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Study Guide for Week 29 CCA
1. E _v_o l_u_t i_o_n_, or change over time, is the process by which modern organisms have descended
from ancient organisms
2. A scientific T h_e_o_r y_ is a well-supported, testable explanation of phenomena that have occurred in
the natural world.
3. C h_a_r l_e_s __ D a_r_w i_n__ was an English naturalist who made numerous
observations during his travels on the B e_a_g_l_e_ which led him to pose a hypothesis about
how life changes over time.
4. F o_s_s i_l_s__ are the preserved remains of ancient organisms that provide evidence for how life has
changed over time.
5. Any inherited characteristic that increases an organism’s chance of survival, like webbed feet, sharp
claws, or speed, is called an _A_d a_p_t a_t_i o_n__.
6. The process whereby individuals that are better suited to their environment survive and reproduce more
successfully is called N a_t_u r_a_l___ S e_l_e c_t_i o_n__ , which Darwin nicknamed
S u_r_v i_v_a l__ O f__ T h_e__ F i_t_t e_s_t__.
7. Structures that have different mature forms but develop from the same embryonic tissues are called H
o_m_o l_o_g o_u_s__ S t_r_u c_t_u r_e_s__.
8. Choosing to breed cows that produce the most milk or horses that are the fastest is termed
S e_l_e c_t_i v_e__ B r_e_e d_i_n g__.
9. Charles Darwin’s observations of finches and turtles on the G a_l_a p_a_g o_s_ Islands led to his Theory
of E v_o_l u_t_i o_n__.
10. Even though the Galapagos finches share a common ancestor, they have evolved to fit the ecosystems of
their individual islands. This is an example of D a_r_w i_n_i a_n__ evolution.
May be used more than once
Homologous Structures
Selective Breeding
Survival of the Fittest
Charles Darwin
Natural Selection
Above is a map of the Galapagos Islands and some of the tortoises that live there. Tortoises eat plants
(herbivores.) On one island, plants grow higher off the ground. Which island do you think this is?
Isabela Island
Hood Island
EXPLAIN your answer. Why did you choose the island you did?
____ I chose Hood Island because the population of tortoises on that island have variations (better adapted)
for a longer neck. The vegetation the tortoises eat on the Hood Island grows higher off the ground than the
normal tortoise can reach allowing the longer necked tortoises to get all the food they need to survive and
reproduce the longer necked tortoises.___
Name the steps in natural selection:
__overproduction____________: far more tortoises are produced than can survive
__variation_________________: members of the same species have different lengths of necks
due to mutations
__competition/selection_______: the longer necked (variation) tortoises are better adapted to
survive to reach the more of the available food
__reproduction______________: the better adapted tortoises are able to reproduce passing
along to offspring the new successful longer neck trait
Adaptations: Match the definition to the vocabulary term below:
1. __c___ Structural Adaptation
2. __b___ Behavioral Adaptation
3. __e___ Physiological Adaptation
4. __a___ Mimicry
5. __d___ Camouflage
a. Looking like something dangerous to avoid
i. being eaten
b. How an organism acts that makes it better
i. able to survive in its environment
c. How an organism looks or is built that enables
i. it to survive in its environment
d. Blending into the surroundings to avoid
i. detection (getting eaten!)
e. A particular way an organisms’ body works
i. that allows it to survive in its
ii. environment
Types of Adaptations: Complete the chart. Use the phrase/word list below.
Hollow bones
Webbed feet
Gills in fish
Xylem in plants
Body shape
Birds beak shape
Building a web
Regulation of blood flow
Regulation of body temp
Bird flying
Water holding frog
Producing/spitting venom
Moving in herds
Playing dead
Finding shelter
Squirrel gathering food
building a web
squirrel gathering food
body shape
bird flying
moving in herds
playing dead
webbed feet
birds beak shape
regulation of blood flow
gills in fish
water holding frog
hollow bones
finding shelter
xylem in plants
regulation of body temperature
producing/spitting venom
Mendel’s Genetics:
One of the traits of pea plants that Mendel observed was seed shape. The seeds were either round or wrinkled. Mendel
observed that round seed shape (R) was dominate to wrinkled shape (r).
Complete the punnett square to show the possible offspring of two heterozygous pea plants. Then answer the questions
that follow.
What two forms of the trait for seed shape did Mendel observe? __round and wrinkled________________
What was the phenotype for seed shape of both parent plants? ____Round_________________________
What percentage of the possible types of offspring had the same genotype as the parents? __50%________
What percentage of the possible types of offspring were homozygous? _____________50%_____________
What percentage of the possible types of offspring had the same phenotypes as the parents? ___75%_____
Complete the Venn Diagram for Asexual and Sexual Reproduction. Use the word list below.
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
Diverse offspring
Uniform offspring
1 parent
Uniform offspring
Siblings are exact
Offspring are
DNA passes from
parent(s) to
2 parents
Diverse offspring
Siblings are not
exact copies
Exact copy of
Not identical to
No sex cells
Requires sex cells
(egg & sperm)
Use the following ANSWER BANK to fill in Venn Diagram above:
Offspring are created
DNA passes from parent(s) to offspring
1 parent
2 parents
Diverse offspring
Uniform offspring
Exact copy of parent
Not identical to parent
Siblings are not exact copies
Siblings are exact copies
Requires sex cells (egg & sperm)
No sex cells (egg & sperm)
Short Answer Questions:
1. What is selective breeding? __the process of selecting a few organisms with desired traits to
serve as parents of the next generation__________________________________________
2. Explain what an inherited trait is and give an example. __A physical characteristic that can be
passed down from parent to child through our DNA such as our eye color_____.
3. Explain what an acquired trait is and give an example. __A physical or behavioral trait that we
learn, decide to do, or a tradition we have. An example would be piercing our ears/getting a tatoo.