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Bellwork 2/24/15
1. Northerners who came South to seek political and business
opportunities during the period of Reconstruction were called what?
a. scalawags
b. sharecroppers
c. carpetbaggers
d. freedmen
Answer: C
2. The years immediately following the Civil War were called what?
a. Reunification
b. Prohibition
c. Reconstruction
d. Nationalism
Answer: C
 Notes/Discussion: Reconstruction
Key Focus:
•  Impact of Reconstruction in the South
•  Presidential & Congressional Reconstruction Plans
  Student Group Activity: Complete Chart
analyzing presidential & congressional plans
  Closure: Using your white boards, list one plan for
reconstruction along with one idea from its policy
  Reflection: Students are to choose one
Reconstruction Plan that they favor and explain
why they support it
Quick Review
Civil War- A civil war is a war
between people of the same country.
• The American Civil War was fought to
keep the South from leaving the
• Slavery was the major issue that
separated the North from the South.
• Worst Civil War in America
• Union v/s Confederates (American Civil
• Military Revolt v/s Republican
Government (Spanish Civil War)
• North Korea v/s South Korea (Korean
• World War I
• American Revolution
• Cold War
Focus Statement
Analyze the development of
Reconstruction policy, plans, and
its impact on the South
How many of you have ever
moved to a new house due to
relocation, fire, etc.?
•  A period from 1865-1877 that involved
rebuilding the South
•  Almost 620,000 Americans lost their lives
in 4 years of fighting, making the WBS the
most costliest conflict in American history
•  Bitterness over the war lasted for a long
•  About 4 million slaves freed
Key Questions
1.  How do we
bring the
South back
into the Union?
2. How do we
rebuild the
South after its
during the war?
4. What branch
of government
should control
the process of
3. How do we
integrate and
protect newlyemancipated
black freedmen?
Reconstruction in the South
Economic Issues
•  The infrastructure of the South was destroyed by the Civil War.
(Roads, buildings, and the railroad needed to be rebuilt)
•  The South still wanted a source of cheap labor
Social Issues
•  The 13th Amendment ended slavery and the southern states had to
reconcile this
•  Women and blacks hoped to gain civil rights
Political Issues
•  States had to rewrite their constitutions
Geographic Issues
•  The South consisted mainly of rural towns. There were very few
Travel Journal Imagine that you are
traveling through the South during
Reconstruction. Create a journal
describing what you see. Be sure to
include the geographics, the people
(social), economic issues etc.
Using your whiteboards, list some key
concerns for rebuilding the South
How Do You Make a Peanut
Butter & Jelly Sandwich? `
• Create a list of steps that
are necessary to make a
peanut butter and jelly
Focus Statement
Analyze the development of
Reconstruction policy and its impact in
South Carolina, including the Presidential
and Congressional Reconstruction Plans
Presidential Reconstruction
What are the pros and cons of these plans?
8-5.1 Analyze the development of Reconstruction Policy and its impact
in South Carolina including, the presidential and congressional
reconstruction plans
•  Students will complete chart analyzing the
reconstruction plans
•  I Do: The teacher will model using
informational text to find relevant information
on the policies and plans during
reconstruction using a graphic organizer
•  We Do: Work together on various plans and
how they impacted South Carolina.
•  You Do: The students will complete the
graphic organizer
•  Students will then share responses
President Lincoln’s Plan
« 10% Plan
Proclamation of Amnesty and
Reconstruction (December 8, 1863)
Replace majority rule with “loyal rule” in
the South.
He didn’t consult Congress regarding
Pardon to all but the highest ranking
military and civilian Confederate
When 10% of the voting population in the
1860 election had taken an oath of
loyalty and established a government, it
would be recognized.
Focus Statement
Analyze the development of
Reconstruction policy, plans, and
its impact on the South
President Johnson’s Plan (10%+)
«  Offered amnesty upon simple oath to all except
Confederate civil and military officers and those with
property over $20,000 (they could apply directly to
«  In new constitutions, they must accept minimum
conditions repudiating slavery, secession and state debts.
«  Named provisional governors in Confederate states and
called them to oversee elections for constitutional
1. Disenfranchised certain leading Confederates.
2. Pardoned planter aristocrats brought them back
to political power to control state organizations.
3. Republicans were outraged that planter elite
were back in power in the South!
Focus Statement
Analyze the development of
Reconstruction policy, plans, and
its impact on the South
Radical Republican’s Plan for
•  All person involved in the war on the Confederate side could not hold
public office
•  Black males gained the right to vote. White males who participated
in the Confederacy lost the right to vote
•  Southern states would be readmitted to the union after they wrote a
new constitution that was approved by Congress
•  State constitutions had to be approved by eligible voters in the state
•  Each state had to approve the 14th Amendment, which established
U.S. citizenship, “equal protection or the laws” and ‘due process of
the law”
•  The South was divided into five military districts. North and South
Carolina were part of the 2nd District
14th Amendment
« Ratified in July, 1868.
Provide a constitutional guarantee of the
rights and security of freed people.
Insure against neo-Confederate political
Enshrine the national debt while repudiating
that of the Confederacy.
« Southern states would be punished for
denying the right to vote to black
•  Using your white boards, students
will list and explain each of the
Reconstruction Plans
Lesson Overview: Reconstruction
Plans of the South
Johnson Plan which was similar to Lincoln’s had a few differences. Johnson’s plan did have
the same ideas as Lincoln yet he did have certain ambiguities one included the right to grant
pardons to the same people that he claimed he wanted exclude power from. Doing this did not
help the reconstruction plan it only irritated Northerners who saw senators of former offices in
the Confederacy reclaiming their places in U.S. senates. This was not very logical on
Johnson’s part of a plan.
The Radical Republicans (Congressional) only sought to help white Northerners. That is why
they would create a Black Code, or even suggest that blacks stay in the South. If the blacks
were to come to the North it would probably mean fewer jobs for white Northerners, or even
competing for them. For a political group to want something so badly that they would consider
hurt a people for their own benefit it seems cruel. Lincoln’s reconstruction plan probably did not
go into full effect but it was still more logical than the other two plans.
Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan was the most logical due to facts that he had thought put into
the plan he knew no more that 10 percent of people would all have a loyalty oath, there was no
exceptions in his plan whatever was said was done, and he did create laws for his own personal
benefit. Lincoln’s reconstruction plan sought to reincorporate the South back into the Union,
and was for an enhancement of the U.S.
•  Students are to choose one Reconstruction
Plan that they favor and explain why they
support it
•  If students do not agree with any of the plans,
they are to create a list of ideas they would
have included in their own plan
•  Divide into small groups, and share your
•  Using the paragraphs as a guide, create a
graphic identifying the strengths and
weaknesses of each plan
Materials Needed
SC Standards
Text book
Informational Text
Document Camera/Promethean Board
Teacher Created Notes
Teacher Created Graphic Organizers
Study Guides/Test