suite of opinions on a
topic to converge on the true value has been long recognized (Galton 1907), and more recently discussions
have centered on harnessing such phenomena to determine social values with crowd-sourcing approaches
(Surowiecki 2005). Expert opinion surveys focused on
threatened and endangered species and the hazards they
face can help guide and expedite effective recovery
This work was conducted as a part of the ‘Exploring
Compensatory Mitigation and Markets as Mechanisms for
Resolving Fisheries Bycatch and Biodiversity Conservation Conflicts’ Working Group supported by the National
Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, a Center
funded by U.S. National Science Foundation (grant DEB0553768), the University of California, Santa Barbara,
and the State of California. We thank over 200 people
who completed surveys. We also thank M. Coyne, W.J.
Nichols, and K. Eckert for commenting on the survey
and helping to distribute it widely. We thank S. Foster for
statistical advice and guidance. Funding to C.J.D. was provided by the Alcoa Foundation, Resources for the Future,
and Cornell University. Funding to C.W. was provided
by the Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities
(CERF) program, an Australian Government initiative supporting world class, public-good research.
Conservation Biology
Volume 24, No. 6, 2010
Supporting Information
Definitions of anthropogenic hazards used in the survey
(Appendix S1), the text of the survey (Appendix S2), and
the demographics of the survey participants (Appendix
S3) are available as part of the online article. The authors
are responsible for the content and functionality of these
materials. Queries (other than absence of the material)
should be directed to the corresponding author.
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