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Quick Quiz 2
On your answer sheet, write in the correct letter for each question.
1 The environment in a habitat is mainly
caused by:
A temperature.
B physical environmental factors.
C humans.
D chemicals.
2 The five groups of vertebrates are:
A fish, amphibians, mammals, snakes, insects.
B amphibians, birds, reptiles, mammals, fish.
C mammals, reptiles, penguins, worms,
D chickens, dolphins, eagles, turtles.
3 Seeds are:
A made by excretion.
B made by certain kinds of animal.
C only found in apples.
D made by flowering plants and conifers.
4 Plants that live in dry areas have adaptations
to move water to parts that are getting too
dry. The water is carried inside:
A straw vessels.
B drinking vessels.
C xylem vessels.
D leaf vessels.
1 Which sampling method would you use to
find small animals in leaf litter or in a soil
A a sweepnet
B tree beating
C a Tullgren funnel
D pond dipping
2 A population is:
A a list of what people’s favourite animals are.
B a list of all the different organisms found in
a habitat.
Exploring Science
C the number of individuals of a species in a
D the number of different species in a
3 A garden measures 10 m by 5 m. A 1 m2
sample is taken and found to contain two
dandelion plants. What would you estimate
the population of dandelion plants to be in
the garden?
B 45
C 100
D 50
4 A certain plant is only found under trees in
a park habitat. How is its distribution best
A shady
B thin
C even
D uneven
1 Which three things are all physical
environmental factors?
A number of plants, temperature and food
B light intensity, temperature and oxygen
C number of plants, number of rocks and
number of animals
D number of dead organisms, temperature
and oxygen concentration
2 What is this piece of equipment called?
A a thermometer
C a pooter
B an anemometer
D a pH meter
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Quick Quiz 2 (continued)
3 A jack rabbit has very big ears. Which of these
changes to its habitat would cause problems
for jack rabbits because of this adaptation?
A It rains a lot.
B It gets much hotter.
C The area is covered by permanent snow.
D It becomes much quieter.
4 Which of these things do plants compete for?
4 Computers are not used by ecologists to:
A measure factors.
B write reports.
C record measurements of factors
D send data from a habitat back to a
1 What does the word ‘predator’ mean?
A An animal that is eaten by other animals.
B An animal that eats the dead remains of
C An animal that eats other animals..
D An organism that makes its own food.
2 Three resources that a population of rabbits
needs to survive are:
A food, oxygen and carbon dioxide.
B water, light and carbon dioxide.
C food, water and a mate.
D oxygen, carbon dioxide and shelter.
3 Which of these things will not cause the
number of rabbits in a population to
A Rabbits produce fewer offspring.
B More rabbits are eaten by foxes.
C More rabbits catch a fatal disease.
D There are more lettuces for rabbits to eat.
heat light
A water and light
C oxygen and heat
B only oxygen
D all of them
1 Which of the following is not a way in which
energy is lost from a food chain?
A respiring
B moving
C being eaten
D producing waste
2 What is a pesticide?
A a type of fertiliser used by farmers
B an animal that eats crops
C a type of food for small animals
D a chemical that kills organisms that ruin
3 What is a ‘secondary consumer’?
A the third organism in a food chain
B someone who watches Watchdog on
television for a second time
C a second plant in a food chain
D the second organism in a food chain
4 This diagram shows a pyramid of numbers.
Which of the following food chains does it
A oak tree
B lettuce
C grass
D grass
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