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Outta This World
Bianca Knoll
Charmel Mbala
Cindy Arias
Jason Medina
Kaiden Griffin
Kelasia Sayaseng
Mark Carrillo
Veadey Polk
Alisa Emedi
Table of Contents
The Sun…………………………..……..3
The Suns Physical Features
No, the Sun Isn’t Made Out Of Cheese-Its!
Our Earth’s Moon………….…………..5
The Moons Magical Powers
Physical Features of the Moon
The Life of a Star………………….………7
How a Star is made
Life Cycles of a Star
Black Holes of the Universe………..9
How Are Black Holes Formed?
What Is a Black Hole?
Black Holes
What Really Happened to Venus?...11
The Sun
The Suns Physical Features
By: Veadey Polk
gravity pulled the dust
and gases together. The gas got
pulled into the center first which made the center
extremely hot; from all of the other gases starting
to fall on top of it and the gravity holding it
together; then, became the starting of a baby sun.
the sun is 860,000 miles in circumference. You
could line up 109 earths all around the suns
How heavy is the sun?
Fun fact
If you ever asked the question of how much does the
sun weigh really? That’s a great question; the sun weighs about
4.4, followed by 30 zero pounds! In comparison the earth
weighs about 1.3 followed by 25 zero pounds. So the suns
weight would equal to 40,000 earths combined!
Would you ever believe that
if earth didn’t have an atmosphere
to protect us humans from
burning from the sun? Well it’s
true, without the earth’s
atmosphere (which is the ozone
protects us) the suns heat and
light could burn us very badly!
These are just some facts about
the sun that you now know!
Why did the sun do so well in
Answer on the last Page)
enormous cloud and its
The leftover clouds of dust started to travel to
other places of the galaxy and started forming the
other planets, but not exactly the
same way it did with the sun
because then there would just
be a whole bunch of suns in
space! For many years the sun
has collected more clouds of
dust and gas, until it is the size
that it is today and now the sun
can no longer collect any more
clouds of dust and gas because
there is no more left to collect. Its
size had made an incredible change, because now
Have you ever wondered how the sun
even formed in the galaxy in the first place? Well,
I did some research on the
internet and found lots of
interesting facts about the
sun; I found one that
explained how scientists
believed that the sun
formed from a big cloud of
dust and gas. The
Saturn is a very beautiful planet
the only down side is that you
cannot stand on Saturn. Saturn
is not at all like earth. Saturn is
made mostly of gases, it has a
lot of helium. This is the same
king of gas that they put into
balloons. My theory is that if
you get anywhere close to
Saturn you will start talking
higher than the joker.
Saturn’s rings
Saturn’s ring is a very pretty
sight to me but they are not
solid. They are made up of bits
of ice, dust and rock. Some of
these bits are as small as grains
of sand. But some are much
larger; they can be as tall as
building. Most are up to a
kilometer (more than half a
mile) across. The rings are huge
but thin, the rings of Saturn
could go from the earth to the
No, the Sun Isn’t Made Out Of Cheese-Its!
By: Mark Carrillo
Amazingly, the sun is made out of oxygen. However the
oxygen isn’t in the atmosphere its inside of the sun. The sun has
about 850 atoms of oxygen inside of it. Have you ever wondered
how the sun is burning if there is no oxygen space? Yes, things do
need oxygen in order to burn but the sun isn’t burning it’s just
really bright. The sun is also made out of carbon. According to
Webster dictionary carbon is a solid that is a chemical element: it
is found in all plant and animal matter and in rocks, petroleum,
Petroleum-an oily
liquid found in earth in
certain layers of rock.
Carbon-is a solid that is
a chemical element.
Interesting Facts about Uranus
 It has the 4th most mass on in the solar system that’s 14.5 earths
 People thought It was a star until 1781.
 It has rings that are hard to see and it has 27 known moons and it
is named as the sky goddess
 It is the 3rd largest planet in our solar system.
Our Earth’s Moon
The Moons Magic Powers
The moon makes tides too!
By: Alisa Emedi
Special effects happen on the earth because of our moon. One special effect is a tide; this is when
the water on the beach pulls up because of the moons gravitational pull. Then the moon lets it go back down
because it is so tired of holding it for so long. Think of when your little sibling or nephew or niece wants a
piggy back ride and you give it to them for so long you want to drop but they won’t let you. Well that is how
the moon feels about that tide. Now that you know what happens when there is a tide you can kick back and
say I know what is causing this to happen.
Tidal breaking is the second effects that I was talking to you about earlier. This causes the
gravitational pull of the moons length to get larger by 2.3 mille second per century. Think of your height
every year or so you grow by a little and in that little the moon could be growing in length by 2.3 mille
second. Speaking of the gravitational pull all the energy that the earth loses gets directly picked up by the
moon. This causes the moon to get farther away. Every time that you look at the moon and wonder “why is
the moon so far away “just read this paragraph and you will soon understand why. I hope that you now
understand why the moon gets farther away so all your problems revolving around the moon are solved well
kind of.
How far away is the moon?
The average distance from the moon to the earth is
238855 miles. The metric is 384400 kilometers.
The closest distance from the moon to the earth is
225700 miles. The metric is 363300.
The farthest distance from the moon to the earth is
25200 miles. The metric is 405500 miles.
Physical Features of the Moon
By Bianca Knoll
The Moon’s Creation
Sadly the moon is not made out of cheese. But if you
thought that it was then participate in reading this to find
how others thought it was made. There are four theories,
the Fission Theory believes that the moon was separated
from the earth and most believe it to, the Capture Theory
thinks that the moon was formed in a different solar system
but was captured from the gravitational field of the Earth,
the Condensation Theory believes that the moon and the
Earth condensed individually from the nebula that formed
the solar system, and last but not least the Giant Impactor
Theory is certain that a planetesimal the size of Mars struck
earth just after the formation of the solar system. Which do
you believe?
The Moon’s Core
The moon’s core is only 420 miles long
(about 10-16 football fields.) The moon has a
very small core in fact it is only 2% of the moons
mass. The moon’s rocky mantle is made up of a
thick layer of hot, solid rock, iron, and
magnesium. The mantle is about 825 miles
thick! In the past magma in the mantle has
made its way up to the surface and erupted for
more than a billion years.
The Moon’s Mass
The moon’s mass is
actually so big the moon is
considered to be a double
planet!! It is 164 sextillion pounds!!! That is
HUGE!!! The equation to find the mass on your
on is (Fc=mV2/R) but I don’t get it!
Outta This World JOKES!
How do we know that Saturn was married more than once? Because he has a lot of rings.
Which chocolate bars do you eat in space? Milky ways and Mars bars.
When do astronauts have lunch? At launch time.
What do you call a crazy moon? A luna-tick.
Why didn’t the sun go to college? Because he already had a million degrees.
The Life of a Star
How a Star is made!
By :Kelasia Sayaseng
Why do we humans think of a star as a five pointed shape? Stars are actually made of gas! Molecular
gas as a matter of fact. Molecular gas is made of individual atoms, and are formed together as molecules.
Stars are formed by clouds of molecular gas, but are born within clouds of dust that were spread throughout
the galaxy. Stars can be all different shapes and sizes, just depending on how old they are, and how they
grow. The sun is a star too, And as big as it is it can live up to 10 billion years. A star is about a-fourth as big as
the sun. Therefore, a star can live up to about 2 or 3 billion years.
Stars in the Sky
stars can be very bright and, some not so bright.
In addition to that, there may be different
constellations every day. It all depends on what
kind of star or stars they are. Also, some stars can
be very dense. But some not so big. There are
billions of stars in the sky. You may not be
able to see them all but just remember
that they’re there.
Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system it is so
big that 1300 Earths fit inside Jupiter.
It has at least 63 moons!
For Jupiter to be the biggest planet it can move pretty
fast in fact, the planet only takes ten hours to complete
a full rotation.
The roman name of Jupiter is Jupiter
The Greek name of Jupiter is Zeus.
Jupiter is the heaviest planet in
the solar system.
Mercury is one of the hottest
planets and it might have ice.
Mercury has water even through
it near the moon
Venus is the hottest planet in the
solar system not the sun.
Jupiter is the fastest rotating
And Uranus is the coldest place
in the Solar System
Side bar- Uranus is flipped over
on its side
Fun Facts About The Biggest Planet
Gravity is a part of the star life too. It is
what holds the stars. If there wasn’t any gravity
then the stars would probably be floating around
in the atmosphere. You would probably think that
the stars move around
over night and day but
sadly they don’t. The
only reason that you
probably don’t see the
same constellations or
stars, every night is
because its depending on
what star it is, is how
bright it shines. Some
Life Cycles of a Star
By Cindy Arias
A star life cycle is very interesting. How is it interesting you may ask. It is interesting because it has
three life cycles with three different endings.
One life cycle is…. the star is a stellar nebula, a cloud of dust and molecular gas. Then it is an average
size star. An average star is 100 times larger than the earth. Next there is a red giant which is 10 to 100 times
larger than the sun and has a low surface temperature. Fourth, there is a planetary nebula which is glowing
shells of ionized; by the way ionized is a type of gas. And fifth, there is a white dwarf the white dwarf weights
about 340,000 earths! A Second life cycle for a star steps are first, they are a massive star then a super red
giant. A red giant is a bright star because of it big size their size is about 10 to 1500 times bigger than our sun.
Next a super nova which is when a star explosive when it has too much energy and then a black hole .The
third life cycle for a star is the same thing like the second but instead of the black hole it ends up with a
neutron star if you get a teaspoon of a neutron star it weighs about one hundred million tons on earth!
By Kelasia Sayaseng
The origin of Neptune
Neptune is a very interesting planet. It was named after the roman sea
god. It is one of the stormiest planets. The winds on Neptune are stronger than any
other planet. In fact, Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun. Pluto was
originally the farthest. But, now, Pluto is officially not a part of our solar system. So,
Neptune is now the farthest in our solar system. Now, since Pluto is the farthest, it
took a voyager 12 years to reach Neptune. Originally, Neptune was discovered by
three people: Urbane Le Verrier, John Coach Adams, and Johann Galle. They
discovered Neptune as of 166 years ago on September 23rd, 1846.
Neptune is made of many things. It is made of hydrogen, helium, methane
ammonia and water. Hydrogen is a flammable gas in which it has no color or odor.
Helium is a very light weight gas. In fact, it is an inert gas which is the lightest gas of
the gas series. Methane, also an odorless and colorless flammable gas. But, is the
main part of natural gas. Ammonia is also a gas. Ammonia is a gas that dissolves in
water to give a strong alkaline solution.
The making of the planet
Black Holes of the Universe
What Is a Black Hole?
By Charmel Mbala
I know that in some point of time you’ve heard of a black hole, but do you really you know what it is?
A black hole is a place in space where gravity is so powerful that even light can’t escape its grasp. The gravity
is so tough because matter has been squished into a small space. This can happen when a star is near death.
people don’t see black holes because no light can escape; they are invisible. Telescopes with special tools
could help locate black holes and determine how stars that are near becoming a black hole act differently.
Only NASA has these special tools but you could try and get them but it is almost impossible to get them
unless you work for NASA or unless you buy it from the black market.
How small can black holes be?
Matter: A physical substance
Did you ever imagine what the biggest
types of black holes are? Well, thanks for asking
.The biggest black holes are called super massive
black holes. These types of black holes have
masses more than 1 million suns put together.
Scientists have found evidence that every major
galaxy has a super massive black hole at the
center. Our super massive black hole is nick
named Sagittarius. These super massive black
holes have enough mass of 4 million suns, it would
fill a humongous ball that could hold a few million
earths. Now that you know what a black hole is
and the different type of black holes you will know
more about them.
If another black hole
comes near another black
hole it would suck in the
other black hole
Atom: The smallest component of
an element
What are the biggest black holes?
A black hole can either be huge or tiny.
The smallest black holes are as small as one atom,
which is microscopic. One different type of black
hole is called a stellar black hole. Did you know
these black holes masses are 20 times more than
the mass of the sun which is pretty big. There are
numerous black holes in our galaxy also known as
the Milky Way the galaxy where earth is.
Black Holes
By Jason Medina
Have you ever thought that a black hole could devour our earth? Well don’t worry it can be possible
but don’t worry highly unlikely.( One scenario that a black hole could absorb us is if a black hole was rotating
around like a star in the galaxy swallowing stars and planets that are not faster than the speed of light so if a
black hole moved right next to our earth it would absorb us in). Then we would go to the center of the black
hole and get crushed and disappear. Another scenario it’s highly unlikely is because a black hole is bigger
than many suns and if it was gigantic we would orbit around it because of its gravity. My last scenario on why
we wouldn’t get sucked in is if somehow a black hole got really close and sucked us in .So here’s all the facts
now you know that a black hole could suck our earth in but it’s highly unlikely so don’t worry it’s not the end
of the world but wait there’s more but I’m not writing it.
How Are Black Holes Formed?
By Kaiden Griffin
Supermassive black holes- A large black hole.
Supernova: A bright star that burst and ends its life.
Solar system: The system where earth is.
A supermassive black hole has 10,000
more mass than the sun. A black hole is
formed it has such an intense pull it has
one way in and once you enter a black
hole you can’t get out. Once a star
collapses into itself it causes a supernova
that causes a black hole. That’s how black
holes are formed.
This diagram is from Google
Do you think the sun is big enough to
become a black hole ?No it’s only 860,000
miles. A star has to be 10 times as big
that’s 1,266,133,333 feet (that’s a lot of
feet. )To form a black hole a star has to
fall into itself. When a black hole is
formed it sucks in different objects and
gases to make it a supermassive black
hole. When a black hole is formed it can
be a supermassive black hole or a small
black hole they come in many different
sizes it depends on how big the star is.
What Really Happened to Venus?
By Veadey Polk
Venus is a very interesting planet, but
sadly there is no possible way to have human life
there. The reason is because Venus’s orbit makes
it the second planet closest to the sun, making the
planet extremely hot most of the time. The
surface of Venus has a very thick, toxic
atmosphere that traps heat in a “greenhouse
effect”. It has a greenhouse effect because a
greenhouse soaks up hot air and prevents it from
escaping into space. What happens is every 4
earth days the atmosphere is energized by a
hurricane, forced with winds. Traveling roughly
224 miles per hour. This planet has temperatures
hot enough to melt lead! Another reason of why
Venus is so hot is because of its volcanic activity,
Global Warming
Well, in the early days of Venus scientist
were studying Venus and it happened to look very
similar to earth. The two planets were practically
almost identical, because of its size. However,
after a long period of time Venus happened to
actually be very different from earth. Since Venus
is closer to the sun than earth that caused the
planet to change its climate. Scientist thought that
even though it was just a little closer to the sun,
the climate was only supposed to be slightly
warmer than earth. But as the years go by Venus
suddenly started to get warmer by the minute,
and eventually all of the water on Venus
evaporated. Of course not all of the water at
once, but the more water that evaporated the
more the temperature started to rise further.
there are more than 1,000 volcanoes or volcanic
Which caused more water to evaporate, causing
centers that are as large as 12 miles, and many of
the temperature just get higher. This large
them cover Venus’s surface.
amount of evaporation in the atmosphere began a
cycle of global warming that could not be
stopped. Since the increase of the
temperature, today it is most likely that all
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is also the
second smallest planet in the solar system. Mars is
of Venus’s water has evaporated into the
nicknamed the red planet because of its rusty like dust.
atmosphere. Now you know lots of
Mars has been visited by several mars rovers. These
interesting facts about Venus!
He Was Bright Student!
robots collect samples and record important data. Did
you know that the average temperature on Mars is -81
degrees. Mars seasons are twice as long as earth’s
seasons because it takes Mars 687 days to orbit the sun.
That’s twice as many days as the earth takes to orbit the
sun. (365 days). Did you know that Mars is named after
the Roman god of war. Mars has two moons named
Deimos and Phobos. These two moons are irregular
shaped and are as big as the biggest satellite
Alkaline-Having a pH greater than 7
Methane- A colorless flammable gas
Ammonia-A colorless gas
Molecular Gas- Consisting of
Atmosphere-The envelope of gases
surrounding the earth or another planet
Molecules- A group of atoms
Atoms-The basic unit of a chemical
Nebula-A cloud of gas visible at night
Circumference-The enclosing
boundary of a curved geometric figure
Carbon-It’s a solid that’s a chemical
Petroleum-It’s an oily liquid found in
earth in certain layers of rock
Solar System- The collection of planets
and their moons in orbit around the sun
Stellar Nebula- The nebulosity
Gravity-The force that attracts a body
surrounding a star
toward the center of the earth or any other
Super nova-A super nova is a stellar
Gravitational Pull-The attraction
explosion that is more energetic than a
between all the masses in the universe
Helium-Chemical element of atomic 2
Hydrogen-A colorless, odorless, highly
Tidal Breaking-Tidal locking occurs
when the gravitational gradient makes one
side of an astronomical body always face
flammable gas
Ionized-To convert into ions