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The Nutrients Lesson
4th Grade Lesson Plan
Introduce the six essential nutrients, their roles in the body, and best food sources.
1. Students will be able to list the 6 nutrients a body needs to be healthy.
2. Students will be able to state the major role of at least 3 of the essential nutrients.
3. Students will be able to select food and/or drink sources of at least 3 of the essential nutrients.
Materials Needed
 MyPlate poster or plate
 Educational Incentive
 Taste Test/Cooking Materials
 Student and Parent Handouts
 Materials for Optional Activities
Talking Points
Who remembers what we talked about last time I was here?
Did you find all 5 food groups at your house? Can someone tell me how many
food groups they ate from this morning at breakfast?
Review Healthy Bodies Lesson
Mind Grabber
Who’s heard the word NUTRIENT before?
o Nutrients are chemical substances that our bodies need to stay alive and
be healthy.
Where do nutrients come from?
o Our bodies cannot make these nutrients (or can’t make enough) - we
must get them from the foods we eat.
How does our body get these nutrients from the food?
o Our bodies have to DIGEST the foods we eat, in order to get the
NUTRIENTS. Digestion just means our body must break the food down
into very small pieces, until it can absorb the even smaller nutrients.
Why do we need these nutrients?
o We know what the definition of a nutrient is and how our body gets
them from food. Now let’s talk about each individual nutrient. I like to
think of them as a superhero squad, because they each have a special
talent or job in our body and they MUST work together to be successful
in making our bodies healthy.
o May I present to you the Superhero Nutrient Squad? Today you will be
introduced to each nutrient superhero and learn what they do in our
bodies and where they get their powers!
July 2016 (MH)
Allow a few students to provide
Optional: Play the “How the Body
Works” Video; Discuss digestion
Show Super Nutrient Squad slide.
Nutrients (4th)
 Our first superhero nutrient is Captain Carbohydrate!
o The scientific name for carbohydrate is saccharide, which means SUGAR,
but not like the white kind you bake cookies with.
o We call him CAPTAIN carbohydrate because he is our main source of
energy. Carbohydrates fuel our bodies and keep us going ALL day long.
o We need carbohydrates for the kidneys, the brain and the muscles
(including the heart) to function properly.
 This nutrient is our main source of energy. Carbohydrates are so important
most experts recommend we get half of our calories from them.
 You can find Captain Carbohydrate on the food label under a few different
names, like Total CHO, which stands for carbohydrate, Sugars, and Fiber.
 Carbohydrates come primarily from plants and you find them in 4 different
food groups on MyPlate and in a few foods in the 5th food group.
o Grains Group: Ask for examples of foods in the grains group. The grains
group is our best source for Captain Carbohydrate. You usually will find a
grain food at every meal and many snacks.
 Why do we need Captain Carbohydrate? That’s right, for energy! Our body
prefers carbohydrates as its fuel.
o Energy is needed to think, play, and even sleep. Our bodies need foods,
like the grains and vegetable group, to live, play, and work.
o This orange line represents energy. How do you think your body would
feel if this was your energy? What kind of foods give you a burst of
energy or make you hyper? Does that energy usually last very long?
That’s right. Foods, like soda, candy, and sugary cereals, do have Captain
Carbohydrate, but not a lot of his fiber. That means the food enters our
stomachs, gives us quick energy, but doesn’t stick around very long.
o What about this orange line? How is this one different from the other
graph? That’s right! This graphs energy last longer and doesn’t shoot up
like the other one. How do you think you would feel with this kind of
energy? Foods, like fruits, nuts, and whole grains would give us this nice
energy boost. They have lots of fiber, which makes the food stick in our
stomachs longer. I keep mentioning this thing called fiber. Let’s talk
about that more.
 What is fiber? Fiber is like a plant’s skeleton or bones. It gives the food shape.
Let’s think of the orange from our last example. What would happen if it lost
all its fiber? It would be orange juice! Which could I eat faster, orange juice or
a whole orange? Just like my mouth, my stomach would also need more time
to digest the whole orange compared to the orange juice. That’s because we
can’t digest fiber!
o If our body CAN’T digest fiber, that means we aren’t getting any energy,
but it does:
o Helps us feel full so we will not eat as much food and we will not feel
hungry too soon after eating the fiber containing food.
o Keeps our digestive system healthy by helping move things through and
getting rid of waste products (poop)
o Helps us to fight disease. A fiber diet helps to prevent heart disease,
diabetes, and some types of cancer.
July 2016 (MH)
Show MyPlate Slide with Captain CHO
Show MyPlate Slide with Grains Group
highlighted and ask for examples of
grains foods.
Show Energy slide with two graphs.
Go to Fiber Slide
Optional: Have one student drink a glass
of orange juice and another eat an
orange slice. Have the class time them.
Nutrients (4th)
 Our next superhero nutrient is Power Protein. Power Protein, like Captain
Carbohydrate, can give the body energy, but her main role is to build YOUR
 Power Protein can be found in all 5 of the healthy food groups, but the
PROTEIN group is our best source. It’s easy to remember because protein is in
the name. Protein foods give us protein nutrients.
 Who can name a food from the Protein group? This is the only food group
where some foods are from an animal and some are from a plant. Let’s name
a couple from each. We used to call this food group, The Meats, Beans, and
Nuts Food Group
 Why is Power Protein so Powerful?
o Because proteins are the building blocks of our bodies! What is this
wall made out of? That’s right, Legos. Like this wall, our bodies are
made out of proteins. Just like there are many protein foods, there
are also many proteins in our bodies. And because we are MADE of
protein, we need it for a few different things.
 PROTEIN: Power protein’s main jobs are to help us…
o Growth: We like to say that proteins are the BUILDING BLOCKS of our
bodies. We are made of protein. So to grow bigger and stronger, your
body needs those building blocks, proteins, to do the job. Almost
every part of our body is made of protein.
o Repair: So if our bodies are built of many different proteins and we
get a cut, burn, or just get sick, what does our body need to fix itself?
More protein or building blocks, kind of like this Lego wall. Imagine
that hole is just a cut on your arm, you need something to close it up
and heal it, that’s protein’s job.
o Build Muscles: Even after we are done growing, our muscles can still
grow and become stronger. Protein plays a big role in building our
muscle strength. Protein is very important to help our muscles heal
after a big workout or a lot of exercise. Who’s ever felt sore after
playing or exercising a lot? I know I have! That’s because we really
worked out our muscles and the soreness we feel is our body healing
itself. Protein is needed in that healing process.
o Satiety: The last reason why we need to eat protein is because it
helps us feel full for a longer period of time. A meal or snack that has
protein takes more time to digest, that means it is in our stomachs
longer. Therefore, we do not feel hungry for a while.
 Our next superhero is Fat Cat. How many hear the word “fat” and think it is a
bad thing?
 Did you know that not all fats are created equal? Everyone needs fat every
day to survive.
o As you see Fat Cat’s mission is to protect your organs, keep you nice and
warm, especially on a cold winter day, and most importantly, fat is
needed for our brains!
o We can also get energy from Fat, but that’s not his main power!
 Just like Captain CHO and Power Protein, Fat Cat is found in all five food
groups. You can see that he is mostly found in the Protein and dairy group,
that’s because those two food groups come from mostly animals!
July 2016 (MH)
Show MyPlate Slide with Power Protein
Ask for examples.
Show Lego slide
Nutrients (4th)
The biggest reason people, even nutritionist, worry about fat is because it can
help OR hurt our hearts!
 First, let’s see how much you know about your heart.
o Where is the heart located? On the left side of the chest.
o How big is your heart? About the size of your fist.
o What does your heart do? Delivers blood to your body.
o What makes your heart strong? Being active and eating the right foods.
o What weakens your heart? NOT being active and eating unhealthy/junk
 So fat can help or hurt your heart. That’s because there isn’t just ONE type of
fat. There are three! Some are helpers and others can be harmful. Let’s meet
three of Fat Cat’s relatives.
o Un is short for unsaturated fat.
 Unsaturated fat is the healthy type of fat that helps your heart stay
 Un is found mainly in liquid fats (oils) from plants (like olives) and
fish; nuts and seeds, such as walnuts, peanuts and sunflower
seeds; and avocados.
 Un is very important for our brains!
o Say hello to Sat, short for saturated fat. Too MUCH of Sat can be harmful
for our hearts.
 Sat is found mainly in solid fats from animals (like beef), dairy
products (in whole milk and cheese), butter, and some liquid oils,
called tropical oils such as coconut oil.
 Many of these foods are good for us because they have Power
Protein and Captain Carbohydrate too!
 We can enjoy Sat foods every once in a while!
o Now, let’s meet Sat’s brother, Trans.
 Trans is sometimes found in sweets, like cakes, cookies, and
doughnuts and greasy foods, like chips and French fries.
 Trans fat foods can stay on shelves for a very long time, but aren’t
not good for our hearts at all!
 We should avoid these foods as much as possible.
o Remember, we want to go for “Un” every day and “Trans” only on the
weekends! And “Sat” is somewhere in the middle.
 The easiest way to remember which fats are best for you, is to go
for the foods that look the most like they do in nature. An avocado
would grow on a tree just like this (point to picture) and our
salmon has just been cooked. Whereas, our chips come from
potatoes, but don’t look it anymore.
 Our next superhero nutrient is Vita-Man and Mighty Mineral. Vita-Man’s
mission is to support Captain CHO, Power Protein, and FatCat. Without Vitaman, these other superhero nutrients wouldn’t be able to do their own jobs!
Vita-Man is like a sidekick.
 Mighty Mineral is similar to Vita-Man, but has different jobs in the body. VitaMan and Mighty Mineral often work together in the body.
 There are over 34 vitamins and minerals needed to be healthy. Vita-Man and
Mighty Mineral are different from the other Superhero Nutrients we have
July 2016 (MH)
Vita-Man Slide
Mighty Mineral Slide
Nutrients (4th)
learned about because they do not provide our body with calories. We cannot
get ENERGY from these nutrients, but they help our body in many other ways.
How do you know if you are getting all these nutrients?
o Vitamins and Minerals can be found in all 5 food groups. The easiest way
to make sure you get some of everything is have good variety in what you
o More importantly, that means eating lots of fruits and vegetables, which
is one of Vita-man and Mighty Mineral’s best sources of power. Who can
name a few from each food group?
o We just learned that both these food groups are full of vitamins and
minerals. How else are they alike or similar? That’s right, they are very
colorful and both come from plants. We, nutritionist, like to say eat a
rainbow, which simply means eat lots of your colorful fruits and
o Each color contains different nutrients to help our bodies. As you can see,
each color is very important to our body’s health.
Now let’s look at two examples of how vitamins and minerals help our bodies
Vitamin A
 The first job we are going to talk about is one you may know. Who’s heard
that carrots are good for our eyes?
 That’s because they contain Vitamin A! Do you know how vitamin A works?
o Have you noticed that when you first go to bed, or go into a dark room
like a movie theater, you can’t see a thing? Then your eyesight gets better
and you can start to see things in the dark room. That is vitamin A at
o Your pupils are the center of your eye. They are like a little window that
opens and closes to control how much light is let into your eye. When
you walk into a dark room, your eyes need a moment to dilate your pupil
(or open the center of your eye) and let in more light. As your pupils get
larger, the better you can see. The opposite is also true. When you leave
a dark room and step out into the sun, your pupil’s shrink down to block
out the light.
o You can actually watch this happen in a mirror. Just go into a dark room
with a mirror. Make it as dark as it can get. Flip on the light and stare at
the center of your eyes in the mirror. You can watch your pupil change.
That is done directly by vitamin A which you get from food like carrots
and sweet potatoes.
 Where do we find vitamin A?
o We already mentioned carrots. Vitamin A is in a lot of orange foods, like
sweet potatoes, butternut squash, mangoes, apricots, and cantaloupe.
There is also a green vegetable. As you will learn, green vegetables have a
lot of great nutrients, not just vitamin A!
MyPlate with all food groups Slide
Fruit and Vegetable Food Group Plate
Fruit and Vegetable Posters
Fruit and Vegetable Rainbow Slide
Vitamin A Slide
Vitamin A Food Source Slide
Calcium and Bone Slide
 Now let’s talk about one of Mighty Mineral’s major jobs - Building strong
bones and teeth!
o Why are strong bones and teeth important? That’s right! Bones and teeth
need to be strong because of all the work we put on them. Imagine
July 2016 (MH)
Nutrients (4th)
chewing food with weak teeth bones or trying to stand up straight with a
fragile back bone. We couldn’t!
o Our bones AND teeth are made of calcium. In fact, almost all of your bone
IS Calcium. Calcium is what gives them structure and strength!
 Bone are constantly building and rebuilding, especially during
times of growth. Because our bones are always rebuilding, we
need to always make sure we have enough calcium in our bodies
to keep our bones strong!
 The best way to do that is to make sure you eat your dairy foods,
like milk and cheese, but you can also find lots of calcium in those
dark green vegetables.
 Our last Superhero Nutrient is Wonder Water! What food group does water
belong in? No food group!
 Water does not belong in any of our 5 healthy food groups, but she is an
essential nutrient.
 Wonder Water’s mission is to hydrate our bodies. Does anyone know what
hydrate or dehydrate means? That’s right! To supply the body with enough
water to live and be healthy.
o If hydrate means to give the body enough water, dehydrate means the
body is LOSING water. Is being dehydrated a good thing? (no)
o That’s right! Dehydration is a very bad thing. We need plenty of water to
be our best.
 We are made of water, just like we are made of protein. Water is needed in
almost every function in our body and without it, we start to feel bad very
o The first sign you are dehydrated or need water is a dry mouth. You feel
thirsty. Once you feel thirsty, that means your body has needed water for
a while! So go get a drink of water.
o A lot of people don’t know that not drinking enough water can make you
tired. Often, adults will just drink more coffee, when really they need to
go for a glass of water.
o Cramps, feeling sick like nausea, and dark urine come when you are
REALLY dehydrated. We can feel cramps because water is needed to help
you flex your muscles.
o Finally, if you go to the bathroom and your pee is a dark yellow, YOU
NEED WATER! If that happens to you, you should leave the bathroom,
wash your hands (of course) and go get a drink of water. Your body is
trying to send you a message 
Calcium Food Source Slide
Wonder Water Slide
Body with Water Slide
Nutrient Review Slide
 Those are our Superhero Nutrients! We won’t be spending too much more
time on these guys this year, but you will see them from time to time. Let’s
quickly review their major powers and missions in our bodies!
 We learned a lot today! Just remember the best way to know if you are getting
all six of the essential SUPERHERO nutrients is to eat a variety of foods from
ALL FIVE of the healthy FOOD GROUPS!
July 2016 (MH)
Nutrients (4th)
Activity: Which Nutrient “Super Hero” will come to the rescue?
Tell students there are some problems in Nutrientville. You need them to tell you
which Nutrient “Super Hero” can come to the rescue! (Nutritionist will introduce
six scenarios to students. After each scenario, students will identify which Nutrient
“Super Hero” and/or food source that would be able to resolve the situation with
the help of that nutrient’s functions.)
Scenario #1
John and Fernando are playing basketball in the hot summer sun. John
misses a shot. The boys get tired and begin overheating with sweat
dripping down their faces. John and Fernando have to stop their game of
one-on-one basketball because they’re too hot and thirsty to continue.
What Nutrient “Super Hero” could solve their problem? Who will come to
the rescue? (Wonder Water!)
Scenario #2
Active and athletic, Jose, rollerblades across the sidewalk and flies off a
ramp, flailing into a huge crash. Even though Jose was wearing his helmet,
kneepads and wrist pads, he has fallen and hurt his arm. His doctor has
determined that it is broken and puts a cast on Jose. In order to help the
bones heal properly, what Nutrient “Super Hero” does Jose need? Who
will come to the rescue? (Mighty Mineral and/or Vita-Man!)
Scenario #3
Mrs. Ryan, Stephanie’s and Chris’ 5th grade teacher, has asked them to stay
after school to help her move some books and rearrange some desks.
Stephanie and Chris are excited to help their teacher, but soon after they
begin, they both start to feel weak. “These desks are too heavy”, says
Stephanie. “I don’t have the strength to lift them”, says Chris. “Same
here”, exclaims Stephanie, “I feel like I have no strength left in my
muscles!” Which Nutrient “Super Hero” could solve her problem? Who
will come to their rescue? (Power Protein)
Scenario #4
Germaine, wearing a light-weight blue jacket, is walking to school. The sun
is out and the temperature is already 65 degrees this morning. But
Germaine is cold and shivering on his way to school. The other kids are
walking by without jackets and feeling fine. Germaine sits down to rest
and to try to get warm, but he knows he has to get right back up or he’ll be
late for school. Which Nutrient “Super Hero” could come to the rescue?
(Fat Cat!)
Scenario #5
Young Ashanti overslept this morning and rushed out the door without
eating breakfast. She struggles to stay awake in her 4th grade classroom,
July 2016 (MH)
Nutrients (4th)
unable to focus on her teacher’s lessons. Ashanti doesn’t have any energy.
She can’t keep up with the lesson being taught because she’s so tired.
What Nutrient “Super Hero” could give Ashanti more energy? (Captain
Scenario #6 (Optional: if Vitamin A is discussed)
Antonia and Jessica are playing tag at night with some of the other
neighborhood kids. Antonia is chasing Jessica. All of a sudden Jessica runs
into a tree with Antonia following. “Ouch”, screams Jessica, “where did
that come from? I couldn’t see that tree at night!” Which Nutrient “Super
Hero” could help her solve her problem? Who will come to the rescue?
(Vita Man!)
Look at the food labels around your house and see if you can find any of the nutrients we discussed today! Next
class, we will talk all about food and nutrition labeling.
Reflection Question - Journals
Think about what you ate yesterday. What Superhero Nutrients were in your food? How do you think they
powered your body?
Taste Test Ideas
Superhero Smoothie
Basil Hummus Wraps
Spinach Cheese Quesadilla with Black Bean Mango Salsa
Student Handouts
Parent Handouts
Today in Nutrition… MyPlate with Superhero Nutrients
Superhero Smoothie Recipe
Lesson Roadmap
Mind Grabber
o What is a nutrient?
o Introduce Superhero Nutrients
o Carbohydrates
o Protein
o Fat
o Vitamins and Minerals
o Water
Reflection Journal Activity (Optional)
Durham County Department of Public Health Nutrition Division (919) 560-7837. This material was funded by the SNAP-Ed Nutrition Education and Obesity
Prevention Grant Program. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis
of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Offices of Civil Rights,
1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and
employer. SNAP, or Food and Nutrition Assistance, provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better
diet. To find out more, call (919) 560-8000.
July 2016 (MH)
Nutrients (4th)
July 2016 (MH)
Nutrients (4th)