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The Integumentary System - guided notes
Integument is skin. Skin and its____________ make up the integumentary system.
A fatty layer (____________) lies deep to it
Two distinct regions. Epidermis and the __________
Functions of skin
 Cushions and insulates and is ____________
Screens UV
 Protects from chemicals, heat, cold, bacteria
2. _________vitamin D with UV
4. Prevents unnecessary water loss
3. Regulates ______ _________
5. Sensory reception (nerve endings)
 Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium ___to ___ cells thick about as thick as a page.
 Four types of cells
 Keratinocytes – deepest, produce keratin (tough fibrous_______)
 ____________- make dark skin pigment melanin
 Merkel cells – associated with ________nerve endings
 Langerhans cells – macrophage-like dendritic cells
 Layers (from deep to superficial)
 Stratum basale or germinativum – single row of cells attached to dermis; youngest
 Stratum spinosum – spinyness is artifactual; tonofilaments (bundles of protein)
resist tension
 Stratum granulosum – layers of flattened keratinocytes producing keratin
(______and _______ made of it also)
 Stratum lucidum (only on _______ and ________)
 Stratum corneum – horny layer (cells dead, ________layers thick)
Four basic types of tissue
1. ______________– epidermis just discussed
3. _____________ tissue
2.____________ ________– dermis
4. ____________ tissue
 Strong, _________ connective tissue: your “hide”
 Cells: fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, WBCs
 Fiber types: collagen, _______, reticular
 Rich supply of________ and _________
 Critical role in _________ regulation (the vessels)
 Two layers (see next slides)
 __________– areolar connective tissue; includes dermal papillae
 Reticular – “reticulum” (network) of collagen and reticular fibers
Fingerprints, palm prints, footprints
The________ is the receptive site for the pigment of tattoos
 ____________” (Gk) = below the skin
 “Subcutaneous” (____) = below the skin
 Also called “superficial fascia”
“fascia” (Latin) =band; in anatomy: sheet of connective tissue
 Fatty tissue which stores fat and_______ skin (areolar tissue and adipose cells)
 Different patterns of accumulation (male/female)
Skin color
Three skin pigments 1.Melanin: the most________ 2.________: from carrots and yellow vegies
3. Hemoglobin: the _______ of light skin
Integumentary system continuedMelanin in granules passes from melanocytes (same number in all races) to keratinocytes
in stratum basale
Digested by lysosomes - Variations in color - Protection from UV light vs vitamin D?
Skin appendages
 Derived from epidermis but extend into dermis
 Include: 1. Hair and hair follicles
3. Sweat (sudoiferous) glands
2. Sebaceous (oil) glands
4. Nails
 Of hard keratin
Corresponds to hooves and claws
Grows from nail_______
Functions of hair
1-_______ – less in man than other mammals 2- ____ light touch of the skin 3- Protection scalp
- ______imbedded in skin - _____ projecting above skin surface -Make up of hair – hard _____
-Three concentric layers:
1. Medulla (core) 2. Cortex (surrounds medulla) 3. Cuticle (single layers, overlapping)
Types of hair
Vellus:_____, _____hairs - Intermediate hairs -_________: longer, courser hair –
Hair growth: averages __ mm/week Active: growing -Resting phase - then shed
Hair loss: Thinning –_____ _______- Male pattern baldness
Hair color
Amount of melanin for black or brown; distinct form of melanin for red
White: decreased melanin and air bubbles in the medulla
Genetically determined though influenced by hormones and environment
Sebaceous (oil) glands
Entire body except palms and______ -Oils and___________
Sweat glands
-Entire skin surface except nipples and part of external genitalia -Prevent ____________
500 cc or about__liters a day! (is mostly water) - Humans most efficient (only ________have)
-Produced in response to stress as well as heat
Disorders of the integumentary system
Burns: - Threat to life - Catastrophic loss of body fluids -Dehydration and fatal circulatory
shock - Infection
First degree – epidermis: redness (e.g.________)
Second degree –_________and _______ ________: blister
Third degree - full thickness
-Skin cancer
Tumors of the skin
_______, e.g. warts
Cancer – associated with UV exposure (also skin aging)
-Aktinic keratosis – premalignant -Basal cell - cells of stratum basale - Squamous cell Melanoma – melanocytes: most dangerous; recognition:
A –_________ B - _________ irregularity
C – Colors
D - Diameter larger than__mm