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Chapter 16
World War is Coming Again!!!
Failures of Treaty of Versailles
• Caused anger instead of peace
• Resentment of western countries by the
Germans and Russians
Stalin and USSR
• Joseph Stalin took control of Russia in
• Everything was for the country/community
• All business and farms were gov’t owned
• By 1937, USSR was 2nd to the USA in
industrial power
• Stalin killed 8-13 million Russians to keep
his power
Fascism and Italy
• Benito Mussolini used fear of communism
and economic collapse to gain support
• 1921, Mussolini assumes power and sets
up the Fascist Party which stresses
nationalism and the “state” above the
• Fascists wore black shirts
• Mussolini was nicknamed “IL DUCE” or
the leader
Nazis and Germany
• 1919, Hitler joins Nazi party
• Hitler was a powerful speaker and quickly
became the party leader
• Hitler called himself the “Fuhrer” or the
• Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle),
which outlined his plan for the Nazi Party
• Hitler wanted to unite all German speaking
people under one great German empire
• Hitler believed Germans were a master
race (Aryan) and the country needed to be
• Nazi’s believed in extreme nationalism and
• Great Depression hit Germany hard just
like the US and allowed Nazi’s to come to
• 1932, Nazis become most powerful
political party
• 1933, Hitler becomes chancellor (prime
minister) and quickly dismantles the
democratic government
• Hitler replaces the Weimar Republic
(Germany) with the Third Reich, or 3rd
German Empire and said it would last for a
thousand years
Heinrich Himmler
• In charge of the SS
• Coordinated the concentration and death
• Oversaw the Gestapo and SS
• Surrendered to the British right before war
ended and killed himself
• Nazi secret police
• Exclusively loyal to Hitler
• Elite soldiers
• Responsible for most of the worst war
• General in charge of the Afrika Corps
• Very well respected by both sides in the
• In charge of German forces on D Day
• Implicated in a plot to kill Hitler
• Committed suicide
Herman Goering
In charge of the Luftwaffe
Tried for war crimes
Sentenced to death for war crimes
Committed suicide
Was Hitler’s 2nd in command
Joseph Goebbels
• Outspoken supporter of the “final solution”
• Close advisor to Hitler
• In charge of propaganda for the Nazi gov’t
Militarism and Japan
• Japan seized China controlled Manchuria
in 1931
• Manchuria was twice the size of Texas
and was rich in natural resources
• League of Nations condemned Japan and
they dropped out
Japanese Soldier Guarding
Great Wall of China
Japanese capture Beijing,
Aggression Around the World
• 1935, Germany pulls out of the League of
• 1935, Germany begins a large military
buildup in violation of Treaty of Versailles
• 1936, Italy invades and takes control of
Ethiopia (North Africa)
Spanish Civil War
• 1936, Spanish soldiers led by Francisco
Franco revolted against the government
• Hitler and Mussolini backed Franco
• 1939, Franco and the revolutionaries win
and set up a Fascist government
Rome Berlin Axis
• Treaty between Mussolini (Italy) and Hitler
(Germany), both fascist dictators
Mussolini and Hitler
USA Response
• Isolationism was the big idea in USA (keep
to ourselves)
• 1935, Congress passed the Neutrality Acts
which outlawed arm sales or loans to
nations at war
Germany Invades
• March 1938, Germany invades Austria
unopposed- The world does nothing
• Germany wanted the Sudatenland part of
Czechoslovakia b/c 3 million Germans lived
• Sept. 1938, Germany gains the Sudatenland
through the Munich Agreement, signed by
France and Great Britain to avoid a full scale war
British Opposition to Munich Treaty
• Winston Churchill said that it promoted
appeasement or giving up principles to
stop an agressor
• Churchill was Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain’s main political rival
German Offensive Begins
• March 1939, Germany invades and takes
• August 1939, USSR and Germany sign a
non-aggression pact which included secret
plans to split up Poland
• Sept. 1, 1939, Germany invades Poland
• German tanks, planes, and soldiers attack
Poland quickly, destroying everything in
• Means “Lighting War”
• Sept. 3, 1939, France and Great Britain
declare war on Germany because of the
Polish invasion
Panzer Tank
Junkers Bomber used in Poland
• French and British armies sat along the
Maginot Line
• German troops sat along the Siegfried
• Germany attacked Norway, Denmark,
Belgium and other coast line countries of
Europe so they could attack Great Britain
Siegfried Line
Maginot Line
• City on the French side of the English
• 400,000 British and French troops were
trapped here by the Germans
• 330,000 escaped by boat
France Falls
• June 1940, Italy and Germany both invade
France and quickly France surrenders
• Hitler set up a “puppet” government in
southern France, based in Vichy
• French General Charles De Gaulle fled to
England and set up a French gov’t in exile
Battle of Britain
• Began summer 1940
• Constant night bombing by the German
Luftwaffe, or air force
• RAF, or Royal Air Force, fought back
V-1 Rockets used by Nazis
• On one day, 2000 planes bombed
• British won the battle because of a new
invention, RADAR
• If British lost the Battle of Britain and the
RAF was destroyed, Germany would have
invaded England uncontested until its
soldiers reached land
Planes used by RAF
Planes used by the Germans
Cash and Carry
• FDR got Congress to approve a cash and
carry policy
– Sell weapons for cash and other countries
had to transport them
Axis Powers
• September 1940, Germany, Italy, and
Japan sign a treaty together and become
the Axis Powers
US Builds up Defenses
• FDR asked Congress to spend more
money on the military and defense
• Congress had the first peace time draft
• US still was not in the war but knew they
could not hold out forever
FDR Wins Re-election
• FDR broke the tradition of a two term
presidency, done out of respect for
George Washington who only served two
• FDR won 55% of the vote
• FDR promised to stay out of the war
Lend Lease Plan
• FDR’s idea and passed by Congress in
• Lend or lease weapons to countries vital to
US security
• Even worked with the USSR who were at
war with Germany after they invaded the
• “hunted” for merchant ships in wolf packs
• Sank as much as 350,000 tons in a month
• Sonar and radar helped to eventual defeat
the U-Boat
• Hitler refused to increase production of the
U-Boat even with its success. This would
be part of the Germany’s downfall
US on verge of War
• More and more US Navy ships and
merchant ships were being attacked
and/or sunk by the German U-Boats
• War seemed imminent
• Began to take over more and more
countries in Asia
• No one stopped them since they were too
busy fighting Hitler in Europe (GB and
• US put a trade embargo on Japan
Japan Attacks
• US broke Japan’s secret military code and
knew they were going to attack the US but
didn’t know where or when
• FDR sent out a war warning to military
commanders in the Pacific Ocean
• Wanted Japan to make the first move
Pearl Harbor
• December 7, 1941 “Day that will Live in
• Lasted for an hour and half
• 2400 killed
• 1100 wounded
• Sunk or damaged 21 ships (almost the
whole pacific fleet)
• 3 aircraft carriers were out to see and
were saved (vital to US winning the war
later on)
• December 8, 1941, USA declares war on
• December 11, 1941, Italy and Germany
declare war on the USA
Two Sides in the War
• US, Great Britain, France, USSR (soviet
union) were known as the Allies
• Italy, Japan, Germany were the Axis