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Slavery Dominates Politics
 Learning Objective:
Disagreement over slavery leads to the formation of
the Republican Party.
√ Abraham Lincoln
Republican-No expansion of
slavery in Territories
Stephen A. Douglas
Northern Democrat-popular
John Bell
Constitutional Union-no
position on slavery
John C. Breckinridge
Southern Democrat-KEEP slavery
The Election of 1860
Why did Lincoln win? p 29
1860 Election: A Nation Coming
1860 Sectionalism Increases=Southern
 Economy based on Industry
 Abolitionist Movement
 Angered by Fugitive Slave
Act and Dred Scott Case
Worried about the spread of
slavery into Territories
Republican Party chooses
Abraham Lincoln, a
Northerner, to run for the
Bleeding Kansas shows
unrest of nation over slavery
John Brown-martyr for
cause of slavery
 Economy based on
Slave Labor
Angered by Abolition
Movement, URR
States’ Rights
Pleased with Fugitive Slave
Act and Dred Scott Decision
Worried that Lincoln would
abolish ALL slavery
Bleeding Kansas shows
unrest of nation over slavery
John Brown-terrorist that
wanted to start a slave
Secession!: South Carolina Dec. 20,
 Why did the South secede?
 Pick 2 reasons you think had the biggest impact on
secession and explain
 DO you think they had the “right” to secede?
“Secession” 1860
 Abraham Lincoln won in November 1860
 Southern states seceded from the Union in Dec.
 Withdrawal from the United States in defense of
slavery and states’ rights
 Formed their own country, “Confederate States
of America”
 First states to secede: South Carolina,
Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia,
Louisiana, and Texas.
War Erupts
p. 32
 Learning Objective: the secession of Southern States
quickly led to armed conflict between the North and
the South.
April 12, 1861:The South’s attack on Fort Sumter, South
Carolina, was the beginning of the Civil War.
Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861 Official start of Civil War
Standards and Essential Questions 4&5
 Place a
the standards on p 4 that you understand
 Highlight the terms at the bottom of the page you
 What were the causes of the Civil War?
 How did cultural, economic, and political factors
contribute to the Civil War?
 Challenge Question: Was War the ONLY option?
What else could Lincoln have done to prevent war?
Americans vs Americans
“United we Stand, Divided we Fall”
 The Confederate States of America (The
Confederacy) believed in States’ Rights: the belief
that individual states had more power and authority
to govern than the National/Federal government.
Therefore if they didn’t agree with it, they could leave
 The United States of America(The Union): believed
that the “states” did NOT have the authority to leave
or secede from the Nation. Therefore they were
determined to bring them back into the “Union” at
all costs.