Download the Moon? The Moon has no wind or water to erode the craters

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Chapter 17
Study Sheet
1. If you think you see a shooting star at night, what did you
really see? Meteor
2. Why do craters last for millions of years on the surface of
the Moon? The Moon has no wind or water to erode
the craters
3. In a 24-hour period, Earth completes one rotation
on its axis.
4. What shape is the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?
5. Write the correct order of the planets from the Sun?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, Pluto
6. What is gravity? It is the Earth’s pulling force that
makes things fall or gives things weight.
7. How do the planets stay in their orbits?
The gravitational pull of the Sun keeps the planets in
their obits.
8. What causes the temperatures at the North and South poles
to remain so cold throughout the year? The tilt of
the Earth on its axis.
9. Why do most of the asteroids in the asteroid belt stay in
the asteroid belt? Jupiter’s gravity
Short Answer:
10. What causes Mars and Saturn to have years of different
length? Mars and Saturn have years of different lengths
because their revolutions around the Sun take
different amounts of time. Mars is closer to the Sun,
travels faster, and in a smaller orbit. Saturn moves
more slowly and has a longer orbit.
11. How does Earth rotation on its axis help keep the planet at
proper temperature for life? The Earth rotates quickly
on its axis, causing day and night to quickly follow
each other in a short period of time. This is what
helps keep temperatures mild enough for life.
If Earth rotated more slowly, days would be too long
and hot and nights would then be too long and
too cold.
12. Be able to draw an illustration to show which hemisphere
is having summer or winter.