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The Maya, Aztec and Inca Civilizations Name:_____________ The Maya: People of Mystery 1. When was the Maya civilization at its strongest? __________________________ 2. What did archeologists find about the Maya? (list at least 4 things) ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 3. How do we know that religion was important to the Maya? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 4. How does Popol Vuh explain the difference between the people and gods? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 5. Describe pok-­‐ta-­‐pok. Give details._________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is a city-­‐state? _____________________________________________________ 7. What is a hieroglyph? ___________________________________________________ Make a Scrapbook Imagine you are an adventurer returning from the ruins of Tikal or Copan. Create a scrapbook page depicting what you saw and experienced. Make sure with each picture you add a caption labeling what it is. Maya Science and Daily Life 1. Why was it important for Maya priests to develop a calendar? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. What was the Sacred Round? ___________________________________________ 3. What contribution did the Maya make to mathematics? ____________________________________________________________________ 4. How did the Maya use their knowledge of astronomy to locate their temples? Give an example. ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 5. What happened to the Maya? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ Compare today’s modern calendar with the Maya calendar. Maya Today The Aztecs: Soldiers of Blood 1. What does legend say about the founding of Tenochtitlan? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did the Aztecs build and control a powerful empire? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 3. What were the major Aztec beliefs? How were the beliefs linked to their society? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why did the Aztecs want prisoners of war? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 5. A symbol is a picture that represents ideas beyond its actual image. For example, what does a heart usually represent? _____________ This suggests that strength and victory were important to the Aztecs. Draw a symbol that represents what values are important to you. Tenochtitlan: City of Wonder 1. What features made Tenochtitlan a difficult place to farm and build? How did the Aztecs solve this problem? _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ 2. What feature of Tenochtitlan shows that religion was important in Aztec life? _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ 3. What features of the Maya culture reappeared in the Aztec society? (list at least 3) _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ 4. Why did the Aztecs believe that the world might be coming to an end during the reign of Montezuma? _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ 5. Create a codex. Use pictures and symbols to tell the story of an event in Aztec history or daily life. Options: a battle, the crowning of an emperor, the building of a raft island or a day at the market. The Incas: Lords of the Mountains 1. Name four types of lands that made up the Inca Empire. ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who was the Sapa Inca and how did he rule? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 3. What happened to crops and goods the Inca workers produced? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 4. How was the Inca attitude toward warfare similar to that of the Aztecs? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ Diary Entry Take the role of either a Sapa Inca, a Inca Noble, or a warrior. Write a diary entry describing a day in their life. Include their feelings about their place in society and toward other social classes. For example, a Sapa Inca truly believed he was the son of a god, all boys were taught that being a man meant being a warrior. Dear Dairy, ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ Inca Engineering 1. Why was the Royal Road such an impressive engineering feat? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did the Incas treat people they conquered? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did the Incas keep their empire together without a written language? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 4. Pros and Cons: What are the pros and cons of being an Inca? Pros Cons 5. Examine this picture of Machu Pichu. Why do you think the Incas built it so high in the Andes? What do these ruins tell us about the way the Incas lived? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ The End of Two Empires 1. How was the reaction of Montezuma II and Atahualpa to the Spaniards’ arrival similar? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did bad feelings within the Aztec Empire help the Spaniards? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 3. What other factors allowed the Spanish to rapidly overthrow the Aztec and Inca Empires? (List at least 4) ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 4. The Spaniards received a surprisingly warm greeting from the Inca people. Why do you think that was? ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ 5. Illustrate each event of this timeline. Draw the illustration under and around each line. 1519-­‐ Cortes and his forces arrive in Mexico 1521-­‐Fall of Tenochtitlan ensures the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire. 1527-­‐ Pizarro and his troops reach Cuzco. 1534-­‐ Cuzco and Quito have fallen, completing the Spanish conquest of Peru. Comparing the Maya, Aztec and Inca Civilizations It can be confusing to learn about three different people in one unit. Let’s be sure you know the facts and differences about all of these people. On this page you will find facts about the three civilizations. Write each one in the correct box on the following page. Be sure to look back at the chapters if you are not sure. •
Tenochtitlan was an important city in this empire. If you traveled to this empire, you could visit Machu Picchu. Cuzco and Quito were important cities in this empire. An ancient map would show Copan and Chichen Itza in this empire. The major city in this empire was built on an island in the middle of a lake. In this empire, you might use a quipu for counting. This empire controlled a large group of city-­‐states on the Yucatan Peninsula. The people in this empire calculated that here were 365.2422 days in one year. Montezuma II was once emperor of this empire. Francisco Pizarro destroyed this empire. Llamas were important to this people. Pok-­‐ta-­‐pok was a game this civilization played. This society believed that the gods controlled all natural events. Mayas Aztecs Incas Review of the Ancient Civilizations 1. Where did the Maya build their civilization? _________________________ 2. What three things would you find in the Maya city of Tikal? ________________________________________________________________ 3. The Maya did not develop which of the following? a. Scientific tools b. A system of numbers c. A system of writing d. A calendar 4. What were the largest and most important buildings in Maya cities? _________________________________________________________________ 5. Where did the Aztecs build their civilization? ________________________________________________________________ 6. What did the Aztecs do before their built their empire? ________________________________________________________________ 7. The Aztecs became known as what? ________________________________ 8. Which of the following was not a feature of the Aztec civilization? a. Offering of human sacrifices b. Constant warfare c. Soalr calendar d. Society centered around religion 9. Who was the ruler of the Aztec Empire in 1519? _________________________ 10. How would you describe the Aztec government? _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ 11. What was unusual about the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan? _____________________________________________________________________ 12. Why did the Aztecs constantly wage war? _____________________________________________________________________ 13. What region did the Incas rule? ________________________________________ 14. What mountain range extends through the middle of the Inca Empire? ___________________________________________________________________ 15. Who was the Sapa Inca? ____________________________________________ 16. Who was He-­‐Who-­‐Sees-­‐Everything? __________________________________ 17. What was an important animal for the Inca People? ______________________ 18. What was the purpose of a quipu? _____________________________________ 19. How were the Incas able to farm on mountainsides? ___________________________________________________________________ 20. What do Cuzco, Machu, Picchu and Quito have in common? ___________________________________________________________________ 21. What three great achievements did the Inca Engineers have? __________________________________________________________________ 22. What kind of adjectives would you use to describe the greeting the Aztecs and Incas gave the Spanish? _____________________________________________ 23. Who led the Spanish invasion of the Aztec Empire? ________________________ 24. What did Montezuma and Atahualpa have in common? ____________________________________________________________________ 25. Name three reasons why the Spanish were so successful in conquering the Aztec and Inca empires? _____________________________________________________________________